Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Top 10 Barfiest Links Of 2012

Hello Barfsters. Once again, the top 10 most barfworthy links of 2012 are below, to wallow in once more. And, as usual, the memories are atrocious. You are welcome.
`The Obama Recovery' - Barf Stew remains committed to bringing you the very best of the Republinuts Great Recession and the Democraps `Obama Recovery'. This year we saw The Obama Recovery produce this information - Our Nations YOUTH Are Joining The Homeless, not wanting to mooch off of parents already smashed with hugely lower net worth figures off 40% In Just The Last Three Years. More Obama Recovery news includes how Americans are `Sharing' their home and cars for cash flow, you know, turning into capitalists - like the mothers who are becoming Phone Sex Workers. And, the Obama Recovery has given us a surge in Binge Drinking - in addition to `Buy Gold' shops.

A Chemtrail conspiracy - Nano Objects Are Controlling Us humans. The disinfomation of the conspiracy folks knows no boundaries. Makes the ignoring of the lines in the sky by the MSM even more suspicious?

Is Bigfoot DNA results gonna rock the world? Is/was Bigfoot a hybrid human/alien? Were TWO Bigfoots shot and killed? Does it matter that the `DNA' research is being done by Bible Nuts? More barf or stew? Or, did you prefer the Wholly Mammoth Video Hoax?

How is it - that a major European country fitting the very definition of What A Depression Is (Spain) NEVER has that word associated with it? Or that the common man is Foraging For Food in Spain already? How convenient for the media to keep this downplayed for us, right?

And, what is it about cops? Such as these that thought the public interest was served by Strip Searching A Mom And Pulling Out Her Tampon on the side of the road? Barf and Stew worthy. The rights that have been given up for `security' should concern everyone.

In perhaps the funniest police link of the year - 18 Police Rescue Drowning Sex Doll - as they pull it out of the river, the gathered crowd shielded the sensitive children's eyes. Classic stuff. YES, 18 police. Or, is this one the funniest - as it seems a new law in California will require the police to Be Paid To Watch New Porn Flicks - looking for violations of the law of course - to keep us safe.

And, in what was one of the only glimmers of hope - do you remember the Vermont Farmer who crushed 7 Police Cars With His Tractor over a pot arrest. Do the police realize how they incite this crap by supporting the stupid and worthless politicians? Meanwhile, new data shows that Pot Smokers Make Our Highways SAFER. Meanwhile the citizens in surveys call for Drug Testing Government Offiicals and CEO's.

In perhaps the BSy'est paranormal link of the year - An Entity Flashes Into And Out Of A Mall - remember this one? Or, is this real? Orb nearly crashes into a car!

And, some things you simply want to forget you found out in 2012 - like the Steven Hawking Sex Club Black Hole. Correct? See, you had pushed that out of your mind you thought! Or, how the marketing at TARGET outed a girl who was Pregnant To Her Father - talk about sleuthing information pieces together.

Do you remember that the FBI lost President Obama's Dossier? Or that the presidential security staff routinely uses foreign prostitutes? The BS truths of 2012 - Unforgettable.

Need More?
Top Sleaze Stories of 2011 on Barf Stew and here's the 2011 Top Barfable Stories.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

God Forbid The USA Cuts Back On Military Spending

Remember the big - no, huge pow wow the last time the Republinuts insisted on getting something to raise the debt ceiling? Yeah, it's what is now called the Fiscal Cliff. The `bi partisan' negotiated bill that raised the ceiling is what gave us this supposed Fake crisis. How else are we ever going to have those who build the bombs and drones and stuff to ever find a REAL JOB? ------------- Answer, by doing the sequester that was agreed to by both sides! Aren't people who build things to kill other people really `hidden unemployment'? God forbid you ever hear that point of view on the MSM, who are always ready to sacrifice freedom for so called security.
Got some BS beauties for you of course - Petite Yet Busty (a category you can expect more of in 13) - and all I can say of this beauty is Va Va Voom love her figure and seductive style. And, pushing the edge of the street fair fashion scene - The Sideview Feast. Or, is that too naughty?
As the findings about pot/cannabis/marijuana continue to astound the uninformed scientific community, the latest finding is that Pot Affects Consciousness, Which Distracts From Pain - or, they wish they had used those words. ..... And, here's yet another study with marijuana side benefits, evidently, - it seems pot usage decreases the odds of problems with Diabetes.
Barf Stew - because someone's gotta say it.
Or, BS?

