Tuesday, February 16, 2010
13.454/Presidents Day on the 46th day of 10 - Rant 307
(J.S. is currently counting the days of 2010 - ie:`10' and yesterday was the 46th day of 10.)
Yo R.,
Thank you for passing along the cnbc link
I feel so much better knowing we are 20th on the list...whew...
Of course seeing the numbers 13.454 and 94.3% ratio
a progressive scintillating sinuosity of zero collecting/but alas losing...
An ode to this day:
All Presidents [we honor today]
rang up debt
from Washington to Lincoln
to Reagan in 1980 when we hit 1 Trillion!!!
The gig was up right then!
Been saying it since then...
It is not feasibly possible
to dig out from this number, let alone 13 trill
So what is the responsible thing to do? We find during Poppy Bush and Billy Boys regimes [or as they are commonly referred to as their (years in office, in service to our country as commander-in-chiefs...] make more debt?!
Its 20 years later and in 2000 the gimmickry grows to a robust 6 trill when W. takes over the helm via the then sitting court of Supremeness and their most high decision... His regime goes Full Tilt and 8 years of debauchery later we hit 12 trill now the latest figure this 13.454...and climbing...for our fearless ... Barry O
Well thanks to this historical process from Indians to Afghans
we the people
looking deep into the mirror
are wondering
who dat
tomorrow Fat
Tuesday there on the 47th day of 10...bourbon street float-ability
but today be a holiday
honoring our leaders of war mongering debt
to protect us from our enemies
who want to destroy us
but we only want to invade them
and have a little bit of collateral damage
attempting to root out tribal behavior
with the real quest of thirst
for some processed liquid beverage
that feeds all of our hungry machines of destiny
which continues to fuel this insatiable culture
The governmeat
Fitting typo
For this inscrutable bloated
elected mass of lawyersque swindlers
Hail to the Chief
Roll on big O
nation of our
tea-bag hypocrites
swilling on post daytona
presidential blues
olympic eye candy glue
masses throng info highway
while burning
yesterdays $6.00 NYTimes sunday edition
Greeky news ruffles market
on this day off
Chowder brains mash the contents
drolling for more zeros...
Do I hear a Millard, Chester or Calvin?
I'll raise you with a Zachary, Rutherford and Woodrow...
Thanks for visiting again today - tell someone about Barf Stew. Thanks.
Monday, February 15, 2010
The World's Biggest Debtor Nations
3. United Kingdom - 408.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 408.3% External debt per capita: $148,702 Gross external debt: $9.087 trillion (2009 Q2) 2008 GDP (est): $2.226 trillion
20. USA - 94.3%
External debt (as % of GDP): 94.3% External debt per capita: $43,793 Gross external debt: $13.454 trillion (2009 Q2) 2008 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion Did you know that England is 9 Trillion in Debt with an economy 1/6th our size? No wonder the Euro is weaker.
The question not answered by this link is `where will we be projected to be in just a few years'? http://www.cnbc.com/id/30308959 Boiling Barf Stew with this one.
http://publicparapsychology.blogspot.com/ Here's a great resource site for parapsychology -- it could take you an hour to read what is on just this front page. Stewable, I assure you.
Gov't Proposes "National Climate Service" For the US - http://politics.slashdot.org/story/10/02/13/2349205/Govt-Proposes-National-Climate-Service-For-the-US Barf Stew - as if we need more than the National Weather Service. I'll tell you what the national climate is -- it is being tired of a government that continues to grow at any excuse.
The Kelly Cahill Alien Encounter -- http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/02/kelly-cahill-alien-encounter-abduction.html - All Stew here - what if you were told there exists a tale of TWO sets of people being abducted in public within 100 yards of each other at the same time? Well, read the story.
UFOs:” In The Heat of the Night” - http://ufomedia.blogspot.com/2010/02/ufos-in-heat-of-night.html Using new technologies to hunt for UFO's. Barf Stew.
And, for all of you waiting for President Obama to say something about UFO Disclosure - here you go.
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Whales Might Be as Much Like People as Apes Are
Read more of this very Stewable post - http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/06/whalepeople/
http://vintageufo.net/ Cool UFO site to cruise around in -- lots of oldtime UFO stuff. Barf Stew for you.
Bank robber hypnotized tellers - http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/russia/091212/russia-bank-robber-hypnotize Much seems underground when it comes to hypnosis - Barf Stew for you.
