Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 30 Dollar Weekend

As folks who read this blog know - I started trading the virtual currencies when Bitcoin took it's plunge from 600 to 300.... and I've been learning ever since. The headline refers to the fact that from Thursday morning to Monday morning (yesterday) I had clearly my biggest win of the 2014 trading season as Dental Floss Tycoon, 30 bucks up for the weekend. I'll review it shortly.

Next, let it be said that this blog will have lots more posting in 2015 - consistent posting - as will my Bitcoins In Trade blog. I've literally have been learning the ropes and will at least share the smidgen I've learned so far today and in the future.... strategies I'm following etc..... good exchanges to use..... what to avoid, of course.

2014 Review

Exchanges I Use
This is the first real exchange with volume that I jumped into - it's good but not the one I use the most. I've profited for sure at Bittrex.... I'm accumulating and selling PandaCoin and NavajoCoin there... be careful as coins are delisted all the time.
I'm most active at Cryptsy and have traded over 1 BTC of value this month there. I love the spreads -charts - and medium volume on many coins including LTC trades. Accumulating and trading MazaCoin there.... like nearly everything there...but, support on wallets needs improvement (have inquired about the Moon Wallet for weeks now).
I mostly use bluetrade for LTC trading and find it hard to trade any other of the offered coins including HTML5. I have TONS of BunnyCoins and MoonCoins at Bluetrade... should either one ever take off..... dreams. The Bluetrade share is probably the internets easiest `faucet' of free coinage.... all for the price of one share of Bluetrade (under 2 bucks).
The most recent exchange I entered into and with one purpose in mind was Poloniex - I wanted to trade `hot' coins there: instead almost immediately I caught the peak of the HUGE recent surges of RippleCoin and StellarCoin... of which... I've had to cool my heels while they re-ignite.

Exchanges I've already Quit
Both of the above exchanges, for me, had too few active coins to trade. C-Cex was also harder to use compared to others.
Expect More In 2015 - It's Coming

Friday, December 26, 2014

Do Morons Rule Coin Marketplace?

I've been calling this the `wild west days' in bitcoin/alternative coin trading... and have good reasons... which all already know in the bitcoin trading realm.... but bear repeating. And Repeatings..... For example, as already pointed out in this blog ... the ESportsCoin... a coin I had profited from but THEN looked abit deeper into the `information available' about the coin... only to find that IT SEEMINGLY WAS DEAD ... NO WEBSITE... NO DEVELOPER... TRASHED IN THE FORUMS AS A SCAM.... ETC. And, then came the Bittrex trading frenzy about a week ago when it became one of the HOTTEST coins of all (how could it not be called out at THAT point)? Does NO ONE do their homework on the info? Is the INFO that meaningless as far as `trading' a coins virtual value? Do Morons Rule?

It sure seems that way as over 30 BTC was traded on Dec. 21st -- at Bittrex... with soaring prices. This is the chart of the past two Weeks. .... Soon, I will cover another coin presumed dead to only see HUGE spikes in investment in the exchange community.... hmm.... go west young man go west. Or is that too big of a hint.
Other new lessons have also been learned at Bittrex... you can't always `play' the `going to be delisted' threat anymore... be careful as some of your coins will be .... well..... virtual at best. Seems everycoin I've had that got delisted doesn't respond to those holding the coin either... oh well.... it's the wild west days.
Bitcoin Links To Maul Over
this is my website with more about the coin trades I am making - with a marketplace to showcase items in trade for bitcoin
Much More Coming In 2015
Thanks For Your New Readership
Bookmark And Return
dig into the archive for a real adventure

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Bitcoin Christmas

Don't Worry - The Barfstew About Bitcoins - Begins Anew Shortly - Have A Good Day Today

Monday, December 15, 2014

Ruble (Coin) - Would Oligarths Really Let It Vanish?