Still think you can't be controlled by the media?
Is this Sunday Sexy Sleaze once again? BS Entertains.
Sexy Sleaze? - yeah, that one qualifies perhaps. The little Slutty Black Dress Look that is so popular. 
BS, Politically Incorrect? and Just A Reminder about the money and `justice' connection. 
Have you bookmarked BS yet? Barf Stew - The BS You Crave, Now With Less Fat!

Did you know that NON Pizza Restaurants Deliver? Find out which ones in your area do?
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Homeless Youth

Barf Stew has been keenly following the supposed `recovery' from the Great Recession. The worthless media has been reporting the end of the GR since 2009 - perhaps for the extremely wealthy. Everyone else knows that NOTHING has improved at all - now with millions more empty homes and more and more of the nations youth in a worse position than any other younger generation. More Youth In Streets in 2012.
Meanwhile, the worthless politicians keep playing on the Fiscal Cliff - wasting TRILLIONs on bombs and military force over just the last decade. And NO ONE is saying that those that build bombs for a living in America - or - build drones - should go look for REAL WORK. Oh, that's right - we are being kept SAFE. Right. Say that to the HUNDREDS of `collateral damage' (read human deaths) caused by our leaders usage of Drones on `targets'.
Seems that Google is not happy with BS anymore and has slapped us once again. Nonetheless, BS will push ahead in 2013 with Sexy Women, ParaNormal links and more disgusting politics and political opinion.Please show your support for BS during this latest Goggle slap. Thanks.
So, as far as sexy women - how about this Sexy String Bikini or how about this Ankle Tattoo? You were looking at the tattoo, right? And, this was one man's lucky gift picture from his Girlfriend.
Have you heard about the Skinwalker Ranch? Here's a BS tale, perhaps, of the 2004 Monsters Story - were people killed?

Speaking of WORTHLESS drone builders - especially those building drones to spy on Americans - did you know that some are saying that they are building Tiny Drones that will hover over your home and Rape Your Mind? - Don't you think that people who make such things should be in JAIL?
Cool Entertainment - Barf Stew

More sexy women? Who knew that white Kneesox could look so HOT! - or Recycled Jeans? ...... Finally, a young sexy Jailbait Girl. Now, send BS to a buddy to help build our audience 
Check out this E-Book for 1.69
Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A `BioAPI'?

So, I ran across this grand grand conspiracy site earlier in the year and thought that now, near 12-21-12, would be a good time for Barfsters to enjoy a bit of stew, stir with concern.

Anyway, this is so grand, it appears that EVERYTHING is controlled by the man; - sound scary enough? Good - go, Explore Yourself (pun intended) if you dare. The Slippery Slope. The Chemtrail Page On The Same Site.
What Big Brother doesn't want you to know - but you do. BS does Politics. Oh, BTW, Harvard finally approved that Campus BDSM Club, finally. And, in other campus news, see below.
But, you are here for the sights - like Sexy School Girl Outfits, right? And, the grown up Sexy Business Woman Look too. Finally for this set - can there be such a thing as Indecent Exposure at the beach? BS Entertains.
Ready for a further education?
BS greases it.
The moment Travis Walton failed a lie detector test on Live TV about the alien abduction. And some interesting sidenotes.
What's the latest Obama claim you say? How about just this week - GOP Woman Says Brain Fried By Drugs....... as the politicians begin to speak up about drugs once again .....for votes.
Remember, the hypnotized only do what they would be comfortable doing......... sexy sleaze.... erotic hypnosis.
Barfsters know that BS has a paranormal side too - like this recent capture by the security cam that seems to show a Human Ghost Entity - weird.
Entertained yet? Now you will be Feeding Bears, probably not a good idea........... BS `Humor' Entertains.
Ready to say Yowser one more time?
Have you thought seriously what you would do IF the `system' went down? How quickly would YOU wish you had a reserve of Freeze Dried Food? Check out the BS Affiliate below:

