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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Geo-Engineering: Killing Off The Useless Eaters

Rather than advocating a reasonable approach to human reproduction - is it possible our so-called leaders would choose to use a different approach? Do YOU trust the decision makers? - - Stewable.
Geo-Engineering Climate Change: Environmental Necessity or Pandora's Box?
Ground Improvement, Volume 3: Case Histories (Geo-Engineering Book Series)

More Chemtrail stuff here too - Barf Stew.

Chemtrails Confirmed
Chemtrails: The DVD

Meanwhile, Bizarre Settlement Built in Manila's North Cemetery Houses 3000 Living People - with Barf Stew pictures.

Your Guide to Cemetery Research

Did this make your newspaper? Early man 'butchered and ate the brains of children as part of everyday diet' - - Super Barf Stew.

Sexy Picture? Sure - Barf Stew Entertains.

Earth invasion more your cup of tea? Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth ? -
Disney Toy Story 3 - Spaceship Shape Insulated Lunch Box

'Devil' appears in bathroom tile - - Barf or Stew?

How about one more hottie as summer ends - Barf Stew Entertains.

And, it's been a bit of time since BS did any music as Entertainment - like this - The Limousines - Internet Killed The Video Star (Official Music Video)

Get Sharp
Stretching It: The Story of the Limousine [R-301]

Monday, September 20, 2010

Was 2008's Meltdown A Prelude For 2012?

Today I use Barf Stew to remember the Great Meltdown and Holdup of 2008, by presenting my three blogposts that I wrote for my blog called The Heavy Stuff. Now, perhaps you didn't find it Barf Stew that the Treasury needed money for the banks immediately before a national election - indeed - holding the very system hostage (and forcing both candidates to say it was a good idea) - but I did. Not only that, IMO, the country was very close to a possible takeover by the executive branch had the Congress eventually not coughed up the money like they did.

But, enough of that - these three essays that I wrote IMO really capture the essence of the feeling and near panic - and I hearby present them for viewing once again. First, from September 21st. called Pending Economic Collapse - Real Heavy Stuff:

Pending Economic Collapse - Real Heavy Stuff

Filed under: Panic, Real Fear, Monetary Collapse, Monetary System, CNBC, Disclosure Politics, economic collapse, Anomalies — Rick @ 9:38 am

When one has a blog called The Heavy Stuff that promises to `take positions on realities greatest mysteries’ - sometimes the `mystery’ isn’t so far away from home or realness. Indeed, the mysteries of the worlds monetary system actually fits the bill quite well as one of realities greatest mysteries. Such is the reason for banks, insurance, interest, and various guarantees to protect ones money.

And, as you know, one of the `reasons’ that has been offered over the years as to why the government keeps the Ufo stuff under wraps - is that to reveal the information would lead to Widespread Panic (my favorite band) - the debasement of world religions - and, - that it would lead to the eventual `economic collapse’ of society. You have heard that one, right?

Yet, daily, for the past week or so - on live television on the United States cable services - business channels such as CNBC - were offering up the potential end of the economic system as we currently know it. Literally, the CRASH of the money system. Is that scary enough for you - or - would it take alien ships in the skies to really worry you?

And, worry does turn to panic. In today’s news we find that a panic in Nashville has emptied over 70% of the gas stations of gas. Lines are an hour long to get gas; citizens are taking upon themselves `roles’ to expedite the mile long hours long lines. (Some run money into the station for the person lucky enough to come to the front of the line - others are directing traffic in local areas, or running gas back to those running out in line while waiting.) And, it is only marginally better in other cities - many are just barely avoiding lines and panic - such as in Atlanta.

But, much more importantly than localized panic concerning staples such as overpriced (and now often with gouged pricing) gas to get to work - and memories of folks standing outside of collapsed banks in California to withdrawal their money - was the smell of real fear last week. The fear of the end of normalcy. The fear of monetary collapse.

As folks attacked their Mutual Funds just days ago, as trillion dollar companies were being nationalized - and the possible collapse of the system seemed imminent- ONLY THEN - did Paulson step forward with `the plan’ to end the risk of total collapse. This as some money managers were telling clients that the safest place for `their money’ was in a safety deposit box. Or placed in a safe mattress.

The point The Heavy Stuff would like to make out of all this - is this — ONLY WHEN COLLAPSE SEEMED IMMANENT DID THE GOVERNMENT ACT AND ADMIT TO PROBLEMS WITHIN THE SYSTEM ITSELF (without taking ANY of the blame for it). For those that think the government would change the `official word’ about Ufo’s and aliens - and risk a similar collapse - without overwhelming concern - are kidding themselves. Virtually nothing but intentional alien disclosure will ever move the government official position concerning this issue.

But, it’s a total digression to haul speculative Ufo disclosure into this when REAL terror is lurking in the form of how the governments of the world are operating the monetary systems. Monetary systems that seemed leveraged beyond human understanding and waiting to deflate.

No, the fear isn’t from worlds beyond ours - the fear is from the powers in power on earth. And, if this all continues, - and the `fix’ to the monetary system doesn’t work - we on Earth will only have the hope of the power players being replaced - totally - perhaps, even, by an alien invasion.

My next post was on Sept. 30th - called Economic Collapse Brinkmanship - 2012 Preview?

