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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bitcoin To Become 6th Largest Reserve Currency Within 15 Years?

For such a headline and statement - CNBC sure presents a lameish article here IMO.... even quoting someone calling it's value a fraud. More and more however there seems to be a motif that the blockchain is more valuable than BTC... but another point of view says YES... true... but... BTC will be the store of the value of the technology - Full article is here - the article also notes that 90% of the currency value is being held for speculation. Indeed. Don't sell cheap if you have a few.
Indeed.... here's another article saying the banks will move into BTC technology by Next Year ... while Jamie Dimon.. the old guard says Bitcoin Is Going To Be STOPPED and that the value is a fraud.... this indeed could get nasty. 
Never underestimate the powers that be.
Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, October 30, 2015

Bitcoin - Spiking - Huge Companies Entering Into Bitcoin-Blockchain Investments

It's like a light going off in one's collective head - or the clanging of a LOUD bell ... but wall street and more has discovered possible uses for the technology this blog is about - and the next spike in Bitcoin value may have already began.
Recent Links Of Interest
a tease from the above link
The other investors in DCG include a range of venture capital firms and family offices such as FirstMark Capital, Novel TMT, Oak HC/FT, RRE Ventures, Solon Mack Capital, and Transamerica Ventures.
The Ultimate Marriage?
the shit is getting real folks
Ethereum Too Is Spiking Recently
yes... I bought in and have 33 reps
And finally for Today's Must Read

Vitalik Buterin theorises about monetising an Ethereum browser, the price of Bitcoin and education in China

thanks for your readership

Sunday, September 27, 2015

What IF... There Was A BitRuble?

As you are aware... other than perhaps MAZA coin.. no other current cryptocurrency can truly be tied to ANY sovereign nation... and as you are aware... one nation in it's eyes has been `under attack' and it's currency has taken a HUGE hit via sanctions and with the declining price in Oil.... yes.. that would describe Russia... the old USSR..... led by as big an ego maniac they say as our own Donald... a guy that just might go his own way... as he already has shown to the world.. and who just might ONE UP the entire world.... with the BitRuble move... peg his currency to not a basket of Fiat currencies but to the international price of the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency.

So WHAT IF.. suddenly a NATION was using it's resources to REPRICE it's trade? Via the BITCOIN structure? Could it be the EXACT mechanism needed for the long awaited Bitcoin Spike? Could all trade with Russia suddenly be the new market for other nations having to pay in BitRubles? Does ANYONE NOT UNDERSTAND what that would do to demand?

Here's a few tokens of what I've been reading.... your comments?
The Russian Bitcoin Factor

a huge positive... OR... the Banning Of Bitcoin?

he makes a joking point about Bitcoin being the only currency down more than the Ruble

is this INSIDE buying?

In Other Crypto News

and they will be more impressed by the price spike that they avoided

like gold and oil

perhaps the biggest recent news of all

Also Worth Noting - Perhaps

most interesting is the contention that the value may be in other coins 

one amazing website IMO

the easy easy case for why you need to own more than 0.002 BTC

I bookmarked this one

BTC's new image..... Vegas .... of course

interestingly... it gets NO trades hardly

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Monday, August 31, 2015

The Ethereum Sensation

I was not caught completely off guard like many concerning Ethereum and knew that its release would cause ripples... but... not like this... and some are saying it could compete with the God of Crypto, Bitcoin, for marketcap - in as little as a few years or less. Rumors abound about it... that large companies want to use it... that pension funds want to buy and hold it... that Augur will be amazing.... etc.

All that said... how about links from the Cryptoworld as I continue to put together a big post for all.
First... Ethereum
Fourth In Marketcap
as of 8/31/15

Blog Post About Ethereum's Security

meanwhile, some say this `leaked' chat memo indicates Ethereum has a ways to go in development:

Ethereum Launches..... BUT
will all this cashflow help?

Many who are part of the Ethereum gold rush point at this tape where an intelligent woman at 2:15 identifies Ethereum as the connection potential for the Internet Of Things. IMB is bigtime and so is the marketcap of Ethereum already:

Mystical Bitcoin?

MAZA Coin Blog..... Will there be an Indigenous Coin?