Freeze Dried Food - For Emergencies (all types of plans available)

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Georgia Tech Police Drone

I only selected the GT Drone because I live in the Atlanta area. The GT drone was NOT approved by the way - but this story reads like Big Brother 1984 and gives you a much fuller background of the BB aspect of our society that the MSM - of course - drops the ball on. And, here is the chilling Georgia Tech Info - BS, does politics.
But, you are probably here to see the scantily clad bodies of Shapely Women, correct? Like Miss Teen Nebraska 2012 and this cleavage Self - Shot - oh, sometimes BS has HUGE black spaces on this webpage - when that happens BS has gone over the edge for Goggle Ads evidently. Your support in those days is appreciated.
Ever wonder who the War On Marijuana serves? Cause, one look at this chart should make that the first thought into your Brain - or, are you THAT stupid.   Worthless politicians, who are being dragged into the modern era by those that speak out. The panic of the worthless lawyers who lived off the oppressive gravy train is fun to watch. Should THEY SERVE TIME in a just society to mend their karma?
Did you somehow miss that story this week about the Dogs that have been taught to Drive? - Catch up right here.
Catch up with Sexy Beach Bikini's, right? And, pole dancers that practice In Public - what a sweet morsel this would be to stare at, right? Or perhaps this Nipply Gal?
Oh, if you were scouring the web for more about that DNA Bigfoot material - that says Bigfoot is mixed with human DNA - read more Here, a fantastic detailed look. I love this one comment too:

"alleged Bigfoot/Human hybrid" - so were does that leave the 'pure' Bigfoot? Am I correct that this implies there (once) was a non-hybrid Bigfoot a mere 15,000 years ago, which is now extinct? What people now are seeing is a hybrid? And this pure Bigfoot somehow mated with an indigenous human female quite recently (who, obeying motherly instinct, raised something that must have been quite foreign to her), producing the current population of 7 foot tall, totally hair covered 'creatures'? Truth (if somehow confirmed) is stranger than fiction.
But you are here - Street Beauties is probably the reason, right? Or, Silly Young Things performing for the camera, perhaps? (bookmarkable). 
Before the grand finale to start off your week - The Mindless Erotic Slave - what a gig to get 100K hits:

The BS Entertains:
The slippery slope will be inappropriate - that you can bet upon.
Are you enjoying greasing the slippery slope? - You may want to bookmark and return - I hope.
Some of my Kindle Books are below - some include posts from Barf Stew:

The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Have you ever heard the FACT that random number generators at Princeton University on 9-11 went `non random'? And that the non randomness began even BEFORE the hijackings?

Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Have you noticed that the skies are NOT the same as they were even 20 years ago? Ever wonder why the MSM doesn't talk about it? -- And, IF the world was close to an economic collapse in 2008,  really really close - such as NO money in the ATMs close - don't you think they would have told us more? Does that mean that collapse could happen without much if any warning?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Psst - The `Fiscal Cliff' WAS The `Compromise'!

