Meanwhile, how long has it been since you thought of the Drake Equation? - The Drake Equation is obsolete - - lots to Stew about here.
Digging Deeper:
Seti: Dyson Sphere, Extraterrestrial Life, Fermi Paradox, Carl Sagan, Drake Equation, Extrasolar Planet, Lincos, Copernican Principle
And, speaking of cosmic things - Kosmic Alignment A Principle of Global Unity - - another stewable link that includes words like this: This means that the substance of the world is idea, which forms, reforms, and transforms itself
via the conversations of humankind, synergetically organizing itself as an evolutionary, multidimensional network. Thus seen, our most immediate, fundamental, and significant environment is not the biosphere or physiosphere but the “ideosphere”—the invisible but intelligible, metaphysical sphere of ideas and ideation that is the material substance of the evolutionary network of conversations that constitutes the world. It is inside this ideosphere that we engage in the creation of our world.
The 1905 `Wild Man' - Barf Stew all over this one. Interesting read from yesteryear.
Meanwhile in other BARF news - We Arrest Pot Smokers, But Fund and Protect Opium Growers (PHOTOS) - - our policies and troops in action. Barf Stew Does Politics.
Over at the new blog I am doing with others called The C Influence - in just a few days we have already ONE fan who isn't associated with the site - so, I hit the person's icon and found their blog -- holy cow - STEWABLE - - blog header says this - All my life I've had the feeling I was born in the wrong place and the wrong time. Strongly drawn to pre-Celtic Ireland for my entire life, a series of coincidences has led me down a strange path...
Do you like close up views of Sexy Women in short shorts? I probably wouldn't open this at work - but - as you know, Barf Stew Entertains without nudity -
Finally, Barf Stew brings you strange YouTube vids - like this one.
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