This article details circumstance after circumstance that the headline is true; even with cases involving force or animals with the children. May make you re-think your thoughts about `progressive' Canada when you read this slop - Pot Growers Worse Than Child Molestors Says Canada - Today's B.S. Lead Story.
Need Money? Well, if you have gonads the size of grapefruits - how about starting your own FAKE Bank like this Kansas City man? - Issues 100 Million In False Financial Documents - but, then again, he's now paid off his student loans and bought a house.
Does the OMB Director have the STUPIDEST and most childlike signature in Washington D.C.? Today's B.S. Thinks So . BS Politics.
Speaking of politics - check out this comparison between the USA and Cuba (of all places right?) - Which County Has Fewer Births Per Woman? - Stewable.
Want a (short) Heavy Read? The Purpose Of Purpose.
Today's UFO video is of strange Orbs in North Carolina.
Finally, On Squidoo I'm known as the AnomalyMan, and with a click you can see the amazing Archive.
If you can enter an ISBN number into a box - the site below can make you money.
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Camera Sunglasses - For Sporting Events, ETC
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Iowa Woman Attacks Boyfriend For Sex Turndown
The above woman was also convicted of domestic assault in 2009. This time around, outside house damage was also reported; as was `smelling of alcohol' and slurred speech: Another tease:
"All I want is a piece of (expletive), is that too much to ask for?" she told police, according to the complaint.
More Luridness Here - Today's B.S.
Police: Iowa City Woman Deemed Too Drunk For Bikini Wax, Attacks Employee with Towel - AND, you have to read how and why she was caught after fleeing the salon - Right Here. Is the upcoming political primary in Iowa driving them nuts?
Today's B.S. almost always contains some `paranormal'. And, part of the `paranormal' these days is some folks claiming to be or see `hybrids' - get that video at Strange UFO Videos.
Not all politics on Today's B.S. will be - well - ...... BS. Here's a small glimmer of hope as the MSM gives Ron Paul's 11 point plan a Review. Has Hermain Cain's poll numbers scared the MSM?
Now here's some B.S. - `Doomsday' Cuts Could Kill Military - you mean, such as what Ron Paul suggests in reducing the presence of the USA abroad?
B.S. Politics.
DADT was dropped from the military - here's a link to over 2000 Reactions. Today's B.S. - Barfing It Up. Bringing all viewpoints.
Sky Noise Phenomena - Sept. 9th - Northern California. 850 views.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Economic Fears Help Psychics BOOM In The Omaba Recovery
Today, yet another indication of the expanding economy we keep hearing about from the Obama administration - seems that Psychics are benefiting from the Desparate Economic Conditions and, as Barfsters know, it's all part of TOR - The Obama Recovery. (Hit the term in the tags for more sectors of the society booming during TOR).
Regardless of the above - Barf Stew Entertains with a sexy picture - Honey, The Maid Is Here - can you say BUSTY?
Politics, check. Sexy Pic, check. Must be time for some `paranormal' ...... Dan Aykroyd talks UFOs, recounts phone conversation with Britney Spears interrupted by Men in Black (yes, really) - and that story is right Here almost stewable.
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

Click picture or link for info.
Yes, a small vacation from BS and a return with a new look and even a new name in a sense. That said, while some changes will be coming, the evolution will be slow, ...... so slow as to have some say that there is no such thing as evolution.
Regardless of the above - Barf Stew Entertains with a sexy picture - Honey, The Maid Is Here - can you say BUSTY?
Politics, check. Sexy Pic, check. Must be time for some `paranormal' ...... Dan Aykroyd talks UFOs, recounts phone conversation with Britney Spears interrupted by Men in Black (yes, really) - and that story is right Here almost stewable.
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America
Yes, a small vacation from BS and a return with a new look and even a new name in a sense. That said, while some changes will be coming, the evolution will be slow, ...... so slow as to have some say that there is no such thing as evolution.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sexy Shorpy Girls
Beauty follows these time travelers into the present from @ 90 years ago - make SURE to click the picture to enlarge these beauties. And, who's your favorite (use comments)? Miss Chicago? Colorado? BS Entertains.

