Speaking of candidates - how about that S.C. primary? The hilarious thing was watching the MSM avoid talking about the HUGE increase that was going to Gingrich BEFORE the vote in the last few days -- then, watching the MSM, which has access to the exit polls and knows the outcome before NOON in most cases - tell us how `well' that NG was going to do. Online, on AOL they were even using the words `comfortable victory' BEFORE the polls closed. Hilarious.
Romney, of course, deserved to lose this week as his `small change attitude' toward himself earning 374K for `speaking fees' (about 43K a speech I read, close to the average worker for a years work that Romney dismisses as nothing) - couldn't have come off as a more smug person if one was ordered up by the actors guild. It didn't do him any good that his `earnings by investments' (read Rich aholes who live off their money) only is taxed at a rate less than half of most taxpayers in America.
Meanwhile,..... the MSM tells us what the Occupy Movement IS - Occupy 2012: Firmly Disorganized, Driven by Dreams - Get That Narrative Here - mentions the idea of an alternative BANKING system. BS does Politics.
The BS mix includes hot females in all their glory - Saucy Teen and How'd you like to be sitting across from THESE at a dinner party? OMG.
And, did you know that some folks say that HAARP causes the sky clouds to do seemingly impossible things? Things that you really don't remember say 10 or 20 years ago? Hmmm. 400K views.
Here's a fun read - Have Dogs Been Man's Best Friend For 30K Years? - wait till you read what was found in this buried dogs mouth.
Today's UFO links - including another Sky Noise Phenomena.
Thanks for your visit today - have a look around, lots to explore in the Stew.

Know the value of that OLD book in moments!
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