Hello and welcome to Bitcoin - The Barf, The Stew, And the Winners.... a barfstew if you will... don't worry, you'll want seconds (which are in the archive)... Onward... as you can see today the headline is about the RUBLECOIN ... as I do this post each Ruble (coin) is worth 7/100th's of a cent of  USD. The total value of the Ruble (coin) has dropped to a market cap under 1,300 USD as of this moment - and as the headline implies.... it's about to be DElisted on the ONLY exchange that took a chance on it..... on the LESS than 1.7 million total coins (making it about 6 times rarer than bitcoin itself).... a truly rare coin that almost any value could be attributed to depending on it's usage..... indeed with the supposed real Russian Ruble TANKING is it really so outrageous to consider a revolution could start at the big side of Nations as opposed to the smaller side?

Could EVERY Russian oligarch be so blind and with head firmly planted in the sand to not realize that the vanishing of the coin from an exchange to give it value - potential Russian value.... well.... is worth an INFINITE times more than 7/100th's of a CENT? Seriously. Who's gonna take a chance if the coin falls from trading on Bittrex in just days? Certainly someone should tell the Russians.... don't you think?

BUT - the `coin' has not even a website..... a sure sign of bad news... and no presence in the social media if the link above is to be believed ... that said, the coin is MUCH discussed here and this is just about exactly what I'm only a month later:
Full Member
Activity: 168
Re: [ANN] RUBLE X15 FAST STAKING & TX ⏰ TRUSTLESS ANON ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Code Review Done!
November 09, 2014, 03:26:25 PM
Russians fiat (ruble) will be under pressure soon. Abandoning this coin could be the mistake of a lifetime, just sayin' 

Everyone come out to play, quick!  Grin
The same thread says the game is all over on 12/13 - and to mov e onward..... it's do or die time for the Ruble.... I have some ridiculous `asks' .... total gamble... will it be delisted?
Bitcoin World News
there is lots to read in this article about Bitpay's mixed results, perhaps targeing Black Friday needs a rethought. Also, does the addition of mainstream retailers mean that at peak retail times of year that bitcoin NEEDS stable pricing that the market overall is supplying?

it simply will take some time
BTW, don't miss my new bitcoin blog

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MazaCoin - The Awakening Of The Worlds Potential?

As Barfstars know - I've been featuring my continuing move into the `nation' coins as one of the refuges of where value may ultimately be found in the digital world of currency. The MAZA Coin is one of the ultimate examples of such... and yes, the Dental Floss Tycoon has made my first accumulation of MC.
MazaCoin - Only 2.4 Billion EVER

MazaCoin Description

MazaCoin is an all new fork of the ZetaCoin project that branched from BitCoinMazaCoin is the Official National Currency of the Traditional Lakota Nation.
As a Crypto-CurrencyMazaCoin is uniquely qualified to hold and preserve the wealth of a sovereign nation. The forward looking and courageous decision of the Traditional Lakota Nation to adopt a Crypto-Coin as their national currency will pave the way for other countries in the world to abandon out-dated and dysfunctional forms of fiat currency. MazaCoin will create an economic foundation upon which the Traditional Lakota Nation can build lasting wealth and prosperity for their people. And MazaCoin will take it’s place in the world of Crypto-Currency as a solid Alt Coin backed by the unique legacy of an ancient culture and nation.MazaCoin is another historical first in the grand renaissance of money that is the Crypto-Currency revolution. The entire world will benefit from MazaCoin, and all are welcome to join our community.
First Sovereign National Crypto-Coin In History
Crypto-Currency in general, and MazaCoin in particular – is extremely well suited for the purpose of a national currency. Unlike precious metals or even some sort of fiat, which would entail huge resources in mining and/or minting with a devastating amount of damage to the environment – Crypto-Currency offers a clean, democratic and environmentally sound monetary system


Bitcoin News And Views And Spews

There are ALL kinds of positionings in the new Virtual Currency World - Dobbs Coin however is a bit unique

(BOB) comes to JUSTIFY your sins; to UNMASK the Conspiracy, and to get us back the SLACK they stole away!