Here's one of those weird lights in the sky that populated PA last summer.
http://www.mysterious-america.net/talbottinterview.html You may have heard that Crop Circles can be UFO caused - right? Have you heard about the 16-18 foot tall beings? Barf Stew. A very interesting interview to say the least.
Textbook Buy Back at Cash4Books.net These guys buy all kinds of used books.
http://magicpopufos.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html Really cool site that linked to my blog The Heavy Stuff recently. Take a look around this one. Stewable.
That's it - missed you yesterday - how about you visit my front page and look around http://barfstew.blogspot.com .
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dolphins; Aware Thinkers With Plans
Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!
In Search of ’Squatch - http://www.chronline.com/article_f2d4f3e4-0d71-11df-a1b6-001cc4c03286.html Barf Stew with Bigfoot - fun read.
http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/02/little-people-are-watching.html - The Little People Are Watching ------ And, some say that the high strangeness reports have changed into all dour abductions -- how about 1 foot tall aliens with suspenders and pointy hats. Barf Stew.
Some 'What if' questions of what we are a part of - http://histmyst.blogspot.com/2009/12/some-what-if-questions-of-what-we-are.html Now, here is a very cool series of thoughts about the BIG picture and I mean big. Real Heavy Stuff and worthy of a stew - this might be a blogroll find.
See you tomorrow - go to the front page for much more fun http://barfstew.blogspot.com.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
US, Europe Will All Default On Their Debt: Marc Faber
The Caspian Sea Merman - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/02/caspian-sea-creature.html Gotta love the mysteries of the sea stories - Ok, so it's probably BS (Barf Stew).
http://www.examiner.com/x-2764-Paranormal-News-Examiner~y2010m2d9-Strange-series-of-events-follows-Near-Death-Experience Strange series of events follows Near Death Experience --- Your high high strangeness for the day. Barf Stew for you too.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Waiting For Disclosure? Relax....Sit Back and Watch a Movie
Alien Abductee: Let Me Introduce Myself - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/01/alien-abductee-let-me-introduce-myself.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PhantomsAndMonstersAPersonalJourney+%28Phantoms+and+Monsters%29 About a week ago - Lon gave this guy a forum for his experiences of personal alien contact.
Alien Contact / MIB - Tonopah, Arizona - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/02/alien-contact-mib-tonopah-arizona.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PhantomsAndMonstersAPersonalJourney+%28Phantoms+and+Monsters%29 - Yet one more, over the top experience with alien craft and aliens - this one from 2009.
Oh, if you have used books that you would like to turn into cash - click this.
American Airlines To Charge $8 For Blankets -
http://www.businessinsider.com/american-airlines-to-charge-8-for-blankets-2010-2 More Barf Stew from the airline industry. Never had good food anyway, right? One more reason for meetings via the net.
http://www.nolanchart.com/article7346.html contrails, connnntrrrraaaiiillls, contrails,, chemtrails --------- the Barf you don't even notice. Must read if you are NOT a believer in this particular phenomena. Stewable.
Love In An Alien Purgatory - http://www.alienjigsaw.com/Reviews/Alien_Purgatory.htm - Over the top alien story involving a man who has been told he has 60 hybrid babies with aliens and is continuing their species -- and who already has also seen his younger clone of his body --- BS - may catch a cold from this one - (this is actually an interesting book review too if you like the over the top accounts of aliens).
Thanks for visiting today ---> You would like my blogroll too. ---->
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Women Talk About Giving Oral Sex
How's that for a Barf Stew title to get your attention - advice from a Playboy column - http://www.playboy.com/articles/women-sex-advice-on-giving-oral-sex/index.html -- a little slow loading; but, Stewable 4 minute read.
Secret source of a Roman aqueduct discovered - http://professorhex.blogspot.com/2010/01/secret-source-of-roman-aqueduct.html - Make sure to read Professor Hex at least once a week for great material (even mine too). Here's a real interesting read for student of history's great engineering in the era 1000's of years ago. Very Stewable.
http://devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/10568/full-disclosure-i-quit/ - Describes itself as the only Mainstream media UFO blog --- here, an interesting post about the Exo-Politics folks -- and, an opinion close to mine. Stewable; with Barf seasoning.
http://devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/10556/laying-odds-on-the-odd/ - Same blog different story - seems the odds the bookies are laying down have been changing in regards to an alien landing - find out the changes - Stewable AND Barf, most likely.
