And, just check out these even more insightful comments:
Oct 25, 2011 04:45 AM ET
I wish the economy was as good as the 1930's. Back then, the US made stuff. Today, the service sector is 70% of the economy. The main export of the US is the dollar. Today, the US is loaded with debt. Today, the entitlements are enormous and the unfunded liabilities are more enormous. Today, a much larger portion of the economy is dependent on government. Today, the government is backing the entire banking system. Today, the government is backing 90% of mortgages. Today, kids are graduating from college with a mortgage but without a house. Today, the malinvestments caused by mispricing money (0% rates + QE) are too great for the economy to keep up with and EITHER QE IS CONTINUED UNTIL HYPERINFLATION, OR QE IS STOPPED AND DEPOSITORS LOSE THEIR MONEY, LEAVING PHYSICAL CASH TO MAINTAIN SOME VALUE. In the 1930's, the USD was back by GOLD. Today, the US dollar is backed by NOTHING and the USD is headed straight down the road to being worth nothing. When hyperinflation hits, Americans will become poor and housing will lose 70%-80%. Sell your house and buy silver before everyone else does.
Oct 25, 2011 05:55 AM ET
We are in a Depression, if anyone has listend or read the financial news over the last 3-4 years, there have been SOooo many indicators stats announced that have either equaled or surpassed the 1930's Depression......Politicians and Bankers, and Wall Street'er's WILL NOT say the word depression because it is NOT good for business, their positon, or economic stability......Off note: Anyone that has cable watch HBO's film "Too Big To Fail".....this documents what had gone on in 2008, for which the global economy has not recovered from....
The above in Red is my emphasis.
ONLY worthless politicians would let the big money boys get away with trashing the world economy.
Meanwhile..... on the UFO front - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/10/anomalous-sky-events-in-just-past-week.html - three UFO videos of interest.
Politics/Economics, check. UFO/Paranormal, check. Must be time for TBS's daily sexy picture - Oral Practice? - naughty stuff.
TBS Entertains.
Today's B.S. brings a wide range of thinking and actions to these pages - often ideas not found in the MSM - such as Living Small - from a website called Not Buying Anything. Worth your click.
Ok. Here's some real Barf Stew. The below video, one of SCORES by the same guy in the same house - purports to show poltergeist activity at a level truly beyond belief. It seems, perhaps, that some TV show may be looking into what appears to be happening - here's a VERY recent sample: Posted yesterday, 349 views.
Entertained yet?
Oh, you were waiting this long for SLEAZY? Okay - how about some FROG juice to start off your day Peru Marketplace Featured Drink - with pics and full description. New college trend?
Today's B.S. - Don't Step In It - Forward to best friend.
Over 600 posts are in the sidebar, check them out. You have seen the TBS `Time Travel Picture', right?
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