Coins Are Now Positioning Themselves To Fill Niches

making TPTB a bit more comfortable I bet
tribal meetings below
Find One In Your Area
A Israeli man buys Bitcoins at the first Bitcoin ATM machine installed in the Middle East on June 11, 2014 at the Town-House TLV hotel in the Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv.
Now as you know, when YOU talk the Bitcoin to other non-awares clinging to the old trading of sea shells - their faces often DO the below
this was the biggie, Second Market Wins

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Won On SolarCoin - New Website For Bitcoin Trading Started

Hello Barfstars.... sorry for the MIA status...but, I started a new BITCOIN website in the last 10 days or so that is focusing on what the previous post was here at Bitcoin - The Barf The Stew The WINNERS.... and it's on that note that I'd like to conclude the previous post and the positioning of the SolarCoin... if you remember - I had bought the coin on 11/29 at 1550 units.... drumroll and I sold it as you see below on 12/4

12/04/2014 20:44:18 12/04/2014 20:44:17 Sell 0.00001794 128.00000000
See My New Website Where all it is is Bitcoin trading... in beta and just starting.... first real trade... up a similar amount to what you see above.
Don't worry, there's plenty to explore in the changing world of money and coins.... new post very soon.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Today's Trade - SolarCoin

From time to time, if not often... I intend to bring to you various `trades' of cryptocurrencies that I am doing --- today's is at Bittrex as I think it might be time to move once again into SolarCoin.... as it has been beaten down for sometime now. The trade is already UP this morning in the first two hours. I'm looking to sell at 1700 (bought at 1598 with a buy reserved at 1550 also as I was anxious to get back into this coin) - if you remember, this is one coin that has BURNED me before so I am just baby stepping back in.

Friday, November 28, 2014

I'm Up At Bittrex - Portfolio Review

I thought an update was in order - especially since about a week ago I went from down overall in my Bittrex trading of non-bitcoin digital currencies - to UP. The change was the result mostly of a fantastic trade result of one coin - to be revealed at the end of this post. (I may have spilled the beans in an earlier post too.) (Okay it was GameaholicCoin.)

Anyway - Via transfers and stuff with the other exchanges I'm in - my original btc stake at Bittrex was 0.15 btc value (about 50-60 bucks at the beginning) - below is the current btc value as of this posting 11/26 at 10:10 AM eastern (has been as high as 0.180 in last 48 hours) - even with .168 that's up over 10% from the start and well up from the lows around .125

0.1687-0.180 over course of this posting
Largest Positions And Value/Coins
.03 - Bitcoin, (80% reserved for buys)
.021 Bytecent, (next bitcoin lite?)
ByteCent was crowd-funded at Bittrex - I bought in
.018 PandaCoin (nation coin)
.017 ReddCoin (Reddit's coin)
.013 NavajoCoin (nation coin)
coins above this line I am mostly in an accumulate long term mode
generally coins below this line I am in trading mode
.008 VertCoin (slow hard trade)
.007 ESportsCoin (love this ones potential)
.005 QuickSilver (profitable for me)
.004 Britcoin (just starting)
.003 WorldWideCoin (losing gamble on BIG name niche)
.003 CraigsCoin (good before, tight range lately)
.003 SyncCoin (expensive loser for me - still holding)
.002 CheckCoin (overbought loser)
.002 CleanWaterCoin
These posts are so time consuming that I'm posting this part - the `portfolio' is now about 30 coins on Bittrex - trying to find the ones that go up and down - more soon.
Please check out the various links on this page - you are sure to be entertained.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

