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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

MANHOOD And Marriage - 1916 Style

As we press into the Barf Stew 2000's it's a good idea that we don't lose the wisdom of the past - like the sex advice available in 1916. At this link - BS gives you stuff you will simply not find elsewhere -

The book is called Manhood and Marriage - here's some quotes for you:
We are living in a remarkable period. The developments and vicissitudes of modern life and our disregard of nature's laws have combined to produce a state of disease and suffering the extent of which will shock those not informed. Ask any doctor! Examine the records of any city, or of any hospital, see the startling statistics....This book is literally crammed with plain information of this sort. It is written for the thousands who are in dire need of this special knowledge. It does not cater to the pruriency of the curious, it does not dwell on any so-called forbidden topic, except for the purpose of disseminating important, life-saving information.

Preface v
I The Importance Op Virility .... 1
II Am I A Complete Man? 9
III Is Marriage A Necessity? 18
IV The Age To Marry 21
V Selecting A Wife 27
VI Love-making And Its Dangers ... 34
VII Establishing The Intimate Relations Of
Marriage 40
VIII Marital Mistakes And Excesses . . . 43
IX Regulating Marital Intimacies . . . 52
X Should Husband And Wife Occupy Sepa-
Rate Beds? 59
XI Conserving Love—The Basis Of Mari-
Tal Happiness 63
XII A Man's Duty Toward A Pregnant Wife 70
XIII Should Husbands Be Present At Child-
Birth? 76
XIV Are Children Always Desirable? . . 80
XV The Crime Of Abortion 87
XVI Divorce Physiologically Considered . 96
XVII Can A Wrecked Marriage Be Reclaimed? 102
XVIII The Ebbing Wife 106
XIX Jealousy—The Green-eyed Monster . Ill
XX Quarrelling And Making-up . . . .115
XXI Sowing Wild Oats 119
XXII How Virility Is Destroyed . . . .126
>^XXIII The Truth About Masturbation . .150
XXIV Seminal Losses 185
XXV The Plain Facts About Varicocele . 206
XXVI The Troublesome Prostate Gland . .215
XXVII Impotence And Allied Sexual Weak-
Nesses ... 226
XXVIII Sterility 247
L XXIX How To Build Virility 253
XXX Exercises For Building Virility . . . 272
XXXI Foods That Help To Build Virile
Stamina 294
XXXII Diseases Of Men—Their Home Treat-
Ment 301
XXXIII The Prevention Of Venereal Disease . 336
XXXIV Various Problems Op Young Men . . 349

Warning - this book is addicting - and Stewable.
Digging Deeper:
Manhood: The Rise and Fall of the Penis
The Maxims of Manhood: 100 Rules Every Real Man Must Live By

Meanwhile, Will Failed DC Porn Case Dampen Prosecutors' Zeal? - Stewable stuff.
More To Consider:
Porn for Women
Porn for New Moms: From the Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative

And, I know that BS readers love the fringe science topics of Bruceleeeowe - and this will not disappoint - Why Extraterrestrial Contact is ‘NOT’ Blithering? -  - Stewable.
Dig Thru The Stew Here:
Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials
Contact Cards: An Extraterrestrial Divination System

How hungry would you have to be to attack a crocodile? Fun BS read -

Were you looking for some paranormal on BS today? Well, look no further - The UFOs and Ghosts of Eastern Airlines: The official airline of the paranormal - Some extra spicy stew here.

Barf Stew Entertains.

Been a while since we've went sexy on Video - BS Entertains.

If you have a webpage - Linkshare can make you money!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comments About - TWEETS FROM THE DEAD (Using Frank's Box)

It was a great theme in shows like the Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and One Step Beyond - communicating with `the dead'. And, thruout the ages, many methods have been used by people to make that contact. But, some -- shall we say more aggressive methods to reach the dead - allowed them to `talk' back to the questioner.

That talk` decades ago, was most focused on seances that produced spirits taking over people (the medium) and using their voice to communicate - answering questions as if in the room with full senses. Indeed, often this communication was done frequently and on a recorded basis such as the `Leslie Flint Tapes'. All kinds of `spirits' came thru in these `talks' from the famous to the unknown.