Hey, why settle for a million, right?

CNBC asks... will it break or be better than ever?
Even If You Arrived For The Pretty Women Of The Archive
Thanks For Your Readership
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Friday, August 7, 2015

Blockchain Size Becomes New Focus?

Yes... still working on that huge `reference' update for you... be patient.
Obviously... more than 7 transactions a second are needed if the BTC blockchain is going to grow..... what to do and when is a new focus for the entire CryptoCurrency segment and traders. Are there even other potentials too? - Forks which leave BTC behind? Will `value' be driven by practical usage for business and banking - including non BTC options/coins?

Lots of breaking and interesting developments in just the last couple weeks... wanted to get a few of those trends and so forth into your vision... worth your read.
Here's the call for the blockchain size to double by November 2015 while others are calling for a change in the fee structure of BTC up to a 20 fold increase.
All of the calls above are because of a relative explosion in BTC usage recently... as shown by a variety of links below.
For Example
It does seem that some Americans are getting the idea.

BTC is being seen as a hedge against inflation in crappy economies based on higher value currencies... Is Greece next?

over 2,500 already

a way to avoid the capital controls in China, interesting read



Is Ribbit.Me in the forefront - RibbitRewards (coin)

Sounds like we are talking REAL money here

(he says in 15 years)
Coinbase has established itself as on top of the BTC experience in America IMO


the unbanked is a huge market potential, obviously

Paul has been silent for too long? Article is from Gary Johnson who was the Libertarian Candidate before.

Could this idea be a catalyst?
Are you convinced yet that you might want to own some Bitcoin?

Friday, July 31, 2015

An Impossible Fantasy - The Bitcoin Tulip Gold Rush - BTC At One Million

Readers of Barfstew recently ran across the link (shown below) from the about a hedge fund called Wedbush that listed the odds of a BTC price at ONE MILLION dollars by 2016 as ONLY 5,000 to one - they called it the `internet outcome' for BTC's price. Which set my mind into speculation about such a fantasy... and looking ONLY at selected aspects of such an fantasy occurrence. 

As a trader of cryptocurrencies for the past 8 months... what do you think would happen to the other 600+ coins listed on the various crypto exchanges if BTC became 1 million dollars each? No one knows of course... but here's my fantasy prediction:.... and it is dependent on the steepness of the rise (remember in this fantasy this happens in the next four months)... with the first spike taking it to 1,000 dollars from the current 300 dollar levelish...lets say the rise happens in just 4 days, such as  400,600,800,1000 and the market cap for BTC triples roughly to the 12 billion dollar level.... what do YOU think would happen to the price level of OTHER crypto coins?

IN MY OPINION... they would CRASH and crash hard... as EVERYONE would be scrabbling to get as much BTC into hand as possible. 

One coin after another would have whales selling entire positions into the buyers. Coins that would be worth 1000's of satoshi's before the BTC spike, would be going for FRACTIONS of what they were worth the days before (and these would be the FEW attempting to maintain some value in comparison).... I wouldn't be surprised in a quick rise as described above to see most coins sell for 1/10 their prior value (despite it being only a three fold increase) ...few will be spending the increasing value their BTC to buy the now perceived as `junk coins' at this point. 


Then, as September approached... the value would again multiply by a factor of 10... to 10,000 per coin - with a market cap now approaching 125 billion for BTC.....  more than enough to catch the attention of the stupid that simply follow whatever grabs the interest of the MSM. 1,000 week one, 3,000 week two, 6,000 week three and 10K week four (you a coin holder can feel your adrenaline rising, right) .....however now, ONLY a handful of coins exist in the exchanges anymore with any real value.....that said, that handful of 15 coins also has a marketcap of 12 billion now(meaning their value too would be growing in relation to previous fiat values) .... however, the `cryptocrash' (for all coins not of the elite 16) will affect the others deeply - with the other 580 coins having nearly NO value...perhaps worth a  half billion total....before their final crash which is to come. All discussion in the crypto world now is focused on `how many coins are truly needed' - a discussion that will affect every holder of any cryptocurrency. 

Because the market flushout is coming in October ... as all shakeouts do.

