I'm doing a feature at my UFO blog about the `followers' of the blog - this is a blog one of my followers does - it is over the top although it is slow loading so if on dialup forget it. It also is behind an adult screen for language mainly - lots of content. http://synchronize23.blogspot.com/ - Barf Stew Blogfinds, worth bookmarking BS for.
IS 2011 the year you go slightly solar?
BS's Sexy Picture - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kqBQqNp_1nE/TXRbgifEvRI/AAAAAAAACD8/xbWGWlakYGo/s1600/Keeley-Hazell-Sexy-Wallpaper-94.jpg - another BS Gallery Classic. ============================
Are you ready for the WORST `ufo invasion' YouTube video EVER?
Meanwhile, ... Confessions of an EBay opium addict - http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/confessions-of-an-ebay-opium/content?oid=34614&page=1 - Send people to jail for 10 years for pot while allowing opium sales online - NOW THAT is one powerful example of worthless politicians indeed.Confessions of an English Opium Eater (Penguin Classics)
Opium: The diary of an addict
The Missouri Review - Crime (Confessions of a 19th Century Opium Addict Pickpocket & Con Man)
collectors item.
Today's Hottest Headlines - Reddit - http://morningredditheadlines.blogspot.com/2011/05/reddit-headlines-may-11th-2011.html
Here's one that borders on BARF - but, if true would be very stewable indeed - http://beforeitsnews.com/story/534/946/Red_Ice_Radio_-_Richard_C._Hoagland_-_The_Secret_Space_Program_The_Fukushima_Disaster.html&NL
Interesting Solar System - Just In Case The SHTF
Sunforce 50048 60-Watt Solar Charging Kit
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