Perhaps the mainstream media just doesn't remember? The real story about the Fiscal Cliff is that IT IS the negotiated `settlement' the last time around to raise the Debt Ceiling. IT IS `compromise' - to expect more out of a near worthless political system is nearly insane. The `Fiscal Cliff' was designed to be harsh and to actually address the problems the country faces. The BS two cents.
But, I suspect you are actually here to see sexy Skinny Chicks In Heels and panties and bra, correct? Or, Subtle CamelToes Through Slinky Creme Colored Panties - perhaps? --- Yep, BS is known for Sexy Ass Pictures - but never nudity. That said, we like to run some that leave Very Little To The Imagination. BS Entertains.
Ever wonder who REALLY profits from the Drug War? Wonder No More - send this onto a buddy.
BS does politics.
IF you are over 55 the chances are you remember the famous MAD magazine `fold-ins' at the back of nearly every issue. Well, I guess, this would be a Current Example - as always, dead on.
Since it is now DEC 2012 - the long awaited ENDTIME - why not provide up some resources for the end, right - Preppers (slow loader but very good).
Independent blogger with some amazing Ideas; where the heck has this guy vanished to?
Bout' ready for more Smiling Downblouse Pictures? Sure you are. And another smiling Sweetie to drool over.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Barfing About The Bigfoot Stew/Spew

I almost find this story beyond my ability to write up properly - fortunately I will provide a link that about sums it all up from one `bigfoot website' and it's biases and own investigation and knowledge of the `new Bigfoot DNA' `story'. Emphasis perhaps on the word `story'.

So, I read through the latest saga - and here's my paraphrasing of the `facts' as I understand them without an additional read. SUPPOSEDLY in 2010 - some Bigfoots were SHOT DEAD in Washington state. A part of those Bigfoots was used for a DNA analysis. The analysis shows a human crossbred with a NON-apelineage of Earth and that it is 20% `angel DNA'. (It gets complicated.)

Oh, did I mention that someone supposedly has TWO Bigfoot bodies stashed away? 

So, here's the links you need to read to know MUCH MUCH more about the politics of Bigfoot DNA, 200,000 in cash and more. Here's Robert Lindsay's Total Review - A Must Read - Oh, did I forget to mention the fly in the ointment of the story? - It is that nearly all of these involved in this entire affair are a bit on the heavy duty `Christian' mode. I'll let you sort that out when you read the link. And, as some more fodder - Here's the PR release and here's the actual website of the folks that Supposedly Tested The DNA. Loren Coleman's site says `this isn't going to end well' - I believe him.

Now, BS has already, on a couple of occasions tried to lay out the BS positioning on Bigfoots - be thinking Temporary Phenomena. Oh, and since it may indeed exist in a temporary state - it's DNA perhaps could be extracted from things that it touched while phenomenologically real - so to speak. Indeed, BS already did a legendary post on why EVEN DNA proof would NOT PROVE a real creature permanently on the ground and living among us all. Why EVEN DNA Proof Is Not Enough.
Speaking of animals - have you heard of the guy who after catching a fish with his buddies - acted spontaneously stupid and said he could hold the fish between his lips for one minute? NO - well, the BS outcome was that the fish Swam Down His Throat And Choked Him To Death - classic example of Darwinism hopefully.
We've just had a 550 million dollar lotto in the USA - but, how about this video below - where a guy wins a quarter million LIVE ON TV?
But, you are actually here for the Sexy Shots, right? Even classy black and white Glamour Shots - that you don't even have to feel guilty about, right? Such as this Nipply Shot - that has to be known about to be appreciated.
When you ask yourself - just how crazy was the `cold war' - was one of your responses that it would be a good idea to scare the Russians by Nuking The MOON? BS.
Now to the other extreme - the urban `camper' - the hobo of today - yet, seemingly Doing It In Style, why even have an address is this guys take on things. The ultimate alternative lifestyle. Purposely homeless.

A circle graph that explains why Cannabis is UNIQUE - not BS.
Now, back to the ladies. Blue Pantie Upskirt - Sexy Sluts? and Gorgeous Downblouse. Tons of pictures this good in the archive.
Trippy Art for your monitor screen:

link -

Monday, November 26, 2012

Funniest Book Review? The Big Penis Book!

One must assume this is BS, right?
------------854 of 978 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Wow! July 12, 2008
Oh dear. I am a 70 year old woman and I just happened across this big penis book in my son's room. My son is 45 years old and still single. I think he might be gay. That said, his big penis book is now in my room under my bed. So now my 45 year old single son is probably gay and angry. Well, he should get a job anyway or at least go find some real penis and stop reading about them in books like this. Good Lord this is a big penis book. And I love a big penis. And so does my son, apparently. I give this book ten thumbs up. I can't believe I never knew he was gay. He should get a job. Maybe as a dancer. Anyway, if you like a big penis, you will like this big penis book. Lord there are big penis's in this book. I mean big. Oh dear.