In October, yet another 10 fold increase,  to 100,000 dollars a coin - which would finally attract the world money movers and governments... and consequently, the actual usage of BTC would have been altered significantly towards big players... hedge funds, governments, pension plans.... everyone wanting to get in before the now talked about 1 million dollar possibility... and with BTC at ONLY 100,000 dollars and with a marketcap of over 1 trillion dollars (as much money value as the IMF has in emergency funds) ... it, Bitcoin,  has become the only player in town for some kinds of HUGE transactions between governments... fiat values for national coins are now being affected by the value of BTC - and how many holders might have some BTC in any society could determine the richness of the nation or society.... many stories surface in China and America, in their MSM's -  about the early traders who are now millionaires...much like the first BTC spike years ago. 

TONS of stories about the folks who ONLY had 1 or 2 full BTC's - and are now `rich' - and additional stories about the ones, the few individuals,  still hanging onto a piece of a BTC coin hoping for even more.... however, with the price rising to 100K....  NO other coins even trade for BTC anymore on ANY of the EXCHANGES -  and a whole second market of crypto begins to develop around the core 15 coins or so.... but the shake out is HARD now that coins NO longer have a value tied to the BTC platform.... even the core coins fall in fiat value from the very inflated figures prior to the cutoff of trading them for BTC.

Finally the Bitcoin Tulip Gold Rush happened in November and December as world markets adjusted to BTC becoming a 1 million dollar product worth a marketcap of 14 Trillion dollars (just about the PERFECT FIT FOR THE WORLD TRADE LEVEL OF 18 TRILLION OR SO).... could this be a goal...? Will BTC be the commodity for WORLD TRADE to end the problem of local currencies fluctuations?

The fantasy ends there as 2016 begins anew.. with a new world TRADE currency established by the money players.... while the banking sector takes a look at Ripple, making it a market leader amid a new crypto market that now looks for functionality  - still worth billions more than before the BTC spike only 120 days prior - but billions less than before the cutoff with BTC exchanges. With traders kicking themselves in the butt for NOT hanging onto pieces of BTC as the spike was happening, or trading them for other, now worthless,  cryptos on the way up... that soon crashed to zero in comparison to BTC.
IMO the big money could create any scenario they wished with the value of BTC... it's wise to have some...even tiny bits.

I hope you enjoyed today's Bitcoin fantasy... how about spreading it on social media?

Links referred to below:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ribbit Rewards Coin.... At The Edge?

I'm working on a MAJOR update ... in the meantime.
One of the first coins that I've enjoyed watching emerge with a game-plan for Crypto is - with the Ribbit Rewards coin (trading on Bittrex at a discount IMO - this coin IMO could at least Quadruple IMO and become a category leader ).... as they hope to crank up a Bitcoin and Crypto Marketplace (using the coins I think as a reward of the transaction)... .... they have also been in the news other ways such as having all their team members be certified.. by the Digital Currency Council A rarity in Crypto. Will the marketplace become real? Will more development teams want to be certified?
while mentioning how a merchant was banned from Ebay for suggesting they'd take Bitcoin for payment
seems like everyone is waiting for the other guy to go first
with a 1 in 5000 chance that it will go to 1 MILLION by 2016
It's old news now,,,, but BTC did spike on
might Europe finally get the idea about BTC?

Ultimately will `scarce' coins like Unobtainium be value centers?
This is well beyond the scope of the MSM and much too disruptive... but Are Negative Interest Rates The Doom For Cash Holdings?
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Crypto `Scarcity' And Potential Fiat Value - Part One

Hello Barfstars.... Without question my 3 part post and analysis of scarcity in May has been this blogs most popular posts of the `Bitcoin Era' of Barfstew - those links are at the bottom of this post. Pageviews are now approaching 2000 a day on a good day (advertisers, this is a bargain) - males looking for beautiful information about a new passion. Cryptocurrencies. The new coin collecting.


Today's post once again will be featuring an analysis of the various `fiat leaders' at certain levels of scarcity - much like the previous post. Certainly when you are investing in Crypto it's important to know - scarcity - and `usefulness'/utility - and presence/following in community.... as basic attributes of a cryptocoin. (IMO - Avoid coins with no website. And be very cautious about ? as the figure of coins available, many coins list ? making your purchase a pure gamble.)