Voters, Especially Independents, Sour on Obama and Congress - http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/02/08/voters-especially-independents-sour-on-obama-and-congress/ - No, F'ing kidding! Gotta mix in some Barf Stew politics for good measure. Stewable data.
Is Barak Obama A Reptoid/Lizard People? - http://arcturi.com/ReptilianArchives/ObamaisReptilian.html Hey, I gotta bring you at least one true Barf Stew a day - right? Gives at least 4 reasons that the title is true. 2 minute read - nothing too deep here. Watch your step.
Ok, enough seriousness - (lol) - how about some fun - like Robots Pole Dancers:
Find 25 million rare CDs and out-of-print LPs at MusicStack Find the impossible to find rare record here.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Oral Sex, a Knife Fight and Then Sperm Still Impregnated Girl
Frosted Fifth (Ave) - 1905 - Today's Shorpy - http://www.shorpy.com/node/7653?size=_original
http://j-walkblog.com/index.php?/weblog/posts/notes_on_hand/ - Close-up picture of the words on the vacant, vapid, Sarah Palin. Total Barf.
http://subimg.net/jpg?id=rTeC Sexy Girls.
Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 6 - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/02/humanoid-cryptid-encounter-reports-6.html Three more reports of VERY high strangeness - from Lon at Phantoms and monsters. Barf Stew?
Now - for some fun - a NEW hunting strategy by Dolphins - titled - " Life: Bottlenose dolphins mud-ring feeding" - Almost 2 million views.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Inventor Unveils $7,000 Talking Sex Robot
The 7-11 Double Big Gulp Holds 200% More Than the Average Adult Human’s Stomach - http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/01/the-7-11-double-big-gulp-holds-200-more-than-the-average-adult-humans-stomach/ - Does it come with a warning? Barf Stew.
Ron Paul's ideas no longer fringe - http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ron-paul2-2010jan02,0,6923745.story Correct, --- it isn't and wasn't Ron Paul's ideas or supporters who were crazy - it was the media that was fringe. It's politics and the media - of course it's Barf Stew.
Doppelgangers: Evil Twins or Body Doubles - http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1103053/_doppelgangers_evil_twins_or_body_doubles.html?cat=34 Here are about four great accounts of the more esoteric side of doppelgangers. Stewable.
Houses in Weird Places -- http://mystic-places.blogspot.com/2009/08/houses-in-weird-places.html -- You have to see the one that appears to be on an Iceberg. Cool Pictures. Interesting site. Stewable.
MUIRHEAD`S MYSTERIES: Mastodon and Mammoth survival - http://forteanzoology.blogspot.com/2009/12/muirheads-mysteries-mastodon-and.html I just love the stories of the survival of a few Mammoths or Mastodons - don't you. Who cares if it is Barf Stew or not. Lots of resources here too to similar tales.
Jesus healed using cannabis, study shows - http://patients4medicalmarijuana.wordpress.com/2009/12/22/jesus-healed-using-cannabis-study-shows/ Use this for your counter-point - BS.
Man arrested after bragging to police about $2000 of weed in his car - http://guyism.com/2010/01/man-arrested-after-bragging-to-police-about-2000-of-weed-in-his-car.html - Barf Stew.
A Ron Paul warning - recorded this week - that fewer than 8,000 have seen - MSM stays as far away as possible. `Ron Paul warns of Coming Social and Political Chaos'
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Friday, February 5, 2010
Turkish Girl, 16, Buried Alive For Talking To Boys
Ouija board a controversial toy for tots - http://www.onenewsnow.com/Business/Default.aspx?id=879430 How about you - do you think it's appropriate for anyone to market pink Ouija boards to 8 year old girls? Or, is that opinion Barf Stew to you.
Operation Northwoods - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods - Ever hear the conspiracy buffs talks about `false flag' operations? Here's the BS Barf Stew idea behind it.
http://www.shorpy.com/node/7652?size=_original Today's Shorpy - 1901, Mississippi Hedge and the formal life. Stewable.
Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? - http://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_weird_or_just_different.html Here is a TED video - less than 3 minutes - that - guaranteed will bring not only a smile to your face but some information you didn't know into your brain. Trust me. Stewable.
http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/golf/3295032/Tiger-mistress-disgusted-by-face-on-balls - As the link says - One of the mistresses of Tiger is disgusted that someone has put her face - along with others - onto a set of collector golf balls. At least Tiger's troubles is leading to employment for someone.