More Digital Coin Connections To Absorb

I have a longer deeper post about my `investing' recently in the works but more and more links like those below keep piling up below - more soon. The sidebar and whole page becomes more Bitcoin friendly by the day - thanks for your interest. More are signing up for the free bitcoins via the banners on this page - cool - not a ripoff, a first dip into the bitcoin waters. That said, there are indeed much better faucets... but, they take effort.
Bit Barf Connections
hey, at least they get out of the business and will miss the entire upside that eventually will happen - and it's actually two auctions with a price tag of 100K minimum to bid.
50K Bitcoin Auction - 500 Pound Marijuana Auction
the slide into legal.... the government selling bitcoin... the government approving farmer sales (to be sold in pot shops for pot coins?)
you know, to store your Bitcoin wallet access, as the title of the article says - biohacking(?) - wave your hand to pay for that Starbucks Coffee
complete solar system
for about 100 days of Starbucks Coffee servings

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Moving Into The `Nation' Coins

I've had the below written for about a week and it's become apparent that despite being really involved in this Bitcoin thing - that the amount of change and degree of understanding makes it tough to get the posts OUT to readers.... so, I'll cut my losses on this post and say that I've gotten WAY IN to the `nation coins - you can find many in the sidebar now. Dig into the stew for more.

So, now that I've showed my emotional support timing-wise for the `pot' coins - and I still believe in a few of them (if not most of them on some level) - I will wait for the momentum on them to build again in the future based on political developments or the election cycle (this time around they took off a few weeks before  (smart money bought about Oct 1-5th) and then sold off). Of all the coins, the pot coins do indeed have a market that needs a form of alternative currency - at least for now. On that reason alone, I've hung onto some level of all the coins on the ultimate idea that IF virtual currencies are to find a marketplace - this may be one.

Now, based on all that - I've moved at least some of my BTC value into my newest obsession about virtual currencies - and that is - that some nations populous may indeed use such `money' at a sudden and rapid increase.... and find that it WORKS better to have such a currency.... are you with me? So, based on that - I've diversified into `currencies' such as Navajo coin which I traded for four times - all buys in the 0.00000320-0.00000400 range. (Raising the stake in the Dental Floss Tycoon account in Navajo to 0.01 - one of the larger stakes at this point.) We'll be tracking all of this of course.
Navajo Coin is named after the great Navajo code talkers in recognition of their efforts and contributions to encryption as well as the sacrifices made by the Navajo heroes in World War II with the unbreakable Navajo code that was used to encrypt highly classified military information and decrypt the same. Their encryption was undecipherable by their enemies due to the "alien" status of their language in the rest of the world as well as the system they used. Their encryption was a major reason for their victory. Today our enemy is the prying eyes and ears of "Big Brother" as well as those of overly curios brothers and sisters. Our mission is to have the Navajo Double Encryption anonymous system lead us to victory and give us our right of privacy! Navajo Anon is just the beginning!
And, even coins with bigger objectives/country sizes - such as Canadaecoin which I've traded for on Bluetrade where I recently obtained (oct 13-15) 20,000 for 0.00000013 to 0.00000015,.... it's even bounced to 20 in the last day or so. (Update - I sold all of it for MUCH higher) Again - coins with a built in niche, that have a public presence or possible pride built within the branding name. Like a Nation.
We are inspired by many open-source related projects, their communities and the charitable acts they seem to inspire. We began a project with a uniquely Canadian spin and are now daily building a new community around this project and the support channels for it to thrive.
Additionally we have refined our branding, introduced bounties and are building applications to push CDN’s viability as a community-plumbing and transactional platform.
Canada eCoin’s technical parameters are tuned to ensure it is responsive for retail applications. Test how fast that faucet works!
Canada ECoin
Now, I've already blogged how ScotCoin and KarmaCoin were my reasons for migrating to Bluetrade (as Coins-E had extremely limited markets in them) - and as you can easily see at the above link - there's big news about ScotCoin to existing Coin holders (like me who are suddenly having to do things to keep Coins alive) - anyway, the Scots may get a new vote on Independence, have oil, could be very tempted to do the virtual currency route... etc. etc. --- seems they are ramping up. Will only have EVER - one billion Coins. (I OWN 23K - holy cow.) I'd expect that I will be not trading per se the nation coins as much as accumulating them vs the Bitcoin. I got 20K of those coins at Bluetrade on November 13th
Along the same idea - I traded for 