More importantly - I've grouped this analysis to provide coins that aren't so much apples to oranges - as each coin in a group is comparable in size to at least a factor of 2.

Are the coins in your portfolio... over priced or under-priced? What dreams do you have for the value of the coins in your portfolio?
Extreme Abundance Coins ; 150 Billion+ Available
(5 coins in category) 
BYTECOIN - 0.000028
IF the coin you are investing in has over 150 billion available remember that BYTE is the top valued coin at 2/1000th's of a penny.
Abundance Coins; 83 Billion - 113 Billion Available
(10 coins in category)
DOGECOIN - 0.0002
Dogecoin is the most valuable coin in fiat value in this category, worth 2/100th's of a cent.
The least valuable coin in this category is the CORGICOIN - worth  $ 3e-08 - that might suggest that Corgi is the most undervalued in this category - up 30% in the past 7 days too.
Dream Big Coins; 30 Billion - 69 Billion Available
(7 coins in category)
RIPPLE  is the most valuable coin in fiat value in this category, worth ONE CENT. (0.0106)
Five coins in this category all have very similar values at 0.000002 or 0.000003 (2 or 3, - 10,000th's of a cent) FLAPPY, KARMA, TICKETS, HTML AND PANDA. Only ZEIT coin has `lifted off' at a value of 0.000012 - then again any of the other five at this value is a 4-6 fold increase potential.
 Dream Coins; 12 Billion - 27 Billion Available
(10 coins in category)
MINTCOIN is the most valuable coin in fiat value in this category, worth 0.000075 - or 7.5 1000th's of a penny.
Most of the other coins of this category have values similar to the Dream Big Coins category above 0.000002 or 0.000003 - only Reddcoin at 0.000015 and Smileycoin at 0.000007 have broken out from the pack. This might suggest that the coins worth 0.000002 or `3' - might have some room to run. Indeed a look at some of these coins increases in just the last 7 days might suggest some upward movement - 
 Fantasy Coins; 6 Billion - 10 Billion Available
(10 coins in category)
DIGITALNOTE is the most valuable coin in fiat value in this category, worth 0.00019 -- about 1/50th of a penny.
Two coins are not worth even 0.000001 including PHOTON,  and BATCOIN. But are DEVCOIN and DOGECOINDARK opportunies and undervalued?
 Expectation Coins; 2.5 Billion - 5.2 Billion Available
(6 coins in category)
BITSHARES edges out STELLAR in market cap and fiat value in this competitive category. Bitshares (0.0073 -- 7/10th's of a penny) Stellar (0.0035 - a 1/3 of a penny)...each worth 1000's of times what POPULAR coin is valued at. 
And is LITEDOGE an opportunity at Bittrex when valued at (0.000007)? 
Possibility Coins; 1.0 Billion - 2.3 Billion Available
(14 coins in category)
This VERY competitive category has only produced one real winner .... the NXT coin 0.012 fiat... valued at just over a penny and perhaps the most traded coin among multiple exchanges and for multiple currencies. That alone can be a driver of `value' occasionally.
Nearly ALL of the other cryptocurrencies in this category are light years behind in fiat value. IF you want a LONG SHOT - try UFO coin (what if one lands?) - or perhaps COMMUNITY COIN at Cryptsy - (not even a current website... but what a name). 
Expect Part Two Soon
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Monday, May 25, 2015

The `Scarcity' Segmentation Of Virtual Currencies --- Examined (PART ONE) Coins Over 58 Million Available

A couple weeks ago I employed some of my natural `market research' skills by examining one aspect... one attribute - of the different `virtual currencies'... coins available... and that is... `the number available' - or what amounts to scarcity. Yes, the number available (using one `best source CoinMarketCap.Com)... such as ...does a `coin' have just a `handful' available, or, are there literally BILLIONS available. (This research into this data was done about May 7th.) Many coin traders have only the vaguest ideas about most coins... despite being able to tell you that Bitcoin will never exceed 22 million (or whatever the exact figure is). 