Was this review helpful to you?

 touch book cover for info
Speaking of penises - here's the lowdown on the inside `Duck' joke about Thai women and Why They Cut Their Husbands Penises Off - such a sense of humor.
MORE BS? Sure - how about the war on Video Taping The Authorities? ..... or this Executive Order ..... don't be a Patsy.
But, most of you are here to see the great looking gals on the BS pages, right? Like this Sweet Beach Dancer (you could look at this beauty all day right?) or, this Panty And Bra Picture - correct? 
Shadow banking system hits 67 Trillion - MSM silent as always. Or, 21 Trillion is Private Banking - very private banking.
Ready to have some confidence in YOUR government?
BS does Politics
Pervert - third time - Dung pile - The BS Sleaze Factor Loved By Barfsters - read all about this UK man. But, is it perverted to enjoy these young lasses in full sexual Bloom? (OMG right?)
Barfsters also know that BS has a `paranormal' side too - so, if you haven't seen this TV special about the UFO Crash In 1897 - here's a good chance to catch it. You can also find the LATEST 2012 UFO STUFF Right Here. Or, if you prefer - an overhead picture of the crop circle of Mitt Romney - BS entertains.
Is it all - Pure Mania (at about the 2 minute mark this becomes the Heaviest song imaginable)

Directly Save Below:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The `What IF' About The Power Grid

Perhaps it's simply seeing the situation in NYC Staton Island after Sandy - but, what IF that was everywhere - at least in terms of the power grid. Would commerce stop to the point of riots? How quick would the slide downward begin in a situation where no one or very few had any real information? Power Grid Terrorism Report....................... but 85 year old great grandmothers are the concern of airport agents for our safety.
BS'ing all over the greasy slippery slope.
Now for a bit of weekend levity: 72 Year Old Man Models Women's Clothes - yes, he is a grandfather.
But, most of you are here for the sexy pictures - such as women on their Knees Who Are Showing Cleavage - or - True Pictures Of Beauty that you may even bookmark I bet. Non-Nude Hotties On BS. So?
BS often features political viewpoints that Take The Other Side - BS does politics. And, offers `art' of a Trippy Nature.
Entertained yet?
This is certain to entertain BS'ers - A low cut top and something you probably want to open In Private - but that's the way you look at BS anyway, isn't it?
Who else finds it funny that they call it The Patriot Act? - to bring BS'ers up to snuff. Swimming in the Barf Stew folks. Be informed. Oh, who else finds these words of President Obama to be at least a smidgen Ironic?
Oh, did you know that after the vote to legalize pot for recreational usage in two states that the stock price for a company who makes Marijuana Dispensers soared from a price of 4 dollars to a price of 215 Dollars? Mercy. And, with campaign positioning like this against alcohol - Pot Legalization Days Are Just A Step Away - BS or not?
Hey Man - Got Some Reefer?
barf stew has over 800 posts this good in the archives - enter a tag and see where you go via the search engine. oh, please support our affiliates.......
Orion's Telescope Buyers Guide Primary Buyback Link