However, today's Barf Stew post is about a link that uses `Franks Box' - now, I will let you read about the box but - long story short - it brings in statements from the dead. So, what I've done is take various quotes from the Box listed at this link and kind of put them together with some of the stuff that I've heard on the Leslie Flint Tapes.
Honestly, this is just a handful of what is at the site link:

To many dead people clog up the channels. -- Georgia - Is there a battle of the 95 billion dead to communicate?
Please, don't speak ill of the dead we can hear you! -- Guy - Would this indicate location within our timecone?
Big brother is watching you from beyond the grave. -- Earl - Ditto - Watching, Hearing.
Who says the dead don't eat. -- Natalie - Common human actions can continue - why do Ghosthunters never catch them eating? Is eating and other activities at a location beyond our perception or interaction with this consciousness level?
Come on this is a joke your dead , I'm not! -- Alton - Degree of Freewill may be relative description and indeed being `dead' with `no hard location' ties - may seem like the ultimate freedom compared to being stuck in bodies in one location.
When your dead your not really dead. -- Danny - Another way of saying the above?

There are allot of dead people who think we should picket the living. -- Uri - More morals in great beyond than `on Earth' with `more desires'?
It is all just a big scheme to get people to think they are alive still. -- Kerry - More indication of continuity but here the `take' of the dead is that being dead is less real - that death perceptions aren't up to alive perceptions - that it, death, is a FAKE alive.
Random voices of the dead. How novel! -- Lee - Comprehension with humor of communicating. Mocking being able to only produce single EVP's of different people - the very concept of Franks Box.
When you die, all your tattoos go away. -- Phyllis - Temporal skin?
You know I was dead before I was alive. -- Steven - Reincarnation? Death is more alive than life?
Where are all the clouds and harp music? -- Jack - More continuity of real phenomena forms than fantasies of heaven?
Being dead is like having a headache and a toothache that just won't go away. -- Rufus - Hell? Karma?
You think you got problems, now wait until you get over here! -- Roy - Karma? Hell?
Try as I might I still can't walk thorugh walls. -- Rachel - Time-cone location with some density?
Most of you think this is a joke. It is not. -- Rick - The above is true - all of it?

I got so many things coming at me at once. -- Dave - `Time Speed' may vary for the dead?
I feel disconnected from the world. -- Pete - Continuity without immersion; prior to a final `going onward'?
I got friends in hell I never had in life. -- Dale - Karma groupings?
Who are you to presume I give a damn about the living. -- Carlos - Can we assume that most who are dead for some length of time could care less about the living?
You can kill a ghost. -- Ginger - Indications that death may not be the final location for ones space?
The worse thing is when dead people think they know everything. -- James - Might their still be priests and philosophers in the dead phenomena zone?
You really don't meet that many interesting dead people. -- Lance - If interesting is something out of ones normal zone of comfort - could Karma grouping eventually be boring?
Things just don't taste the same when your dead. -- Alan - Is this why other contacts with the dead say that eating is only a thing one does in the early part of being dead and that eventually eating is not done?
I wish I still had my dog. -- Gloria - Few pets in heaven?
The only pole dancers I know all are in heaven. -- Debbie - Giving pleasure is rewarded?
Contact Jim Mckinley please tell him I met his dad. -- Les - Degrees of separation matters?
All the men here are really dead. -- Christine - Does maleness have some inferior space?
I'm' going to the bull fights tomorrow. Whoopee. -- Reggie - Karma grouping?
I saw a Ufo Today. It was ghostly. -- Justin - Humor? Truth?
I wish I knew where they keep the drugs around here. -- Klaus - Escaping from the phenomena of death will be a desire?
I miss masturbation. -- Davy - No drugs, masturbation - could pleasure activities not be in the phenomena area of humans still in contact with the time-cone?
I was an organ doner so parts of me still are not here yet. -- Kerry - Food for thought.
They buried me in a hole that fills up with raw sewerage every time it rains. Tell them to move my coffin. -- Shannon - Worrisome.
I still shop for shoes. I just can't try them on. -- Sadie - The completion of pleasure actions - forbidden?
If Johnny Depp was here this would be hell! -- Cory - Too goody two shoes for some?
IT'S 11:14 AND I'M GOING TO BED!!!! -- Lisa - Will the escape from death's phenomena be sleep?