Designed predominantly for the Irish tourist sector, IrishCoin launched Saturday May 17th. Irish tourism is worth over $3Bn per year to the Irish economy and IrishCoin intends to utilize the promotional aspects of tourism, providing the coin as a discount token vehicle, a tourist organizational branding opportunity, and for the promotion of the Irish tourism industry among the Irish diaspora in the US, Ireland, and globally. 
IrishCoin - got 20K of those too at Bluetrade... at 0.00000020 - 

I've leave this post with the above as I already have had another one in the till partially finished for 5 days or so. I DID have a BIG win on GameaholicCoin -- yes, sick I know. I could sense a big buy up at Bittrex when they were scheduled to be dropped out of the exchange... figured someone would step up and buy the volume available for sale - was right big time... yes, .... I'm now up in the alternative accounts (in BTC value of alternatives compared to Bitcoin)... well see. more numbers soon - please check out the opportunities on the page to begin your own Bitcoin journey.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


As Barfstars know - this all began with Bitcoin for me, in August; then continued into the diversification into other digital currencies the continued decline in Bitcoin value from Aug - November (now reversed from lows). The move into other digital currencies involved sending Bitcoin from CoinBase To Coins-E initially and eventually to Bittrex (where I have been doing most of my trading). However, Bittrex, like many exchanges, only supports a given number of `currencies' that trade above a certain level of Bitcoin daily (0.2BTC) - and some that I had bought at Coins-E weren't supported at Bittrex (when I decided to move to a better, bigger platform). 

So, I found some exchanges where ScotCoin (the Scotland Coin) and KarmaCoin specifically were traded - having bought those in Coins-e -- so, I then traded/sent them to my newest Exchange I'd like Barfstars to check out Bluetrade. Bluetrade seems to have the BIG coins you see at all the exchanges but carry some of the NEWEST and promoted coins... that have virtually NO value and can be `bought' for the 1000's for pennies. SOME, that aren't crappola coins. (Some that are.)

So, I've been THERE about a week or two and finally dug a bit deeper and put like 15 USD worth of Bitcoin into the site for trading - buying ScotCoin, some DogeCoin (again) and making a few other trades. THEN, today I bought - the BlueTrade Coin - which PAYS interest to those that `hold' them (sounds like a bank?) every four hours and also based on how many trades are going on at the Exchange (which encourages folks to bring others into the gig). So, today I bought 2 of the BlueShares coin and lo and behold.... they make a very small deposit of MANY of these NEW coins directly into your account. In a sense you suddenly have a new portfolio of coins. Dental Floss Tycoon Baby. The Bluetrade #'s are growing daily.... you are almost still an early adopter if you get in now.

So, click the above link - and use some of that FREE Bitcoin you are getting from QoinPro to TRADE around some (after you let the bit by bit build up)  - heck even buy a share of BlueTrade. Yes, it's all better if you already have a Bitcoin Wallet online - like at Coinbase - the one that PayPal trusts.
Some Amazon Books

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Most Recent Buys And Sells

In many respects this blog will be an on-going diary of my moves and understanding of the Virtual Currency Marketplace
Most Recent Buys 
Bought 25K ReddCoin at 0.00000010 (11/13) 0.025 BTC
Bought 675 RETKCoin at 0.00000370 (11/12)  0.025 BTC
Bought 160 ExclusiveCoin at 0.00001615 (11/12) 0.025 BTC
Bought 60 QuickSilverCoin at 0.00004200 (11/12) 0.025 BTC
I continued my uninterrupted buying of Reddit's coin at the new lowest price yet - lowering/averaging my other buys at 13,12, and 11. I discovered RETK coin and will use it as a trade coin as I've already done with Exclusive coin - previously buying and the selling it for a profit. Finally, an `expensive' buy with QuickSilver which I will also use as a trade coin most likely.
Some of the links below - might be of interest?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


11/12/14 - As you can see via the sidebar - Bitcoin and indeed nearly all Digital Currencies are having a very good day... Bitcoin has rebounded from the low 300's within the past week to well over 420 today. Indeed, one of the fun things about Dental Floss Tycooning is that your currencies may be worth more or less than the BTC value and STILL BE WORTH more USD..... the BTC replacing the USD in essence.