Regardless of being threatened with the end of the financial system itself - the totally fearless lowest rated congress of the United States - didn’t blink. It also did not pass the Secured Housing Investment Trust (SHIT) bill - called by the government some other acronym. Regardless of what the bill was called - it was supposedly the only thing preventing a collapse and an era with total fear.

So, evidently, total fear of the populace - is NOT a reason to vote a bill up. After the vote, the politicians then felt that the observance of several days off for the Jewish politicians was in order - despite living in a world where `taking a few days off’ - could cost trillions. Many trillions perhaps. (So much for the observance of separation of church and state.)

But, the lesson to be learned from this - once again - as with the federal response to Katrina - is that the government is incompetent and shouldn’t be trusted to be there in times of crisis. Indeed, the threats over the weekend that `there wouldn’t be money in the ATM’ when you went to take it out - demonstrates just how `on your own’ - one is going to be if and when the final deflation of the system is actually imminent.

It’s not clear yet how many times you can yell fire in this political theater.

As you know, many many folks have been predicting the end of the system as we know it - and that the time is nearing. Some have indicated that it would be in union with peak oil output - and perhaps we have seen signs of that. Some have indicated that the abandonment of gold as a standard will be the eventual downfall as money and commercial paper become recognized as being largely worthless. Others see all kinds of conspiracies combining to end normalcy by 2012 - many of these conspiracies inspired by `end of time’ rhetoric popular for over a decade (and with increasing interest as the date grows nearer).

Indeed, it makes one wonder what would happen if members of congress simply refused to pass the ultimate package. Is it possible, even remotely, that the executive branch might seize control of the government to prevent an economic meltdown? Is congress’s playing with fire leading to something much bigger than anyone is anticipating? Might congress be `dismissed’ until after the new year?

If the world WAS ending all around us in a few years, say in 2012; with all the functions of government crashing, based on the overall set-up - wouldn’t we EXPECT one branch of government to seize control from the other? To restore order? ————– well, yes, ———– so, don’t be surprised how this ultimately plays out. Now, or, in 2012.

My last post was on Oct. 4th - called - Economic Collapse Averted? - World Fear Continues
Economic Collapse Averted? - World Fear Continues

Filed under: Another Depression, CNN, Lou Dobbs, Taxpayers Money, Federal Reserve, economic collapse, World Fear, Brinkmanship, Disclosure Politics — Rick @ 7:39 am

As you may know, the last two posts on The Heavy Stuff (THS) called `Pending Economic Collapse’ and `Economic Collapse Brinkmanship’ have been following the United States attempt to `fix’ the very structure of the world economic structure - via the lowest rated congress in the history of polling. And, as you know, - yesterday they passed legislation that was signed within 50 minutes by President Bush of our executive branch. (The legalness of all of the details to be figured out at a later time.)

Essentially however, unprecedented power has been granted to the Dept. of Treasury and the Federal Reserve to use taxpayers money to bail out part of the money system - a move that came after unprecedented fear put to the congress that another Great Depression was going to happen without the bill being signed. And, indeed, unprecedented money events happening in the U.S.A. and worldwide may have indeed been precursors to a coming crash.

And, the moment the legislation was passed - immediately - the stock market began to slide downwards; significantly. Some calling that the worst possible signal and giving opponents of the legislation firepower in their arguments that the bill was either `too little too late’ or `not addressing the real problem; credit’. Indeed, as the day wore onward, word that Iceland - the country - was about to default via it’s three largest banks. Additionally, the news also contained the coming possibility that the U.S.A.’s largest populated state, California, may not have funds to pay even school teachers come November. The state of New York was also making similar noises - and, on CNN’s Lou Dobbs show - the populist element of the common folk being ripped off was the theme of the day (as it always is with the `independent’ Dobbs, most often appropriately).

So, it is not without reason that many, if not most folks, are STILL fearful - and - there is NO reason to think the world’s fear isn’t still rising about their own economic condition. And, as worry turns to fear and perhaps panic - the possibility that we are only beginning some economic world slide - seems more real than ever - perhaps. (How can one not feel that way when supporters of the bill still talked about recession AFTER their vote?)

But, the real reason for today’s post is a link we’ve run across in the past week that we linked to on our Squidoo site several days ago. That daily anomaly site is (We have 100’s of links to strange stories there.) And, that actual link to the reason for today’s post is this

When you finish with THS today — please, please - go to the above link - because it details what the authorities will do in case of a total economic collapse here in the USA and subsequently - the world. The article is long and detailed but may help understand what ultimately may play out - which is - our currency, and all other currencies - may become worthless.

Anyways, the plans the government has for such a scenario involve `control’ of food and fuel - and gold. AND includes at least several days of slowing building virtual panic. As Americans should have learned from now - it takes days for any coordinated effort of the government to `come together’ (R.I.P. John Lennon) - and we might all be `on our own’ for a few semi-terrifying days. Day’s spent eating all the Spam we have in our pantry - days that we will always remember as `the heavy stuff’.

Please feel free to comment. Thanks for reading to the bottom and if you go to the front page of THS you will find much more material. THS would also like to thank and for posting these `off topic’ posts - Google has also seen huge traffic for the term economic collapse - so, google readers are also thanked for their interest. Finally, do you want even more Heavy Stuff? Then visit us at .

And so here the American public remains two full years after the `fix' to - or - from the system - with us picking up the bill. Two full years into the oxymoron `jobless recovery' - where only the government grows and the fat cats. And, frighteningly, only two years from 2012 - when the system can be held hostage once again.

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