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ron Paul - Post Election

As always - RP nails the Current Political Situation - as always, the MSM remains silent on his concerns.
Doesn't matter to you however, right? You're here to see images that Arouse Your Interests - and Show Your Uniqueness, right?
Seems 220 petty pot cases, the livelihood of the criminal `justice' system for many years - have been dismissed in TWO counties in Washington state after voters there legalized possession of up to an ounce for those over 21 as of Dec. 6th. Read all about the Glimmers Of Hope. Yes, at times like these you can even begin to pull this book out from under the Mattress if you dare - and put it on the `coffee table'.
BS does the politics the MSM would rather say once and then forgetaboutit. BS does Politics that wake you up. Or, that are simply Unspeakable.
Every once in a while one can find some seriously good Reading about Contactees on the web. Find out more.
BS Entertains.
Strange Pictures Of Huge Fish - an oldie but a goodie that I pulled out of this Great Site of top voted links.
IF you are a newbie, you should be aware that Barfsters come here often to see the pictures of the Busty Women and Gorgeous Gals - so, if you like that stuff, the archive has 100's of posts this good - dig in for a serving or two. Oh, okay - one more Close Up Fantasy
Yes, it's getting absurd:
Let the Alien Invasion continue, right? .............. Would this be called a Pussy Shelf?  BS pictures, reason to bookmark and return....................... Pantie Self-Shot - you know, the high brow stuff. It's always non-nude at BS.
Here's some BS politics for you - CNN is a government mouthpiece - right from a CNN source.
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Best-Case Scenarios For The Future

Good morning Barfsters - was it a good Saturday night? - Today's BS digs into the broth for a serving of what some call the best case scenarios for mankind. Others might not be so generous in these descriptions of multiple outcomes that are possible IF one ignores the coming collapse of the fiat money system at some near date in the future. ------------ Anyway, it's a good read to start your Sunday Enjoyment On BS - enjoy being watched over by machines with loving grace. Yeah, it's that slippery a slope.
Speaking of Slippery Slopes - The Book Below Is Mine - It's FREE ON Kindle - today Sunday November 11th. Give it a read - the heaviest eight pages on the internet - perhaps.
Here's the Link to the Slippery Slope and below is the book cover: (not a link)
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization
And, speaking of slippery slopes on BS can only mean one thing - the slippery slopes that are part of the sexy female positioning at BS (of course) - so, enjoy sexy photo one - Ridiculously Hot Sweetie - a slippery slope for sure. Or, this Edible Blonde Morsel perhaps? And, you know that BS has a soft spot for the Hard Pokies of the street ladies. Right?
REAL or BS, you decide:
BS Entertains:
Speaking of beautiful - Here's an Oh My picture for your enjoyment. MORE? Sure - Young And Blonde.
Are you in the 1%? Got an extra mil or two lying around? (Well, really two.) Then you can own your own Personal Two Person Sub that dives to 1000 feet. Under the water. (Not THAT kind of sub that dives to feet - you sicko.) Great read about how you can explore shipwrecks in your spare time. Yes, it's climate controlled and all clear glass. A must see picture.
From the more of this needed category The People's Rebellion Against The Pot War Continues - once again in the courthouse via nullification.
Do you know what Fortean means? Did you know that many states have a Society Of Forteans? - This link is the state directors of such. Barf Stew connects.
BS does paranormal.
Hey, why not!

When one monitors the slippery slope - it's always a good idea to know what is NOT over the edge on YouTube: (Barfsters remember the old Sexy Sunday's around here on BS right?)

Yes, you should bookmark BS. The archive has about 800 posts this good btw.
The fight of the people is often a feature of the Barf Stew. In that tradition here's a deep Political Rant worthy of your Sunday time today. Or, perhaps this Political Picture will strike your fancy enough to bookmark.
BS does politics - as you know.
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Click the above for more info! Will you be ready for the escalating emergencies of the late 2010's? Or, is roving gangs more your style? -------------- Share today's post on Facebook with the share buttons below - thanks - see you again soon.
Barf Stew - Your next serving is in the archives!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pot Goes Legal - DARE Drops Pot Curriculum

To try to put it into perspective for out of country readers - 30 years after the beginning of the Drug War - supported by both parties and forever hyped by the Mainstream Media who accepts the bribes of `advertising' from the parties - and without in 30 years - the support of ANY elected official - has become legal in at least two states as of this writing at 5 AM the day after the election.