In the new normal ------------ More Borrowers Pay Credit Cards Before Mortgages - http://www.cnbc.com/id/35219720 Barf Stew.
Best Buy Sends Customer To Jail For Paying With AMEX Gift Card - http://consumerist.com/2010/02/best-buy-sends-customer-to-jail-for-paying-with-amex-gift-card.html Want to read about big brother gone mad? Thought so. Barf all over this.
Oh, and for the conspiracy buffs - here, three days ago, the last man on the moon - twice - (at the 3:00 and 4:05 marks or so) says that man has been to Mars.
<-- Find out more.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress
http://www.unknowntruth.net/node?page=1 - As is often said, you never know where the content you put onto the media will end up -- here, on this site my UFO blog is featured most recently. And, how can you not look around a site that calls itself - Unknown Truth? ------- Barf Stew.
Bring Our Marines Home - http://original.antiwar.com/buchanan/2010/02/01/bring-our-marines-home/ Seems this little talked about issue - the occupation of Japan to some - has surfaced again - oh, don't worry - Pat Buchanan brought it up - so, it WILL be ignored by the mainsteam media. Stewable.
Has your kid (or you) got some textbooks lying around that are less than 5 years old? --- Then make sure to hit this - Textbook Buy Back at Cash4Books.net
http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2009/arch09/091215light.htm I've not posted the Thunderbolts here at Barf Stew - Until today. This piece, written last month, is called Faster Than Light, Part 1 - and it generally explains the set-up for the group of scientists that believe in a different `electric' theory of the universe. If this is new to you - you will thank me for opening your eyes to a new possibility for looking at the reality we see.
Faster than Light - Part 2 -> These are their ideas --http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2009/arch09/091217light2.htm Stewable.
http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/ On my blogroll for a good reason - go show Lon Barf Stew readers are the best. Stewable, always.
And, how about something a bit lighter to end today's Barf Stew (BS) - titled - "Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory" - the action begins at 1:05.http://community.webshots.com/photo/fullsize/1419500405063505838NTiDJS Thanks for looking down here too - for my male audience - btw - I put this on my other daily site with links on Squidoo yesterday - don't miss the action there either - www.squidoo.com/AnomalyMan . You can also find this link on my sidebar -->
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Is 12-21-12 The Next Y2K? Why I Am NOT a 2012'er!
Now, as you can see from the title of this post - the post is about the on-going fascination with 2012 - specifically, the big date of 12-21-12. And, I'll be the first to admit, that is a cool looking date alright - even has a symmetry to it and such. Additionally, as you know, it has a lot of believers too that think (hope) something is going to happen on THAT DAY - based on a lot of BS by believers in a Mayan calendar and various prophecies. Eventually, a lot of this gets tied into those folks who feel crystals, & incense and peppermints (sorry if the joke escapes you) are the way to the new life or reality that may break thru or break out on that day.
Others, of course, think the world will end, for good, that day. Or, will end for worse that day - believe what you will. Or, that the saviour will return on that day. (I think I've even read about magnetic reversal on that day and asteroid elimination on that day.) And, Hollywood and the internet, add to the fodder daily and yearly as to what extremes to expect. ------------- Can the movie 12-22-12 be far off; or, 2013?
Now, as you might be aware - I have a number of blogs that represent my interests - including politics on one blog, esoteric thought on another blog, and UFO's on yet a third (I even have a fourth and fifth but not involved in this post). And, on my UFO blog yesterday - I had a person leave a particular comment that spurred this post and a tangential connection to `the whole 2012 thing'. --- But, back to the readers comment. The reader listed a number of things, internet fodder, as reasons that the US government doesn't disclose the alien presence on Earth.
This is his listing:
1. They cabal have their on UFOs2. That they have had them since World War 2.3. That the Government signed agreements with the Aliens.4. This agreement allowed aliens to abduct and conduct experiments on citizens.5. They have been travelling in space for years and NASA is just a smokescreen.6. They have already got bases on Mars.7. There already exists large space stations.8. The US shares underground bases with aliens.9. Time travel has existed at least since the 1960s10. Our very existence is due to intelligent design by Aliens.11. This leads to deceit by the Churches through manipulating the books of the Bible by removing anything referring to UFOs / Aliens or Angels that visited that way. eg Book of Enoch.12. Nibiru would have to be openly revealed.13. Suppressed technology. Free energy. This is a story in itself when the governments know it exists, but are using global warming as an excuse to tax and suppress us even more.14. Not just global warming, it is planetary warming as has been well proven. How can we mere earthlings affect the planets in the solar system by carbon emmissions?I could go on, but the governments of this world are in so deep with their lies that there would be riots worldwide due to angry citizens demanding answers.