BTW, I appreciated that Amazon Purchase yesterday by one of my blog readers. Thanks.
Haven't done one of those Sky Noises yet today - so, here goes - From 8-23 Moscow - A loud individual roar caught on video: over 100K views.
Have You Suggested Barf Stew Yet?
Oct. 31st is approaching.
(enlarges with a click)
Now, more Humpday entertainment - how about 111 pictures of when Skirts Are Too Short - BS Entertains.
And, have you seen the `tablecloth trick' done by those two small boys? The one that results in A Disaster? - OMG.
Meanwhile........ News Advocating Weather Modification; Is It Still A Conspiracy Theory? - Has it been in use for Years? - Stewable.
Ready for some BS politics that is ALREADY being swept under the carpet? That Custom-Tailored Obama Scandal You Ordered Is Finally Here - "Solyndra's failure doesn't discredit the entire idea of a green energy economy, but some might take it as a sign of the Obama administration's incompetence." - John Stewart Doing The MSM's Work Here - a video report about the scandal involving Solar Energy.
BS does Politics
Speaking of scandals -
Prime Minister Harold Holt Was Murdered - did the USA kill him because of not wanting American Bases? - Find Out More
CASE REOPENED - The Wanda Beach Murders; the disappearance of Harold Holt; the Bogle - Chandler case; the Beaumont children mystery - Australia's foremost crime fiction writers reopen these and other famous cases and 'solve' the mysteries=====================================================
BTW, I appreciated that Amazon Purchase yesterday by one of my blog readers. Thanks.
Haven't done one of those Sky Noises yet today - so, here goes - From 8-23 Moscow - A loud individual roar caught on video: over 100K views.
Have You Suggested Barf Stew Yet?
Oct. 31st is approaching.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Philippines: Sex Strike Brings Peace
And, IF the newsstory is to be believed, guess how long the SEX strike had to be in effect to be effective upon the men? ONE WEEK! ----------- (Could the wives of politicians pull this off?) But, one of the funny stews to come out of this no sex phenomena, was the reaction of one husband when his village returned to peace and prosperity - he was going to get a second wife with his extra money. Hilarious. 55K views.
And, not only that - it seems the sex strikes are becoming A Worldwide Phenomena as this story details.

Do you believe in crime psychics? Here's a Compelling Person named Noreen Renier who does just that. Stewable.
A Mind for Murder: The Real-Life Files of a Psychic Investigator
- One of her books.
Politics, check. ParaNormal, check. Must be time for the daily Sexy Picture, check. -- Here's another Self-shot Sexy Cutie - BS Entertains.
Meanwhile..... the story of being homeless in a virtual world.....really - - watch out, this stuff is addicting.
And, not only that - it seems the sex strikes are becoming A Worldwide Phenomena as this story details.
Do you believe in crime psychics? Here's a Compelling Person named Noreen Renier who does just that. Stewable.
A Mind for Murder: The Real-Life Files of a Psychic Investigator
Politics, check. ParaNormal, check. Must be time for the daily Sexy Picture, check. -- Here's another Self-shot Sexy Cutie - BS Entertains.
Meanwhile..... the story of being homeless in a virtual world.....really - - watch out, this stuff is addicting.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Strange Sound In The Sky - Curitiba - Brasil
These sounds, much like the very strange `trumpeting' sounds in Kiev, happens several times in this shortish video from September 1st - Brazil has joined the `Sky Noise Phenomena' saga. What next?
link -
From weirdness to beauty - the Barf Stew way - Jailbait Honeys - BS Entertains.
Jailbait (Unrated Version) [VHS]

And, back to weirdness.
Meanwhile..... In something that certainly could have been pure BS material - but, instead ended up on UDCC yesterday ...... Hoaxing The `Too Good To Be True' Videos - The FOUR Witness Video - Hoax Brazil `UFO' - consume the barf.

Okay, one more video for today to wrap the BS up for the start of your week - How about some BS humor, a YT video with over 11 MILLION views:
Need Quick Cash? Click The Picture Below.
link -
From weirdness to beauty - the Barf Stew way - Jailbait Honeys - BS Entertains.
Jailbait (Unrated Version) [VHS]
Meanwhile..... In something that certainly could have been pure BS material - but, instead ended up on UDCC yesterday ...... Hoaxing The `Too Good To Be True' Videos - The FOUR Witness Video - Hoax Brazil `UFO' - consume the barf.
Okay, one more video for today to wrap the BS up for the start of your week - How about some BS humor, a YT video with over 11 MILLION views:
Need Quick Cash? Click The Picture Below.

