I found this on 12/19/04
We humans live in a thick, invisible smog of electromagnetic (EM) field pollution produced by radio and television transmitters, computers, telecommunication towers, and power lines.
These artificial fields are in turn enhanced by the Earth’s own natural geomagnetic and geoelectrical fields created by geological faults, atmospheric disturbances, and lightning, and by our Sun’s geomagnetic storm influences. The intersection of these artificial and natural fields may well coalesce into ‘hot spots’ that can affect human physiology, especially the brain
This one was from 11/8/2004
Photons can be viewed as just dynamic propagated changes in the underlying potential energy/momentum/rotational energy/angularmomentum field that underlies space/time.They have no mass since they are only areas of changing potential.in the field. They are missing the structural field symmetry necessary for mass.
I enjoy bringing you this Stew.
More links too:
Today's YouTube -- Strange strange cloud Glow! Short cool video.

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