All that said, this Analyst a stock trading pro with all kinds of graphics about trends... says the trendline UNLESS it stays above 420 (HMM) isn't good... looks like we covered that short term rally he says was possible in his analysis about THIS week. That said, I'd say the digital currency market is NOT exactly like the stock market and that the `currencies' have a MUCH shorter `memory' of pattern... let's say. Indeed, I'm finding slowly what works.... seemingly... and just on general marketing terms a few things can be said...... have a coin with a good positioning AND a built in potential `retailish' marketplace of those interested in the NAME or concept.

For example, REDDCoin has the built in audience of REDDIT users.... destin to go up in size and enthusiastic and Bitcoin strong too. Over the long haul.... you will probably do very well with this still CHEAP coin... and one of the FEW that will probably survive that have chosen the MASS `available' market positioning (those currencies with BILLIONS available). (Compare to BTC's 13 million.) The `pot' coins if carefully chosen represent the same idea of a built in retail market and targeted brand users of product.... Compare those names with NOBLECoin.... are you Noble? Are a category of folks identified with being NOBLE... well perhaps... you get my drift... that is how you need to look at this.... IMO.
@ this moment the Dental Floss Tycoon Account
began with 0.152 (after transfer, including bluetrade set up)
now at 0.123
not all are keeping up with the over 20% daily increase in Bitcoin today.
More Soon

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Let's Get High Coins

No, there's not a let's get high coin.... yet.... but there are a number of ones that have sprung out of the Earth in the last few weeks and months.... as Barfstars know.... (I've detailed my `investment' in some of the coins). So, I'd like to make the info a bit more fragrant and mature.... including my impression of their seriousness in their positioning statements and goals.
$ 388,551 - 50th place


According to the charts at CoinMarketCap - PotCoin began @Feb 10th, 2014, peaked in Marketcap about July 4th @ 1.8Million
A LONG declining value trend may have been broken about Oct. 10th.
Currently I am HOLDING onto about 0.01 bitcoin and selling 0.005 bitcoin worth of PotCoin. The chart makes you have to have faith in the development of the retail marijuana market to hang with it. Obviously it would/could be interesting as merchants acquire this `currency'. 
$ 614,395 - 35th Place
This coin seemed to begin about August 1st, 2014 - and had a HUGE move up spike peak about Oct. 20th with over a 5 million USD Marketcap, with an equally sharp decline, returning to mid August levels and may just be finding it's legs and bottom. So, PotCoin is positioning legal-retail, Cannabis coin is taking the MM positioning initially.
While COURTING merchants, none are listed. The site does position smoking at 4:20 PM and such content - going for the regular smoker too. Currently I'm holding about 380 coins and selling none.
$ 1,673 - 421ST
(Looking to be coin of Europe Legal Shops)
The GanjaCoin began about Oct 23rd near the PEAK of it's MarketCap around 12K - the market completely collapsed today (11/10) - my first investment to be completely vanished. I transfered all my GanjaCoins to Bluetrade in hopes of finding another market. At this price I will keep rather than throw them away away. Perhaps the big splash will comeback but I doubt it. LEARNED - Emotional buys at introductions is a bad idea..... lol. Oh, at bitcointalk... the developer of this coin RE-appeared and assured the public this was still a viable coin.... the Coin respiked in price from the dead - glad I hung onto it.
There's more and others - dig into the virtual coin revolution.
New links are in the sidebar as I continue the transformation of BarfStew. Now called BIT BARF - you did notice right?