Sunday, September 18, 2011
GAY `Flash Mob' Targets Bachmann - With Song And Dance Routine
Really the perfect MSM story. Tagged with words such as Gay, Bachmann, and Flash Mob - what does this story lack? (And, probably Tea Party Activism to confuse the logarithms):
BS Does Politics
And, BS Entertains each day with a sexy picture - here we have some Jailbait Renesaunce Fair Maidens - welcome to the fall.
Meanwhile...... Judge worries recording police will lead to excessive "snooping around" - you know, like, worrying about silly things like consitutional and human rights -
Sell Books Online at
BS Does Politics
And, BS Entertains each day with a sexy picture - here we have some Jailbait Renesaunce Fair Maidens - welcome to the fall.
Meanwhile...... Judge worries recording police will lead to excessive "snooping around" - you know, like, worrying about silly things like consitutional and human rights -
Sell Books Online at
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Driving - Seattle To Maine - Timelapse
So, the guy takes a photo EVERY 90 seconds on the trip across the country. Extremely trippy video. Please note the Chemtrails early in the video (:19-:29) - how folks don't believe our skies are polluted with them I will never know. Posted YESTERDAY and already has 75K views. Very Cool.

click pictures of books for more info
And, from one great visual to another - BS's sexy Picture of the Day Beautiful Uplegs Shot - BS Entertains. (yes, this was on MRH yesterday - I told you to go there to see the sexy pictures).
Kid out of control? Only 11 years old, and you don't know what to do? Well, do what the Mounties of B.C. Canada do - Taser Them like the other 194 teens under 18 tasered from 2002-2009. Or.....wait......would it be the police that are out of control? BS.
--- get your own stun gun here for under 20 bucks.
The things for sale on Amazon never cease of amaze.
Yesterday I brought to you a Squidoo page with some of the scariest places on Earth. In that spirit - today's special look is at horrific Freakiest Ouija Stories - Stewable.

BS on Steroids MRH - Rick Perry, Ron Paul and Randy Pictures (all three RP's).
Entertained? Then make SURE to see the sidebar before you go.
And, from one great visual to another - BS's sexy Picture of the Day Beautiful Uplegs Shot - BS Entertains. (yes, this was on MRH yesterday - I told you to go there to see the sexy pictures).
Kid out of control? Only 11 years old, and you don't know what to do? Well, do what the Mounties of B.C. Canada do - Taser Them like the other 194 teens under 18 tasered from 2002-2009. Or.....wait......would it be the police that are out of control? BS.
--- get your own stun gun here for under 20 bucks.
The things for sale on Amazon never cease of amaze.
Yesterday I brought to you a Squidoo page with some of the scariest places on Earth. In that spirit - today's special look is at horrific Freakiest Ouija Stories - Stewable.
BS on Steroids MRH - Rick Perry, Ron Paul and Randy Pictures (all three RP's).
Entertained? Then make SURE to see the sidebar before you go.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Ghosts With Crappy Jobs
Up and out content - the very description of Barf Stew. Dig into this broth for some real stew worth barfing about perhaps. Serious strange material. Can you feel the downgrade?
Barf Stew does Politics
Ready for a compelling UFO video from 2007 in Bogota Columbia? Multiple Orbs - tv report.
Politics, check. UFOs, check. Must be time for some pictures of sexy women - Ready To Skinny Dip? - BS Entertains.
Did you know that employees can't be fired for facebook comments? Part of the news right Here - Stewable.
Did someone say - where's my ParaNormal? Well, how about this Squidoo Page Website about the Scariest Places On Earth - lots of content to explore. And, since it is the start of the weekend - here's some late summer reading - all kinds of content - including some of the best links to Barf Stew too - Top Links Enjoy.
Have you seen the `stripper video' that was shown on TV in the very early days of television that you simply will not believe? The link is in the sidebar as is other fine content.
Thanks for Barfing Today