To which - I wanted to respond with `odds' IMO, of each point having real validness or just a bunch of BS - Barf Stew.
Point One - Now, I did not clean up any of my readers post - but - I assume what is being said here is that the USA has `UFO's' - as does other world governments - either by back-engineering crashed UFO's, being `given' the info by aliens in some exchange, or figuring it out themselves. ----- Frankly, this may be one of my readers best points and I give it at least a 25-40% chance of being right. (As you know, they either do or don't, a 0% chance or a 100% chance.) I put it at that somewhat higher level due to the huge black budget - off budget - dollars that have been spent by our military over the course of decades. One would think that the thinktanks may have been able to figure out `gravitational flight' with the best brains and computers - especially knowing the potential advantage it could bring the first to figure such information out. And, we also have Bob Lazar's statements. And the Bigelow/NIDS findings/statements about the black triangle craft. ---------- Frankly, having UFO's should be a source of pride if true - shame the lies of our government might be so deep as to keep this away - perhaps forever. EVEN if there was `ufo' disclosure.
Point two - Frankly, I think this is BS - Barf Stew with less than a 1% chance of being true. That said, maybe by the 1980's or so.......... who knows.
Point three - To me, this is REALLY buying deep into the conspiracy theories out on the internet - I simply don't believe it. Hogwash, rubbish, Barf Stew. Less than 1% chance.
Point four - Less than 1% chance that alien/human abductions have been allowed via some signed agreement.
Point five - This tackles the SERPO movement contentions - something supposedly kept secret for decade upon decade - until the internet. Again, I simply do not believe it could be kept a secret and find the internet a great new way to write grade B fiction. Less than 1% chance. ------ That said, even IF the USA has crafts that `defy gravity' -- I doubt that they are interstellar or even moon capable.
Point six - More SERPO Barf Stew - <1%>
Point seven - Who knows; for what purpose? <1%>
Point eight - <1%>
Point nine - 0% chance. That said, influence outside of the timecone seems certain.
Point ten - Finally, one I can believe in - to a small degree at the minimum. Yes, I think that it is at least a 5% chance that this is true. Would they wait around 6-8 million years to see if we became better off than the apes?
Point eleven - HMM. This is a new one even to me. So, the Church's have removed UFO references? ------- HMM. ------------ HMM. --------- <>
Point twelve - Nibiru? PLEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE! 0% chance.
Point 13 - First, this may not have anything to do with aliens - even if true. I'd say at least a 50% chance that some better uses of energy have been `deferred' to maintain our gas based world. Free energy sounds a lot like - perpetual motion. ALL that said, I would NOT be surprised to see huge breakthru's in this regard.
Point 14 - You say "angry citizens - demanding answers' - if disclosure. Here, I guess we agree as IMO the 18% who still trust that the government is honest in ANY regard - WILL be p.o'd - to say the least. That said, governments could care less if `citizens demand answers'. You must be a younger person than I.
So, finally, how does this ALL tie back to belief in 2012 being some turning point in human history?
To me, it's the willingness to believe in things with less than a one percent chance and then to tie all those same things together into some scenario. And, just like the fears and interests around Y2K (I wonder if there will be a Y10K when the number of digits in the years after Christ hit 5 (10,000 AD) instead of 4 digits.) - I'm pretty sure that - this too shall pass. And, it's why I'm NOT a 2012'er!
Are You? Click on the Picture to make your statement.
You can find my UFO blog on the sidebar --------------->
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Stan Romanek Saga
35 States seeking to ban mandatory health insurance - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_health_overhaul_states;_ylt=Ar__KpvXgUnPQRHtmdHC6oLuOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTNldjZlMzIwBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjAxL3VzX2hlYWx0aF9vdmVyaGF1bF9zdGF0ZXMEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwM3BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDc3RhdGVzc2Vla2lu
Will the Feds ever listen? Don't hold your breath. Stew this.
Afghan 'geological reserves worth a trillion dollars' - http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100131/wl_sthasia_afp/afghanistaneconomyenergyminerals_20100131124906
Ohhhhh right - now the war makes sense - (and all those poppies too). Barf; plain and simple.