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fifty Buck Dental Floss Tycooning - Part Two

This is the on-going account of the approximately 50 USD (via Bitcoin for trading 0.15 Bitcoin when begun) trading account in virtual currencies - offered at Bittrex. All readings 11/7/14 @6pm.
Today's Patter
As you have read, the first moves into this exchange was just a few days ago to acquire a portfolio heavy in the `marijuana names' before the election - assuming a general win for pot. The Coin result was mixed but one Coin - the SativaCoin - has been tanking nearly the entire time due to low trading volume and folks getting out at any price. I guess I will find out what happens when one owns such a Coin. Perhaps. (as trading volume has picked up, perhaps saving it in the exchange). Still can't find a price to get back into ExclusiveCoin (sold out at profit already).
Now, to make it easy for myself - I've been buying a Coin in amounts of either 0.01, 0.005, or 0.0025 Bitcoin value. That way, I can generally easily know where I stand with a Coin since the investment. Understand the even the 0.01 BTC is worth only 3.50 USD or so (when I started). IF that is understandable - here's what the Dental Floss Tycoon Coin Portfolio looks like right now.
The starting 0.157 BTC
is now
0.140 BTC
@ values shown - @# of Coins
ReddCoin - 0.099 - 76K
NobleCoin - 0.0023 - 19K
UFOCoin - 0.0014 - 16K
PotCoin - 0.013 - 2K
CraigsCoin - 0.0025 - 1.4K
NavajoCoin - 0.052 - 1.3K
GanjaCoin - 0.003 - 500 
(0.05start + sold additional 0.05 at loss)
CannabisCoin - 0.094 - 400
(doubled up today from 200 coins)
Solar Coin - 0.80 - 400 (1/2 for sale)
VertCoin - 0.011 - 60
SativaCoin - 0.0053 (0.01 start) - 15K
CheckCoin - 0.0029 (0.005 start) - 200
0.017 (in reserve for active buys/BIDS)
0.49 true dry powder
today's purchases included
VertCoin (re bought for trade - new cycle)
ReddCoin (doubled up)
CannabisCoin (doubled up)
*first time ever was today
All you need is some peoples currency - Bitcoin - to begin to have the same kind of fun. Buy Your First Bitcoin Here Via Coinbase. (this is where I bought my first and store 0.15 outside of my trading account). I add tiny amounts to Coinbase regularly.
Remember, if you sign up for the FREE Bitcoin daily - at the links on this page - remember to use BS in your member name to let me know how you got there.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Bitcoin Stuff

Today's post will mainly be links that I've run across or used on this excursion into Bitcoin and related currencies. But, the first update is that 0.157 Bitcoin Value in the Dental Floss Tycoon account is 0.139 value as the hoped for BOOM in the `pot coin' names after the legalization voting on November 4th didn't occur. That said, they did come back some yesterday and I haven't dumped the position much at all yet. And indeed, the PotCoin is actually UP fairly significantly. Must be the strange names like Ganja that spooked the crowd. I did sell at a profit most of my position in ExclusiveCoin (something I will definitely follow closely). I'll review more of that and more in detail in an upcoming post.

The first indications are that the shift to Bitcoin coverage is going well - with more direct usage of those posts than usual (being shared?). Obviously I am offering the old Barfstew format and the new BS Gallery format so that does cover some bases too. Sadly, so far, only 5 of you have been smart enough to sign up for the FREE Bitcoins - Daily..... I know that it is strange for a business plan to begin with giving away money.
Here's some of those links of interest.
Brave New Coin is great for a quick look at the top Digital Currencies Market Caps And Prices, AND - they cover nearly daily the stories happening about Bitcoin - such as:
The World's First `Carbon-Offset' Currency indeed, as I've already noted with the literal EXPLOSION of BRAND named coins - from the pot category to colors to .... yes The UFO Coin for the advancement of understanding UFOlogy..... yes, the marketplace is ENDLESS for this type of segmentation to drain the natural government monies. Other recent stories include how the UK is reaching out to the Bitcoin community as it sets up it's regulations on digital currencies. UK ReachoutYou can find many more important stories at Brave New Coin so be sure to bookmark that one.
More links:
Bittrex - is where I am having fun being a Dental Floss Tycoon - easy to use website is nearly self intuitive even for a novice trader. (like myself). One of the busier exchanges.