Oh, and the BS that has been called the D.A.R.E. program - an indoctrination forced upon the youth of the country - is now beginning to run with it's tail between it's legs about Marijuana.
TRIM Fit Body called eye candy by males. Would these be Double D's?
Did 3rd parties get 5% in Indiana? Without ever being mentioned?
But, you are here for the hotties, right? Ok, how about BS pulling from a new subreddit called College Sluts - didn't think you would mind. OR, 3 young ladies in Pretty Lingerie - blondes at that.
AND, for the BS Political Humor, right? - Such as the strange connection or NOT - between Pot And Guns.
BS Entertains:
Do you really think that `manufacturer's are going to keep hiring HUMANS to make things?
MORE girls? SEXY Halloween Costume - and on the street to boot. (Make sure to enlarge too) Oh, and, believe it or not - not even one of these college girls is going as a Slut - they just like dressing like them. BTW, if you like the non-nude pictures of sexy women, nearly every post on BS has them - dig into the archive or simply bookmark BS and return again soon.
The Floating Rock Video:
Obama Won - You May Want To Consider This Purchase!

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Could Hell Break Loose?

Thinking out loud. Some what IF's - Romney wins popular and loses electoral. Do you think that the congressional Republinuts are suddenly gonna play footsie? Wouldn't they be more display more cantankerousness than ever? ------------------- OR, even scarier perhaps, Obama wins the popular but loses the electoral. Would hell break loose with that outcome? ------------ And, could hell break loose within New Jersey at some point after the election and before the new year?

And, that isn't even mentioning 12-21-12.
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PrepareWise is an affiliate of Barf Stew
But, you are here for the Barf Stew Beauties - correct? So, how about this reason to Believe In A God (make sure to enlarge) or,  how about these Attention Seeking MILF's . BS has over 800 posts in the archive this good - go explore today. ---- The sidebar is a great place to start.
Will only BS bring you Decadent Lifestyle Propoganda? - You know, inappropriate drug humor and such.
BS Entertains. Have you bookmarked the Stew yet?
But, you are here to be entertained - with Deep Cleavage and other non-nude Hotties, correct? (yeah, go ahead and bookmark that one, it will bring you back to BS for more next week).
Ever wonder what a scholarly read about UFO's and aliens reads like? You know, a page out a some Government Publication?
Oh, Barfsters - I have a FREE book at my Author Page Today (Sunday) - please check it out.
398164_Food Insurance

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Of Course SANDY Had To Be A SuperStorm Hurricane

As the world knows, cyclones and hurricanes are known worldwide for affecting location with beaches of sand. The spreading of that sand is one of the major effects of nearly every hurricane in some manner. So, with that in mind, once the `depression' named Sandy (could it set off some sort of BS depression?) came into being - (how many years would the world need to exist before another would be named Sandy?) - it was ONLY inevitable that the outcome would be what we see.

And, worthy of retiring the name (as they will) - beckoning the Fortean is never the best idea.
As all Barfsters know - BS does Politics , sexy pictures, and more barf stew.
But you are here for the BS Beauties - right? Ok, let's start with the lowest of Thresholds - which may shock even BS'ers like you. --- Okay, no more fooling around - with this one - that is almost ready for her slutty Night Out With The Girls - which is bookmarkable. And, this is the girlfriend she is meeting up with at the Teasefest Night Competition at the uptown bar.
Gotta love Halloween in College towns, Right? - After all, she's just a schoolgirl. Speaking of parties in college towns on Halloween night - nothing beats the Athens Ohio Party Of OU Students - only 80 arrests this year. My bet is that - like this girl - it was a night with the exposure of many a Sideboob.
BS Entertains.
I updated my `science' blog recently - I think you'd enjoy it. This update even featured How To Eat A Triceratops and a cool video. Or, if you have to go somewhere - how about the best site that features ONLY UFO stuff from 2012?
Speaking of BS - This link is to a great Psychology Today study of about 110 college age people - who were rated for attractiveness and they found an interesting thing - Are Good Looking People Mean? Some interesting BS logic in this one.
Great read.
My thanks to all Barfsters who have been interacting with this page - many of you, almost dailycheck out `The Good Book' and other offerings on this page. That is how `surfers' do their payback you know to the blogger. You are a good surfer, right?
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Now, go explore the archive of nearly 800 posts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Will Sandy Bury Obama?