The Lessons of Easter Island - http://www.eco-action.org/dt/eisland.html Super Stewable piece about the effects of overpopulation and living within boundaries.
Female suicide bomber in Iraq kills 54 - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100201/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iraq Barf in so many forms you can't count them.
Barefoot Running: How Humans Ran Comfortably and Safely Before the Invention of Shoes - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100127134241.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Stewable science read.
http://ufoenthusiast.org/ - Content content content on this Stewable site.
Friendly Extraterrestrials...or Leading the Lambs to Slaughter? - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/01/friendly-extraterrestrialsor-leading.html Some Stew here - but - some Barf too.
Now, how about some clear, daytime, UFO footage? Sure.
<<---- Check this out.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Airports Could Get Mind-Reading Scanners
OOPA - Out Of Place Animals - this time - an Alligator found in Kansas - http://professorhex.blogspot.com/2010/01/alligator-found-in-kansas-again.html Taste Barf Stew.
Meteorite strikes doctor's office in small town - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34975955/ns/technology_and_science-space/ Happened last Monday in USA. Find out how large it was.
How Obama's $33 Billion Hiring Tax Credit Would Work - Much like how sausage is made - you don't want to know. Anyway, here's the lowdown of the pure crap our politicians think up on their spare time to spend other folks money. http://www.cnbc.com/id/35151113 Nearly, 100% Barf. Only a touch of Stew in this one.
The proposed Australian Government clampdown on smut just got a whole lot broader, as news emerged of a ban on small breasts and female ejaculation in adult material - I can't make this stuff up - yes - Australian officials are clamping down on porn that features women with small breasts -- bloated government spreads its tentacles. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/28/australian_censors/
And, for today's fun link - ROCK and ROLL Birds - No, Really! Make sure to hang all the way thru this less than 2 minute concert - and yes, wait till you see the guitar pick that the one bird uses. Amazing.
Speaking of Rock And Roll - Check this out for rare records - or - sell your own -
Find 25 million rare CDs and out-of-print LPs at MusicStack
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Humans Live In Electromagnetic Field Pollution
I found this on 12/19/04
We humans live in a thick, invisible smog of electromagnetic (EM) field pollution produced by radio and television transmitters, computers, telecommunication towers, and power lines.
These artificial fields are in turn enhanced by the Earth’s own natural geomagnetic and geoelectrical fields created by geological faults, atmospheric disturbances, and lightning, and by our Sun’s geomagnetic storm influences. The intersection of these artificial and natural fields may well coalesce into ‘hot spots’ that can affect human physiology, especially the brain
This one was from 11/8/2004
Photons can be viewed as just dynamic propagated changes in the underlying potential energy/momentum/rotational energy/angularmomentum field that underlies space/time.They have no mass since they are only areas of changing potential.in the field. They are missing the structural field symmetry necessary for mass.
I enjoy bringing you this Stew.
More links too:
Today's YouTube -- Strange strange cloud Glow! Short cool video.
<--- This site is worth checking out - very Stewable.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Is the Hobbit's Brain Unfeasibly Small?
Recapitulation (Castaneda) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recapitulation_(Castaneda) - Other than controlled lucid dreaming - this may have been Castaneda's second heaviest idea. Stewable for most.
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/01/marijuana-legalization-backers-california-initiative-petitions.html - The due or die on Pot legalization is approaching in California. Read all about it. Stewable.
http://www.spooftel.com/freecall/ - Great practical joke. Imagine making a call (and you can make up to 5 calls at this link) and being able to put ANYTHING onto the caller ID of the person you call? Yeah, I thought you'd get it.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Rant 306 - From J.S.Flower - 7/10/2004
A 100 year old pin-head scientist pushing evolutionYet where is the INVOLUTION?
All of the unknowns that science cannot explainnor will they ever be able to explain (big-bang included)
Because they still think that time can be toldby looking at their wrist watch, or clock, or marking a calander from PopeGregory!
Please let us hope to wake up by 2008...2012...Time is of the essence, yet scientists cannot understand essence orbeing...Why?
Because our tools of measurement are faulty and only cover the surface ofmateriality(physic's included)
Unique metapatterns baffle these pinhead knowitalls, Dr.'s of illusionstudying what?
If we do a bit of bioscience we'll figure it all out, here a splice, therea splice, everywhere a splice, splice.
So how is that peach of a state? One of your breathren gored inSpain...bulls a running...
