Meanwhile.... Higher Rates Mean Severe Recession: Strategist - http://www.cnbc.com/id/42873564 - a tease:
Dismissing the positive comments on the global economy from politicians and policymakers as wishful thinking, Nightingale believes they are simply trying to keep spirits up, knowing they have got it wrong and are unwilling to admit it.
“They know that credit shouldn’t have been allowed to grow so recklessly in the nineties. They know that delinquent banks shouldn’t have been bailed out when they imploded. And they know that cuts in public spending shouldn’t have been timed to coincide with the cyclical downturn,” said Nightingale
Take any two words - like Chick and Babe - enter into search engine and ...... http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/graph?content=chick%2C+babe&year_start=1800&year_end=2000&corpus=0&smoothing=3
Speaking of Chicks - BS's Sexy Picture - http://i.imgur.com/9ZRnU.jpg A BS Gallery Classic.
Do you like to keep up with Trends? - http://trendsbuzz.com/
Oh, I found this picture at this cool website of one of the followers of my UFO blog UDCC:
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