Like thursday's post about people with credit card debt going to jail - this link too is some more of the same - spreading the Barf that the MSM never covers. Indeed, I found this link online and the person who posted it (around my age) indicated they had NEVER heard of this event. What event you ask? Well, how about the US government blowing up a NUKE in `space' (250 miles `up' over the Pacific Ocean). When you read the link - for the reason WHY they did it - you will be amazed - Today's Barf Stew link - - (you can also listen to this NPR story too at the link).
Indeed, if you want Barf - it's hard to go wrong following just about ANY politician of note. Such as our former vice president Mr. Gore and his latest escaped being exposed (literally) to the media - that being his forcing himself onto a `massage' service provider - that - get this - EVIDENTLY involves DNA evidence. (After Clinton, this guy has to be a real genius.) Total Barf - read the steamy details here (now we know why Tipper split before this hit - the rest of the story) -
To those of you who cruise about my Politics blog - you are aware that John McCain's running mate is NOT my favorite politician. So, continuing the politics BARF for today - how about some background understanding about how Ms. Palin views the world and indeed, the universe. From this link:
"Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks," recalled Munger"

The above - Scranton 1900 - You Know, the good old days before air pollution! (click for larger) - Barf Stew - The Assumption Buster.
This next link - sounds a lot like mine from a few posts ago on my UFO blog - - and it is called - My Truth Can Beat Up Your Truth - and, yes, it's today's UFO link -
Almost inappropriate sexy picture - - Because Barf Stew Entertains. (almost every day BS does sexy pics - look around Barf Stew For More This Weekend.)
Finally, as you know, Barf Stew is your go to place for Girls Jumping On Trampolines - Enjoy.
More Girls On Trampolines
-- And you will love the taste of the Barf Stew sidebar - take a bite or two.
I hope Barf Stew has entertained you today - come back again sometime.
Have you seen my blog called The Heavy Stuff?
I've been enjoying your blog for about 6 months now but I think you're pic of the day went a little over the line. Or would that be a little under the line? Keep up the bs!
ReplyDeleteSlamm, appreciate your pat on the back and the slap on the wrist. That said, very technically, it's not really over the line on the under the line basis - but, your point is well taken and I know that BS has a work audience I will keep in mind too. Obviously, BS has no intention of pursing a porn angle just a tease angle perception. And, as you know, BS talks all the time about the slippery slope of perceptions.