One reason I did this background legwork was to answer the question - Which of these `scarcity' strategies `works', at getting a coin the `attention and awareness' it needs to break through the enormous `clutter of coins' currently on the marketplace exchanges and beyond? Is it the `here I am and I am billions strong wanting to be the NEXT BIG thing? Or, is it the `I wanna be the next BITCOIN' positioning (similar number of coins to bitcoin) ... sought by many coins `with improvements' to the bitcoin technology. 

Or, should the coin be daring and emulate the `scarcity' factor in spades... limiting the number of coins available to `just a few' in comparison to Bitcoin... and hope, somehow, that a real `scarcity' value is subscribed to and ascribed to the coin itself... in an era where most coins have a near zero awareness with the general public. Perhaps `the scarcity branding' will be accomplished with an expensive sounding coin brand name? 

Ah yes..... The appropriate branding - essential to all coins .... but perhaps the sweet spot isn't scarcity (?) ...... indeed,  should the positioning on how many coins will be available by the developers be something in-between the HUGE apparent hole in the above... a coin NOT with BILLIONS... but substantially more than BTC, and filling the 20 million to 1 billion coins available positioning

Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder. So, I did the digging I first promised you.

So, what did my analysis find - about the 552 coins listed on CoinMarketCap.Com just a few weeks ago? Sorted by `number available'? 

Well below is a summary ... and a guide of sorts to understand ... probably... just how much `potential' ANY coin really has `if is has a certain volume of coins'... regardless if the developers dream is a dollar a coin (which is about 0.004btc=1.00fiat)..... `a common pipe dream of all levels of scarcity and all types of coins'.

Enough already right? .... are you ready? Here goes... lets start with the Top 50 coins with the `most available' - you better be a coin with a BIG name for this branding... and as you can see below - you will not be disappointed with the biggest available coin:

Segment 1 - Most Abundant Coins Available, top 50

In this category, Colossuscoin, with 312 BILLION available takes the cake... at least it has a name to match its Colossus number of coinage, right?... And, the top 50 trails down to the measly 2.1 BILLION available for UFOcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 20K and daily volumes under 20 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by having billions and billions. Tracking these random coins that make up the first and last of a category will also give some insights as to just how HARD the alt coin world is to compete within.

But the real BANG of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES THE BEST overall with (10-12) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 10 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 6 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

NEM 0.0001
MINT 0.00001
REDD 0.00001
INFINTE 0.000003
BYTE 0.00002
DARK NOTE 0.00006

#8 - BITSHARES 0.003
#7 DOGE 0.00009
#5 STELLAR 0.0027
#2 RIPPLE 0.00076

10,000 SATOSHIS (0.0000XXXXbtc)

So, big things can come in BIG packages - but, as of now, a self limiting value under 1/3 a cent each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthru happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' will likely come from this segment, but the competition is fierce at the top - and other segments of scarcity also do quite well in gaining real value per coin and per cointype. 
(You will notice from here on out that I follow the same format as above in bringing each segment to you for analysis.)

Segment 2 - Very Abundant Coins Available, top 51-100

In this category, ANIMEcoin, with 1.9 BILLION available takes the honors... And, the top 100 trails down to the measly 176 MILLION available for Einsteinumcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 4k and 25K and daily volumes under 80 bucks. The randomness of these picks representing the segments is one way of accessing the value of segments in general too.

But the real BANG of any of the 10 segments, as mentioned before,  is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment does the worst overall with only 4 coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND one Top 10 Marketcap coin 
These 4 coins were in the Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 3 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

GULDEN 0.001

#6 - NXT 0.009

10,000 SATOSHIS (0.0000XXXXbtc)

So, big things can come in BIG packages - but, as of now, the self limiting value for these hugely available coins remains at under a cent each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could again be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' based on what is charted above -  will likely not come from this segment.

Segment 3- Abundant Coins Available, top 101-150

In this category, TAKcoin, with 169 MILLION available takes the honors... And, the top 150 trails down to the measly 58 MILLION available for NAVAJOcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 1k and 250K and daily volumes OF 16 bucks @300 bucks.

But the real BANG of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment does the 2nd best overall with  7 coins in the Top 50 Marketcap BUT  had NONE of theTop 10 Marketcap coins.