Where does the transformation of energy fit into these theories?Theomermalogos perhaps?!
Just so long as I can fill it up...Modern caveman behind the wheel of hismobile caveburning it up as fast as he can, with the pick your poision election, justdown the road...
Skull & BonesOil is turmoilPure poision from extraction to combustion, all for making money, big moneyVintage from a crafty industrialist now snakeoil on every corner
Seen 911 yet? What a bunch of propaganda
We have a choice4 more years ofdumbing down
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Doppelgangers, Elvis and Jesus Sightings, And Project Blue Beam
Ok, so, a few weeks ago I'm thinking a bit about doppelgangers and suddenly the thought comes into my mind again about how people `see' Jesus with some regularity and immediately the tales of Elvis Presley being `seen' years after his death also popped into my mind. And that was all it took for a trip into the internet.
Almost immediately, I came across this `Elvis Sightings, Leads & Research' http://www.truthaboutelvis.com/sightings.htm - and, the wikipedia take on his `faked death' - `Is Elvis alive?' - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Presley_phenomenon and finally, `Confirmed Elvis Sightings' - http://www.honorelvis.com/sightings.htm. Unfortunately, when reading account after account of this -- I found none that really represented the more `esoteric' definitions of a doppelganger.
In other words, in none of these instances was Elvis `ghostly' or a phenomena that was living in the flesh for a few moments - followed by a sudden `vanishing'. Indeed, all of these reports seemed to revolve around the idea that Elvis `never died'. And, when you read the wikipedia page - and understand just `how important' he was to some - perhaps these `hopes and sightings' are not to be unexpected.
So, I turned to look for examples of Jesus sightings next. And, I was NOT disappointed. Indeed, this is an amazing link find if you are a believer - `Photographs of Jesus Face' - http://jesusphotos.altervista.org/Jesus_face.htm. Literally, photo after photo of Jesus allegedly taken in Church's - by nuns - etc --- all with a source of the picture and the story behind it. And, without question, these photos seem to fit into the `expanded' definition of a doppelganger that I made in the previous post - that of a `living flesh image' of a `dead person'. (I also assume that these `images'/entities - vanished in some manner too.)
Now, as amazing as the above link and images are (nearly each image is virtually identical - yet another `confirming' factor?) - how about this link from 2006 about a French `sighting(s)' - http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23374940-devout-christians-flocking-to-french-church-after-sightings-of-jesus.do - get ready for a HEAVY read to say the least. I'll have other, less serious links at the bottom of this post.
It was at this point that my mind twisted once more - taking a Jesus Doppelganger and comparing that to the supposed ideas of Project Blue Beam. Now, here's a link to that madness if it is new to you and a quote summarizing the expectations of the `next coming' event: http://2012poleshift.wetpaint.com/page/NWO+Project+Blue+Beam:+False+Holographic+Second+Coming
and to quote the posting:
"International world media will be used to introduce this spiritual imposter and monster to the nations, who is a spiritual counterfeit posing as Christ, using NASA HAARP blue beam technology to stage a completely false and fabricated phony "second coming" by projecting moving speaking holograms into the lower atmosphere, while simultaneously attempting to beam messages from Maitreya directly into the brains of innocent unsuspecting masses, using HAARP mind control technology. "
Yes, the holographic projection of Christ's image from space and the HAARP technology to speak inside our heads - is what these folks believe will proceed the NWO (new world order). I've read similar stuff that claimed the NWO forces would simply use a `false alien landing' to accomplish the same control outcome for the powers that be over the sheeple they lead. (Other versions of this have other religions represented too - such a Buddha in the sky in those believing areas - for example. Or that these religious symbols would be HUGE in the sky and totally overwhelming.)
Now, since such technology seemingly already exists to produce events of a similar nature - the real question is WHAT IF? What if Jesus DID return?
Now, let's imagine a world economic collapse or overwhelming natural event that did or was going to affect the entire world. Indeed, could a world full of fear, doubt, and dependency actually `trigger' a REAL doppelganger of Jesus? After all, it is certainly within the realm of possibility that the above `pictures' of Jesus ARE REAL. And, indeed, are Jesus's REAL doppelganger. (Except in this case `showing to one or a few folks' - as opposed to the world.)
Would Jesus's doppelganger, if real, choose to `display' in a manner already speculated by the (anti) conspiracy forces as the prelude to a world takeover by the world power elites? ----- Since obviously, the son of God would already know that?
