The headline is one of the last spoken phrases - well worth your time. The Ultimate Pushback.
Student gets stuck in giant stone vagina

Vagina Dares - Only On The BS
Too naughty for the giggly `Today Show' patter?
Crusted BS Bits
yeah, I'd say gamers are a different crowd
on the big island.... taking away pot from the police is like taking candy from a baby
And, it's only beginning to seep into the corporate minds what a disaster for law enforcement, the insurance industry, the lawyer lobby, the prison industry and others when and if self driving cars are allowed to become the norm.
counter intuitive to the MSM view, find out why
when in your rearview mirror

The BS Entertains
the mouthpieces for the `2 party system' somehow are surprised
The BS Does Politics

Gotta love that if the local guy says there is 0% chance of rain - that there is MORE chance than if he says there is a 10% chance .... the `it's gonna be beautiful out there' AND, yet, they quickly become overestimaters by the 30% mark.
IF public news is low rated and even the weathermen don't give it straight locally....
The BS Gallery

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