These 7  coins were in the Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 7 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

NAVAJO 0.004
BLACK 0.013
WORLD 0.003
DNOTES 0.011
CRYPTI 0.003
TILE 0.003
FUEL 0.019

The top coins now approach 2 cents fiat in value each - real money.

10,000 SATOSHIS (0.0000XXXXbtc)

So, big things can come in BIG packages - but, as of now, the self limiting value for these hugely available coins remains at under 2 cents each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could again be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' based on what is seen (not even one top 10 marketcap) -  will likely not come from this segment.
So... a quick rule of thumb on any new coin you are considering investing in... ask and research how many are available of this coin? Because IF you see a pricing in excess of 0.0000xxxx and they are in any of the above categories, beware, ... in other words - a coin that prices itself at say 0.00015000 satoshi out of the gate upon introduction to the public ---- you can BET that coin is going DOWN in value - IF it has more than 58 million coins available.
Part Two will tackle categories 4,5,6,7 - the post is already written and posted, just keep reading DOWN this page - be ready to be enlightened soon.
Part Two
Part Three
the place for newbies to get their first Bitcoin

The `Scarcity' Segmentation Of Virtual Currencies --- Examined (PART TWO) Coins From 58 Million To 3.7 Million Available

This is part two of the `Coin Scarcity' Postings

Segment 4 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #150-200

In this category, Bellscoin, with 57 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... ring a bell, right?... And, the top 200 trails down to the measly 21 MILLION available for SonicScrewDriver. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 15K and daily volumes under 10 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoin on steroids.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES THE 3rd BEST overall with (6) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 6 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 6 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

START 0.03
CURE 0.009
VERI 0.026
FAIR 0.021
And these two coins were Top 10 Market Cap
LITE 1.46
PEER 0.22

So, as you can see, this is the FIRST category that coins can breakout of being worth just fractions of a cent - and have the potential for much more. A very interesting development and easy to see why this level can be targeted.

14,000 SATOSHIS (0.000XXXXXbtc)

So, big things can come in BIGGER than Bitcoin packages (Hyper Bitcoin) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under 2 bucks each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 5 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #201-250

In this category, Digitcoin, with 21 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... digit like digital, right?... And, the top 200 trails down to the measly 12.2 MILLION available for BitcoinScryptcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 22K and daily volumes under 10 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES well overall with (5) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND the BIGGEST OF ALL COINS - BITCOIN - in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 5 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 5 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

1XCOIN 0.013
MONA 0.078
ARCH 0.077
And the coin of coins - BITCOIN 238.95

So, as you can see, this category has coins worth fractions of a dime - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading).

So, big things can come in BIGGER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin Brother) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under a dime each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 6 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #251-300

In this category, CopperLarkcoin, with 12.1 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... copperlark=luckypenny, right?... And, the top 300 trails down to the measly 6.1 MILLION available for Chococoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps below 15K and daily volumes under 10 bucks and 115 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES well overall with (5) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap but has none in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 5 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 5 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

NAME 0.31
MARINE 0.045
AURORA 0.064

So, as you can see, this category is the one that finally has coins worth dimes and more - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading) and have serious sized followings and community support.

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin Sister) - but, as of now, a self limiting value under a half dollar each for the very best positioned. Indeed, should a price breakthrough happen to this category or even a coin in this category - the implications could be enormous.
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this segment.
Segment 7 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #301-350
THE BITCOIN MIDGET (6.1MILLION - 3.7 MILLION) SEGMENT - scarcity kicking in

In this category, Neocoin, with 6.1 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... NEO.. Neocon, right?... And, the top 350 trails down to the measly 3.7 MILLION available for Blitzcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 2K and  54K and daily volumes under 60 bucks and 1.3K. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being Bitcoins relative.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES poorly overall with (3) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap but has TWO of those in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 3 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 3 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

#4DASH 2.83

So, as you can see, this category is the one that finally has coins worth dimes and more (BUT IT NEEDS TO AS IT'S SCARCITY IS INCREASING) - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading) with very active developers and communities. CAN ONE OF THESE COINS BREAKOUT?