You can read at least 70 more statements at the link that will provoke your mind. Feel free to comment.

Digging Deeper:
EVP Listener evp listener.

Mel-8704 EMF Meter & Digital EVP Voice Recorder For Ghost Hunting
RT-EVP Digital Voice Recorder And Spirit Box Combo Device

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mirror Images: Magic in Reflectivity

Have you always thought that `something was up' - in a weird way - with mirrors? Well, you might have been onto something - here - writer, blogger, Micah Hanks brings home the Barf Stew idea he covered in his book -

Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule: The Search for Sentient Intelligence from Other Worlds - this is the posters book?

Meanwhile, how long has it been since you thought of the Drake Equation? - The Drake Equation is obsolete - - lots to Stew about here.
Digging Deeper:
Seti: Dyson Sphere, Extraterrestrial Life, Fermi Paradox, Carl Sagan, Drake Equation, Extrasolar Planet, Lincos, Copernican Principle

And, speaking of cosmic things - Kosmic Alignment A Principle of Global Unity - - another stewable link that includes words like this: This means that the substance of the world is idea, which forms, reforms, and transforms itself

via the conversations of humankind, synergetically organizing itself as an evolutionary, multidimensional network. Thus seen, our most immediate, fundamental, and significant environment is not the biosphere or physiosphere but the “ideosphere”—the invisible but intelligible, metaphysical sphere of ideas and ideation that is the material substance of the evolutionary network of conversations that constitutes the world. It is inside this ideosphere that we engage in the creation of our world.
Cosmic Alignment: With the Cosmic Mind and the Cosmic Pattern

The 1905 `Wild Man' - Barf Stew all over this one. Interesting read from yesteryear.

Meanwhile in other BARF news - We Arrest Pot Smokers, But Fund and Protect Opium Growers (PHOTOS) - - our policies and troops in action. Barf Stew Does Politics.

Over at the new blog I am doing with others called The C Influence - in just a few days we have already ONE fan who isn't associated with the site - so, I hit the person's icon and found their blog -- holy cow - STEWABLE - - blog header says this - All my life I've had the feeling I was born in the wrong place and the wrong time. Strongly drawn to pre-Celtic Ireland for my entire life, a series of coincidences has led me down a strange path...

Do you like close up views of Sexy Women in short shorts? I probably wouldn't open this at work - but - as you know, Barf Stew Entertains without nudity -

Finally, Barf Stew brings you strange YouTube vids - like this one.

The Well-Filled Microwave Cookbook (Well-Filled Series , No 2)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere

Yep; a NASA link to begin your day today - oh, notice on these graphs that are presented in this Barf Stew link that the `highs' keep getting less and the `lows' seem to get deeper. As the link says:"Something is going on that we do not understand," - - makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing that NASA is stumped, right?
Deeper in the Stew:
The Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: A Review of Experiment and Theory (Geophysical Monograph)

And, speaking of collapse - Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’ - - Stewed. BS does Politics.

And if that collapses - if TSHTF - What is Money When the System Collapses? - -- From the link: - In disaster situations, the value of money as we know it now changes, especially if we are dealing with a hyperinflationary collapse of the system’s core currency. This article discusses money as a commodity in an event where the traditional currency (US Dollar) is no longer valuable.

In a collapse of the system, there will be multiple phases, with the first phase being the “crunch”, as discussed in James Rawles‘ book Patriots. The crunch is the period of time directly preceding a collapse and the collapse itself.

Traditional Currency
Initially, the traditional currency system will maintain some value, though it may be rapidly depreciating in buying power. For those with physical, non-precious metal denominated currency on hand (paper dollars, non-silver coins), spending it as rapidly as possible is the best approach.
It is during the crunch that ATM machines around the country will run out of currency as people aware of the rapidly devaluing dollar will be attempting to withdraw as much money as possible. This immediate increase in money supply, coupled with the population’s general knowledge of the currency depreciation in progress, will lead to instant price increases for goods, especially essential goods.
If your physical cash has not been converted into tangible assets, this would be the time to do so. Acquiring as much food, fuel, clothing and toiletry items as possible would be the ideal way to spend remaining cash before it completely collapses to zero, as it did in the Weimar inflation in 1930’s Germany, or Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation in recent years.Barf 00RR Stew?