Barf Stew does Politics
Ready for a compelling UFO video from 2007 in Bogota Columbia? Multiple Orbs - tv report.
Politics, check. UFOs, check. Must be time for some pictures of sexy women - Ready To Skinny Dip? - BS Entertains.
Did you know that employees can't be fired for facebook comments? Part of the news right Here - Stewable.
Did someone say - where's my ParaNormal? Well, how about this Squidoo Page Website about the Scariest Places On Earth - lots of content to explore. And, since it is the start of the weekend - here's some late summer reading - all kinds of content - including some of the best links to Barf Stew too - Top Links Enjoy.
Have you seen the `stripper video' that was shown on TV in the very early days of television that you simply will not believe? The link is in the sidebar as is other fine content.
Thanks for Barfing Today

Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Sex Experience 1000
Take 1000 UK people, (actually most of the data is for 926 people) ask them 20 VERY personal questions about sex, put the results in a searchable and filterable database - and you have a link that you could well save forever and certainly will want to spend some time with and send to someone else. Questions include, when did you first have sex, positions, etc - and, it's all right here, just click - Sex Experiences Database
Let's keep it short sexy and sweet today - and yet another reason to bookmark this page so you can return - how about a Today Show Upskirt of Meredith Vieira: Have only 4K seen this?
Bookmark and Return -
Let's keep it short sexy and sweet today - and yet another reason to bookmark this page so you can return - how about a Today Show Upskirt of Meredith Vieira: Have only 4K seen this?
Bookmark and Return -
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
9/11 - A Conspiracy Theory (Must Watch Video)
As BS said yesterday - you'd think that on a 10 year anniversary of 9-11 - that in a free society, you'd have seen at least SOME of these ideas on that day. After all, a sizable minority feel some, to nearly all of these points are valid, and that - as usual - our politicians in the 9-11 report let down the citizens and any concern for real truth. Makes you want to get out and wave the flag for the Democraps and Republinuts - doesn't it. PLEASE, if given a choice in the ballot box *(say by chance that their is an asterisk by the incumbents name) - do NOT vote for ANY incumbent and IF given the chance - VOTE Libertarian regardless of knowing the candidate or not.
The American Truth
The 9/11 Conspiracy

The Truth and Lies of 9-11
So, I gather from the horsemanure MSM that on the Republinut debate night a couple evenings ago that the idea was to leave those without health insurance to DIE of certain conditions. Goes to show just how in the pocket of the INSURANCE companies these worthless politicians are. Hey, here's an idea to chew upon - NO PROFIT for healthcare! End the BS.
Here's a strangely Sexy Picture for today's BS gallery. BS Entertains Orgy ideas. Need one more sexy pic? Right Here, At My Newsblog - yowser.
Speaking of AMAZING pictures - this link shows before/during/after pictures of Japan's Tsunami - Click the displayed picture to see the situation now - Stewable.
Guy leaves insect trap in closet - retrieves it a year later - The Result (OMG) - BS.
Victor M256 Poison-Free Insect Magnet Traps, 12-Pack
Climbup Insect Interceptor Bed Bug Trap, 12ct

Creepy Crawly enough for you yet?

Have you heard the stories about how much restaurants have to pay to the music keepers to play music in their restaurants? -- Here's the Actual Contract of one service - Stewable.
Speaking of Creepy Crawlies - here's a video with a real eerie feel - almost artsy - strange Idaho town - BS.
Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method: More Than 100 Hands-On Science Experiments for Children
Creepy Crawly ZAD Antiqued Gold Alligator Fashion Ring Tail Wraps Around Finger - You Choose Size, 6