IMO, the odds of a Romney popular vote victory are enhanced by Hurricane Sandy - and the prospects of an Obama electoral vote victory is diminished. That is, unless Romney puts his foot into his mouth in the next few days. Nevertheless, BS stands by it's previous prediction - the first I've seen in print anywhere - that Romney will win the popular vote and Obama will win the Electoral College. Wonder what odds Vegas would offer on the above?
But, you are here for the girls, right? Wanna play with this  Nurse? Or, would you play with this Twosome? Thought so.
Ever wonder about this situation? What if you took all the people in the world and put them in an area of the density of NYC (Paris, etc) - how big would the `city' be? - Very Cool Graphic.
BS Entertains.
How much of this story have you heard? None? - Is Britain about to leave the Euro Union? Seems they are backing out of previous areas of agreement, ... in 133 areas.
Here's a cool video that shows how the impossibly large items in the distant past may have been moved - in this case - the Easter Island statues:
And, here's the link to the fuller story of the above video (cool website too) - Walking The Eastern Island statues.
How about a 1940's propaganda depiction of America ------------ In Germany! This is a must see. Oh, speaking of old wars - here's the words of the last soldier of WW1 - What War Is - BS does politics.
But, as we know, you are here for the girls. Like this picture of Teen Girls Hugging or this probable Pole Entertainer. You can find more pictures like this in nearly all BS posts - 800 of them in the archive now. One more? OK.
Finally, a close look at the informed American Public:
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Alien Surf Girls

Just as BS embraced the 10 folks who found Barf Stew via the search words `Sexy Chemtrails' earlier this month - let BS welcome those 11 yesterday using the `Alien Surf Girls' search to find their own special BS.
Speaking of special BS - (since lots of BS traffic is international, I get to explain American politics) - the Mainstream Media has been - once again - totally worthless in understanding our political system once again this time around. Will they ever get it?

For example: they laugh about the `supposed' undecided voters while ignoring that a MUCH larger contingent - IF NOT THE LARGEST contingent of voters is UNCOMMITTED - literally not even giving a crappola about EITHER party. Totally unconnected to the agendas of EITHER party. The real silent and unreported MAJORITY.
But, you are here for the alien surf girls - right? Then don't get distracted by this Sexy Pole Dancer or this Too Sexy For Public Hottie. ----------- IF you are new to the BS, the archive is full of great pictures such as these.
Some of you know that I am a juggler:
BS Entertains.
In Bigfoot news - an attack on a 1973 Winnebago Has Been Reported In Pennsylvania - by a Bigfoot hunter.
But, you are here for the European Street Hotties right? And, to look at Pokies Through A Too-Thin Shirt - right?
MY Amazon Author Page - you are connected.
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And, finally - Alien Surf Girls

one click and you will know the inside joke

Friday, October 26, 2012

Is Germany Securing It's Gold?

A real interesting BS read into the highest of big league finance - TONS of GOLD and where is it and where will it be stored physically. Is someone nervous? Read this tale of intrigue Germany Securing Its Gold.
Serious stuff - unlike this hot chick in a sexy White Bikini or this other one with a Peek Down In Front - gorgeous.
For all of you coming for the slippery slope of sexy sleaze - join another million of you:

She Kissed A Girl And She Liked It – 10 Best Girls Kissing Girls Videos On YouTube [Videos] And here is nine more.
Sliding down even further --- Pure Mania, get out your headphones for the beat after the 2:02 mark.
Entertained yet? Twin Beauties - don't miss this one. 
Stirring the Barf Stew? Which one is more you?
Speaking of you and stirring it up - Are Poop Transplants In Your Future? - Read all about it. And, speaking of bathroom items - is this for the Adult Bathroom? (look real close at this)
I typically give away 600 FREE books a month on my Kindle Author Page - are any free there today?
Dig into the archive of nearly 800 posts for more BS.



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