Deeper in the Stew:
The Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: A Review of Experiment and Theory (Geophysical Monograph)
And, speaking of collapse - Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’ - - Stewed. BS does Politics.
And if that collapses - if TSHTF - What is Money When the System Collapses? - -- From the link: - In disaster situations, the value of money as we know it now changes, especially if we are dealing with a hyperinflationary collapse of the system’s core currency. This article discusses money as a commodity in an event where the traditional currency (US Dollar) is no longer valuable.
In a collapse of the system, there will be multiple phases, with the first phase being the “crunch”, as discussed in James Rawles‘ book Patriots. The crunch is the period of time directly preceding a collapse and the collapse itself.
Traditional Currency
Initially, the traditional currency system will maintain some value, though it may be rapidly depreciating in buying power. For those with physical, non-precious metal denominated currency on hand (paper dollars, non-silver coins), spending it as rapidly as possible is the best approach.
It is during the crunch that ATM machines around the country will run out of currency as people aware of the rapidly devaluing dollar will be attempting to withdraw as much money as possible. This immediate increase in money supply, coupled with the population’s general knowledge of the currency depreciation in progress, will lead to instant price increases for goods, especially essential goods.
If your physical cash has not been converted into tangible assets, this would be the time to do so. Acquiring as much food, fuel, clothing and toiletry items as possible would be the ideal way to spend remaining cash before it completely collapses to zero, as it did in the Weimar inflation in 1930’s Germany, or Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation in recent years.Barf 00RR Stew?
Now, the link above is about Hyperinflation - so is this one - Hyperinflationary Depression - No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon - - Let us not forget that the US Treasury man (Paulson) - said during the breakdown in Sept. 2008 that `there may not be money in the ATM's on Monday' (in an effort to promote the bank bailout). Again, Barf or Stew?
BTW, that portable solar system I have on the sidebar might be real important too if TSHTF.
Stewable BS science link - from Bruceleeeowe - Short Article: Top Five Mythical Hypothesis about Alien Life - interesting comments too.
Top BS paranormal link today - from Lon - and the one we are discussing over at The C Influence too - -- here for more discussion of this -
And, bringing that A influence and C influence together - is this - - called - Wife Swap’s Bigfoot Family: July 30th -- Barf Stew for sure.
Meanwhile, in breaking political BS news - Audit: US cannot account for $8.7B in Iraqi funds - Oh, it gets much worse - check out this from the link:BAGHDAD – A U.S. audit has found that the Pentagon cannot account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraq reconstruction money, spotlighting Iraqi complaints that there is little to show for the massive funds pumped into their cash-strapped, war-ravaged nation. 19 of every 20 dollars filling the pockets of the power structure - makes you feel all fuzzy inside, right?
Does the BS above make you hot? Not as hot as this sexy picture -
Finally, I ran across this online yesterday about a dog being bothered by `a ghost' - what you you think is up with this BS film?
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