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin MIDGET) - but to be bigger than bitcoin with fewer coins.. will be a challenge... but not a challenge perhaps to acquire the needed value to be perceived as real money. Could one of these coins easily become the next 20 dollar bill?
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this scarcity segment.
Part Three Is Immediately Below In This Blog
Part Three
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The `Scarcity' Segmentation Of Virtual Currencies --- Examined (PART THREE) Coins From 3.6 Million To Million <.75 Million Available

This is the conclusion segment of the analysis of the `scarcity' of the various `cryptocurrencies'. These coins in each category below are within the rarest of 10 total segments. Read On.
Part One
Part Two
Segment 8 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #351-400

In this category, Extremecoin, with 3.6 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... everyone's extreme, right?... And, the top 400 trails down to the measly 1.6 MILLION available for Catcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 9K and  3K and daily volumes under 10 bucks and under 20 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being `scarce'.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES poorly overall - with just (2) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND NONE in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 2 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 2 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

YB 0.88

So, as you can see, this category is the one that finally has coins worth A BUCK OR SO  (BUT IT NEEDS TO AS IT'S SCARCITY IS INCREASING) - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (have uses other than trading) - and have some perception of advantage to other coins within the category. CAN ONE OF THESE COINS BREAKOUT?

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin SCARCE) - but to be bigger than bitcoin with fewer coins.. will be a significant challenge... but not a challenge perhaps to acquire the needed value to be perceived as real money. Could one of these coins easily become the next 20 or 50 dollar bill?
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this scarcity segment.

Segment 9 - Most Abundant Coins Available, #401-450

In this category, Shadecoin, with 1.6 MILLION available takes the cake for top available honors ... everyone's Shady in Crypto, right?... And, the top 450 trails down to the measly 676 THOUSAND available for SapienceA1FXcoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 2K and  67K and daily volumes under 20 bucks and under 100 bucks. Hardly an indication of automatic success by being `rare'.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES okay overall with (4) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND NONE in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 4 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 2 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

ETHER 0.91
NOVA 0.42

So, as you can see, this category is another one that finally has coins worth A BUCK OR SO  (BUT IT NEEDS TO AS IT'S SCARCITY IS INCREASING) - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (and to have uses other than trading). CAN ONE OF THESE COINS BREAKOUT?

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin RARE) - but to be bigger than bitcoin with fewer coins.. will be a significant challenge... but not a challenge perhaps to acquire the needed value to be perceived as real money. Could one of these coins easily become the next 20 or 50 dollar bill?
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could indeed come from this scarcity segment.

Segment 10 - Least Abundant Coins Available, #451-500

In this category, Clamscoin, with 669 THOUSAND available takes the cake for top available honors ... everyone wants clams, right?... And, the top 500 trails down to large numbers of coins with unknown quanties... represented by Gravitoncoin. BTW, these two coins have market caps of 893K and  ?K and daily volumes similar and about 5k in 24hours.  An interesting indication of `automatic success' by being `rare'?.

But the real BANG, as I've been mentioning,  of any of the 10 segments is the CHANCE to be BIG... and this segment DOES okay overall with (3) coins in the Top 50 Marketcap AND NONE in the Top 10 Marketcap (of all 552 coins)
Indeed.... these 3 coins were in each days Top 50 marketcap that I checked:
(shown with fiat value)
these 3 were ranked #11-50 in marketcap

CLAMS 1.33

So, as you can see, this category is another one that finally has coins worth A BUCK OR SO  (BUT IT NEEDS TO AS IT'S SCARCITY IS THE GREATEST) - and have the potential for much more. Real value that requires these coins to be the real money they represent (and to have uses other than trading). CAN ONE OF THESE COINS BREAKOUT?

So, big things can come in SMALLER than Bitcoin packages (Bitcoin PREMIUM) - but to be bigger than bitcoin with fewer coins.. will be a significant challenge... but not a challenge perhaps to acquire the needed value to be perceived as real money. Could one of these coins easily become the next 50 or 100 dollar bill?
IMO... the `second bitcoin' could come from this scarcity segment.
I Hope You Enjoyed The Scarcity Postings

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