Or, could a Jesus doppelganger `return' - in/on a more personal level. Perhaps even to each person individually, - even simultaneously. And, if so, would you be ready to believe in a real doppelganger -- or -- in the science possibility of you being manipulated by a Hologram and HAARP?
And, is this all Stew worthy -- or -- just a ladle full of hot Barf Stew?
Thanks for reading today - lots more if you go to my front page and page downward - http://barfstew.blogspot.com/ -- and take a look at my new Barf Stew T-shirt being offered to BS fans at the top of the sidebar.
Other links:http://richarddawkins.net/articleComments,4729,10-strangest-Jesus-sightings-of-2009,Daniel-Finkelstein---TimesOnline,page2#439935
http://paranormal.about.com/b/2008/03/08/reader-report-doppelganger-sighting.htm -- This one has something similar to what happened to me as I described in THS.
The companion post to this one http://theheavystuff.com/?p=126.
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Speaking of Holograms - CNN Hologram TV First
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
One Set Of Parents Gets Websters Dictionary Off Limits Due To Smut
All Stew -- one of the best "Saying Goodbye" tales I've ever heard - a MUST read - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/01/she-was-saying-goodbye.html
And, for today's Barf Stew Video - None Other Than Robert Gibbs:
Monday, January 25, 2010
Humans Were Once An Endangered Species
"One such event was the Toba super-volcano in Indonesia that erupted around 70,000 years ago, triggering a nuclear winter. Only an estimated 15,000 humans are thought to have survived"
Lots of cool stuff like that - http://www.physorg.com/news183278038.html Stir the Stew please.
http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/01/mufon-angels-watching-over-me.html If you like, angel, prayer, UFO stories - got one for you. Barf Stew.
http://www.nybooks.com/articles/23592 The Chess Master and the Computer - Great HEAVY article about Chess and Computers -- written by Kasparov. Best Stew Yet.
A visualization of what Too Big To Fail is composed of - http://i.imgur.com/laR2W.jpg --- Careful, total barf.
The lake that has no bottom -http://blogs.forteana.org/node/101 Good Barf Stew read.
And for today's fun - Beauty in a Green Dress - (for the male audience)
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Sunday, January 24, 2010
Is THIS The Great Lakes Whale?
'Peak water' could flush civilisation - Cute title - and serious, -- but, perhaps a little too serious as mankind can indeed convert air to water and salt water to water too - so, I'd say, this can be best viewed as Barf Stew - http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/weekend/2010/0123/1224262897804.html
http://aliencasebook.blogspot.com/2010/01/video-ufo-footage-over-niagara-falls.html TV UFO report from Niagra Falls - interesting object and video. Stewable.
Google Faces The Slickest Click Fraud Yet - Interesting read about the world of internet clicks - http://www.forbes.com/2010/01/12/google-click-fraud-tech-security-trafficsolar.html Barffff Stewwww.
Harvesting the Human Commodity --- http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/12/harvesting-human-commodity.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PhantomsAndMonstersAPersonalJourney+%28Phantoms+and+Monsters%29 Careful, graphic material about a possible alien abduction and harvest. Stewable, unfortunately.
The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies - http://www.disclose.tv/frameset.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.salem-news.com%2Farticles%2Fseptember112009%2F911_truth_9-11-09.php Again, disturbing. Barfable. Stewable.
The Ichnological Evidence For ABSMs - Ichnological you say? - Barf Stew most probably on the menu here - http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/ichnoabsms/ great read as all cryptomundo write-up's are.
http://thewritingonthewal.net/?p=7943 A very deep look at human overpopulation and employment in the modern age.
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Initial Field Investigation
MUFON Case# 17015
North Port Florida Encounter - And, from the report:
"The Mutual UFO Network of Florida performed an initial assessment of suspected
extraterrestrial entity activity at the Rowley residence located at 2556 Holland St, North
Port, Florida. Two witnesses gave testimony and accounts, Shane Rowley and father of
Shane, Michael Rowley. Suspect evidence was collected. The evidence consists of video,
photographs of footprint and associated negatives and a footprint plaster cast made by the
Great read -- http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/wbbh/documents/090803_mufon.pdf
Port Chatham left to spirits
• ‘Nantiinaq’ sightings and spirits led to desertion of Alaska village - One strange strange tale from Alaska - http://homertribune.com/2009/10/port-chatham-left-to-spirits/
Finally, another over the top UFO video - from Uruguay:
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