CoinMarket Cap  is another excellent website currently following over 540 currency values including the less known ones like KarmaCoin.

CryptoCoin Charts - amazing database - brokerage.
More to update but let's get this up first.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fifty Buck - Dental Floss Tycooning

Below - you can see the FUN that you can have with digital currencies, and who knows you might just get lucky buying into what appears to be a SWELLING phenomena. Indeed in just the last few months 100's IF NOT 1,000's of `Virtual Coins' have come into beingness. It's an amazing site as EVERY CONCEIVABLE BRAND NAME is being trotted out onto the stage..... from the `Prism' coins that are colors `BlackCoin, RedCoin, WhiteCoin', etc etc. To the VERY latest fad.... the various names for POT..... you will see below what I mean as I initially invested 0.01 or 0.005 Bitcoin into some of the names in the last day or so on a new exchange I've found and am using (and enjoy more than Coins-e, more action) - anyway see the chart below and then I will follow with some more analysis and comments.....

ReddCoin RDD 38500.00000000 0 0 0.00500500 0.0%
SativaCoin STV 15052.21250000 0 0 0.00842924 -11.1%
ExclusiveCoin EXCL 2320.00000000 0 0 0.02934800 -28.7%
PotCoin POT 2020.00000000 0 0 0.01411980 -3.1%
GanjaCoin GANJA 1000.00000000 0 0 0.01050000 26.7%
SolarCoin SLR 400.00000000 0 0 0.00992400 -8.3%
CheckCoin CKC 226.00000000 0 0 0.00457650 -2.4%
CannabisCoin CANN 172.00000000 0 0 0.00463884 -7.0%
BlackCoin BC 101.73421506 0 0 0.00945111 -4.8%
Vertcoin VTC 60.00000000 0 0 0.00983280 -4.3%
ViaCoin VIA 40.00000000 0 0 0.00704040 1.2%

Bitcoin BTC 0.03433636 0 0 0.03433636 0.0% Free Bitcoins every 24 hours

As you see, I bought and own 15k SativaCoin, 2k PotCoin, 1k GanjaCoin and 172 CannabisCoin, .... all on my assumption that the upcoming elections could provide yet another boost to legal herb in the USA (certainly DC will pass). And while PotCoin has been around all of a few months - the others are NEW this month, in the last days in some cases.... I haven't even bought all the names available either such as DarkKush.

Kind of like the CNBC phrase `buy the rumor (the election) - sell the news (the outcome)'..... and what would happen if all the legal users started to ...... invest.
A BIT more,...... as you can see all of my purchases were not related to the Pot brand name - I got and intend to keep the ReddCoin (of Reddit fame), and VertCoin and ViaCoin, to me had interesting `charts' which I'd like to trade upon as does Exclusive coin - which is the first coin I've `loaded' up with (all of about 10 bucks USD) - all of these are recently newly released coins overall.
The coins got into my Bittrex account via transfers from Coinbase and Coins-e (where I still have ScotCoin and KarmaCoin).... I've listed the Coinbase link for you to use when you buy your first Bitcoin - remember - Coinbase is the one that has a relationship with PayPal. If you ultimately buy 100 USD worth of Bitcoin from Coinbase via my link - you and I get Five USD worth of automatic Bitcoin into our wallets - so, please use it even if you intend to only make a few dollar first purchase of Bitcoin....... the other link I want you to use if ALL THIS is new to you... is the FREE Bitcoin link above from Qoinpro.... that too will help you acquire your first digital/virtual currencies. All you need to use or give to qoinpro is your e-mail and confirm it. Please use my banner above to sign up.
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