The Volatility Machine: Emerging Economics and the Threat of Financial Collapse this book covers financial collapse too.

Now, the link above is about Hyperinflation - so is this one - Hyperinflationary Depression - No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon -   -  Let us not forget that the US Treasury man (Paulson) - said during the breakdown in Sept. 2008 that `there may not be money in the ATM's on Monday' (in an effort to promote the bank bailout). Again, Barf or Stew?

BTW, that portable solar system I have on the sidebar might be real important too if TSHTF.

Stewable BS science link - from Bruceleeeowe - Short Article: Top Five Mythical Hypothesis about Alien Life - interesting comments too.

Top BS paranormal link today - from Lon - and the one we are discussing over at The C Influence too - -- here for more discussion of this -

And, bringing that A influence and C influence together - is this - - called - Wife Swap’s Bigfoot Family: July 30th -- Barf Stew for sure.

Meanwhile, in breaking political BS news - Audit: US cannot account for $8.7B in Iraqi funds - Oh, it gets much worse - check out this from the link:BAGHDAD – A U.S. audit has found that the Pentagon cannot account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraq reconstruction money, spotlighting Iraqi complaints that there is little to show for the massive funds pumped into their cash-strapped, war-ravaged nation. 19 of every 20 dollars filling the pockets of the power structure - makes you feel all fuzzy inside, right?

Does the BS above make you hot? Not as hot as this sexy picture -

Finally, I ran across this online yesterday about a dog being bothered by `a ghost' - what you you think is up with this BS film?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Turning Sci-Fi into Reality: Light Knots

Bruceleeeowe continues his excellence in bringing BS readers the very best in speculative physics at his blog Weird Sciences - this is no exception - Stewable.

Oh, BTW, Bruceleeeowe has agreed to participate in a new website that has been set up by bloggers of the anomalous - with the sole purpose of `commenting' on speculations about the unknown. The website will be in full swing soon and I will keep BS readers updated.

Also, this new websites graphics look has been put together by the one and only Bruce Duensing - and has his untouchable `weirdness' look he is able to bring to all of us. You can check out the look here and the first post .

Continuing BS's focus on science today - What the Higgs 'harmonic signatures' may sound like - listen to these 58 seconds - it's almost spooky. Short read too. Stewable.
A Toy For Your Science Oriented Friends: Click Image Below:
Higgs Boson - Subatomic Particle Plush Toy Even the Higgs Boson Plush Toy Looks Spooky

And, continuing the `Spooky' theme - what happened to this over the top research about the `mini box' that provides audible `answers' from somewhere, somehow - "Mini Box" Available for Paranormal Investigators - (buy the system here - the story here ) - Stewable with Barf Warning.
EVP Listener: Click Image.
EVP Listener - this is the version that is - oh - about 100 times cheaper.

And, speaking of unconfirmable Spooky and Stewworthy information - Secret gold swap has spooked the market - From the link: It takes a lot to spook the solid old gold market. But when it emerged last week that one or more banks had lent 380 tonnes of gold to the Bank of International Settlements in return for foreign currencies, there was widespread surprise and confusion Spreading the Barf that the MSM covers once and buries.

And, this should give you the BS spooky shivers - Science of Evil: Depravity Scale Ranks Crimes - From the link: - Examples include: Bombing a crowded building in the middle of the work day in order to cause the greatest number of casualties; wanting to watch a victim die; victimizing the disabled; massacring obviously harmless villagers during wartime; and being able to carry out regular activities as if nothing happened after a crime. -
Oh, BTW, there is a a link at this link that will let you participate in the Evil Depravity poll. Stewable.

If you have never seen the website 5 second films - here you go - Barf Stew Entertains.

Here's more Barf Stew entertainment - 11 beautiful Romanian Girls -

How about another look at Girls Jumping On Trampolines? Barf Stew is your headquarters for GJOT.

Thanks for your visit today - the sidebar awaits.

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