under 20 bucks.
Thanks for Barfing Again Today - Please Spread The BS Word

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The American Truth
The 9/11 Conspiracy
So, I gather from the horsemanure MSM that on the Republinut debate night a couple evenings ago that the idea was to leave those without health insurance to DIE of certain conditions. Goes to show just how in the pocket of the INSURANCE companies these worthless politicians are. Hey, here's an idea to chew upon - NO PROFIT for healthcare! End the BS.
Here's a strangely Sexy Picture for today's BS gallery. BS Entertains Orgy ideas. Need one more sexy pic? Right Here, At My Newsblog - yowser.
Speaking of AMAZING pictures - this link shows before/during/after pictures of Japan's Tsunami - Click the displayed picture to see the situation now - Stewable.
Guy leaves insect trap in closet - retrieves it a year later - The Result (OMG) - BS.
Victor M256 Poison-Free Insect Magnet Traps, 12-Pack
Climbup Insect Interceptor Bed Bug Trap, 12ct
Creepy Crawly enough for you yet?
Have you heard the stories about how much restaurants have to pay to the music keepers to play music in their restaurants? -- Here's the Actual Contract of one service - Stewable.
Speaking of Creepy Crawlies - here's a video with a real eerie feel - almost artsy - strange Idaho town - BS.
Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method: More Than 100 Hands-On Science Experiments for Children
Creepy Crawly ZAD Antiqued Gold Alligator Fashion Ring Tail Wraps Around Finger - You Choose Size, 6
Thanks for Barfing Again Today - Please Spread The BS Word
Need Cash? Got Textbooks?
Textbook Buy Back at
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Survey Says: Pot Smokers Are Less Obese
With sample sizes exceeding 50K in one of the `studies' - however, the funny BS is reading the various speculations by the writer for why the findings are significant. Somehow even bringing in the fact that highly religious people tend to not smoke pot and also tend to be fatties....... Marijuana Slims? Where did the munchies go? - Bakeable.
Stoners' Delight: Space Cakes, Pot Brownies, and Other Tasty Cannabis Creations

My Lip Stuff- Brownie, Pot

And, if you believe that pot makes stoners thinner - here's another one for you Ron Paul Can Win - Here's Why - BS. I hope that RP forms a 3rd party this time around.
Would perhaps the MSM repressing of the street America scenes playing out in some cities be one reason for the lack of anger at the banks and politicians? Is the MSM worthless to the common citizens?
BS does Politics.
Meanwhile..... the current Drug Czar (makes one think of those good old Soviet prison days, so, say Czar with a Soviet accent) says that Medical Marijuana is the cause for more kids smoking these days Read that Barf Here - they will say and do anything to preserve the Prison Industry.
Looking for the daily BS sexy pic? Very Sexy Russian Girl - love that mini. Candid pic. BS Entertains.
And, if you were waiting for the other economic shoe to drop - Dow Down 8000 to 3000 in 2013 - says the crash should begin in early 2012 - so, you don't have to wait too long. Isn't that nice.
The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down

and for more info on when the SHTF - here's an article from Rolling Stone of the GOP leading us into a Civil War - Civil War Soon?
And, here's MORE Sky Noise Phenomena - and this happened just YESTERDAY in WV - WTF? (spread the word, the MSM isn't)
As tragic as 911 was - you'd think in a free society looking back at the date, that the coverage would get at least a sliver of This Info that the MSM doesn't seem to want to tackle about the 911 event and investigation by congress. BS.
Thanks For Barfing Again Today
BS Products
Mini House Now

Miniture Plants for Home and Greenhouse

Stoners' Delight: Space Cakes, Pot Brownies, and Other Tasty Cannabis Creations
And, if you believe that pot makes stoners thinner - here's another one for you Ron Paul Can Win - Here's Why - BS. I hope that RP forms a 3rd party this time around.
Would perhaps the MSM repressing of the street America scenes playing out in some cities be one reason for the lack of anger at the banks and politicians? Is the MSM worthless to the common citizens?
BS does Politics.
Meanwhile..... the current Drug Czar (makes one think of those good old Soviet prison days, so, say Czar with a Soviet accent) says that Medical Marijuana is the cause for more kids smoking these days Read that Barf Here - they will say and do anything to preserve the Prison Industry.
Looking for the daily BS sexy pic? Very Sexy Russian Girl - love that mini. Candid pic. BS Entertains.
And, if you were waiting for the other economic shoe to drop - Dow Down 8000 to 3000 in 2013 - says the crash should begin in early 2012 - so, you don't have to wait too long. Isn't that nice.
The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down
And, here's MORE Sky Noise Phenomena - and this happened just YESTERDAY in WV - WTF? (spread the word, the MSM isn't)
As tragic as 911 was - you'd think in a free society looking back at the date, that the coverage would get at least a sliver of This Info that the MSM doesn't seem to want to tackle about the 911 event and investigation by congress. BS.
Thanks For Barfing Again Today
BS Products
Mini House Now
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