Ron Paul: Boston shutdown during manhunt ‘should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself’ - covered by Boston.Com
But, all that doesn't matter when YOU are here to see girls who like to get into Position to be seen...... and.... girls, who don't seem to mind showing just that little bit Extra .... nasty girl. Or, perhaps THE REASON to return to the top of this page and mark the box that says you are here because you like the Images (could be as sexy as any ever on BS).
A Reminder - The BS Never Does X!
As most serious and thinking individuals know - the `wars' - in Afghanistan especially - has been a total farce. (I laugh how the MSM repeats about us giving them their freedom when the other day they had 5 car bombs and more terro.) Yet another warm and fuzzy bit of info has come to light - you see - we needed to keep up with the suitcases full of money being given by the Afghan President..... Yeah, it gets complicated...... A 40-1 ratio of opinion about this suggests you may want to digest this part of the Stew.
But, all that doesn't matter when YOU are here to see girls who like to get into Position to be seen...... and.... girls, who don't seem to mind showing just that little bit Extra .... nasty girl. Or, perhaps THE REASON to return to the top of this page and mark the box that says you are here because you like the Images (could be as sexy as any ever on BS).
A Reminder - The BS Never Does X!
As most serious and thinking individuals know - the `wars' - in Afghanistan especially - has been a total farce. (I laugh how the MSM repeats about us giving them their freedom when the other day they had 5 car bombs and more terro.) Yet another warm and fuzzy bit of info has come to light - you see - we needed to keep up with the suitcases full of money being given by the Afghan President..... Yeah, it gets complicated...... A 40-1 ratio of opinion about this suggests you may want to digest this part of the Stew.
Does that mean that when we exit the big A that the government will give some random citizen that bag of cash in some sort of effort to build up Goodwill? Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside. After all, they will have an extra bag of cash each month.
BS does politics of the slippery slope.
Does The BS `stand' for Bust Shot? -- or -- Tween Athlete Wedgie - which is your favorite? Did you vote in the poll?
Oh that Obama Recovery...... seems the whites are getting richer again at the expense of the much poorer minorities --- how much poorer you ask?
"Given the dynamics of the housing recovery and the rebound in the stock market, the wealth gap might still be growing, experts said, further dimming the prospects for economic advancement for current and future generations of Americans from minority groups.
The Urban Institute study found that the racial wealth gap yawned during the recession, even as the income gap between white Americans and nonwhite Americans remained stable. As of 2010, white families, on average, earned about $2 for every $1 that black and Hispanic families earned, a ratio that has remained roughly constant for the last 30 years."
It's a CNBC Link. Did you vote in the poll?
Perhaps that bag of cash.......

SLIGHTLY INAPPROPRIATE - The BS! Did you vote in the poll?
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