Hello, welcome to Barf Stew - a new blog that is a mix of all kinds of steamy subjects - that I offer my stewed opinion about. And, in that regard, yesterday I found on the blogroll of http://aliencasebookfringe.blogspot.com/ (my UFO blog is on that roll) a hour old post of Joe Capp titled `The Politics Of Aliens'. Now, since I run the UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) blog and often speculate or offer my opinions on a variety of UFO `political' issues (as disclosure of alien life or UFO's is indeed political - and I covered it Oct. 4th on my politics blog http://realheavypolitics.blogspot.com/2009/10/real-heavy-politics-of-american-ufo.html with a different take than Joe) - Joe's article caught my eye and click (http://ufomedia.blogspot.com/2010/01/politics-of-aliens.html) - it is worth the read and has a number of intriguing ideas and speculations on which I'd like to comment.
First off, this is NOT a post that will rip Joe in any way - as I said, his is a thought provoking article IMO. Anyway, it's all a matter of opinions, barf stew really - for both of us. That said, Joe, like myself, has seen a `solid' UFO at close range and indeed it has affected both of us. As anyone who has seen these crafts close up - one knows the realness at some level (that said, I have no idea who was driving this craft in the sky or if no one was in the craft). Joe also is a member of MUFON and I am not - just to disclose that information. Joe is also a big believer and supporter of witnesses to UFO's - and while I do too - my real basis for thinking about most anomalous events is based on phenomenology - of which perception enters into `the description'.
Now, all that said, ---- and it matters only somewhat - as Joe's ideas are SO big - as are his questions - about what human reality would be like after/if aliens became part of our daily life. So, without further ado - here's my take on his post.
Joe's first opinion - one on disclosure - is that the government hides the alien presence because it would be a form of `relinquishing power'. Interestingly, just two days ago in the comments of UDCC - this was the first point raised by one of my readers, and, in my response, I agreed that `giving up power' was not in the power structures interest. Joe, however, is going to expound on this idea greatly - as he is talking about relinquishing power in more ways than one.
That said, I really don't think this is the pervasive reason for the hiding of alien information and is only a part of the real concern of governments in power (if the whole alien issue is in any way a security issue, as the reported alien involvement at nuke facilities would suggest, then the security issue is obviously number one) - as I think the politicians in power at a nation level - are so full of themselves - to not even see a big danger to their power. Especially from the common folk. So, as far as `standing out' as a reason - I'd have to slightly disagree.
Joe then next makes the point that he is NOT talking about ET's taking over (agreed, as IMO, if they wanted this planet and they are Superior in technology - then - most likely that would have happened a long time ago if they wished to govern us sheeple) the planet. But then again, it is also possible that even with advanced technology, that they simply don't have enough `manpower' or resources to control a planets human population or military's.
Joe then speculates in his post that aliens would be Superior in many ways - such as politically, ethically, and culturally, - and that humans would mentally compare `our human system' to the alien beliefs and actions - all ideas that are plausible. ---- However, here's my take (or barf stew) on `how much' INFLUENCE aliens would have on human conditions: in my view, it is totally dependent on HOW MUCH interacting the aliens would do.
A government, like ours, that simply said there were aliens who have visited and may be visiting Earth - while DENYING direct government contact at any political or super government world level - would NOT - IMO - be subject to any significant damage to the worlds main interactions between people or countries - or to their own power structures. Indeed, (and perhaps unrelated) it's my conjecture that `the physical number count' of `aliens' in their observation of Earth in crafts/vehicles - is most likely a limited number.
Especially when one considers that the most likely `explorers' of the physical universe, if the light-cone is not transverable, - are conscious/intelligent machines - as compared to `beings'.
IMO, even if 1,000 `advanced' beings - even if it were just ONE extraterrestrial species - landed and interacted with the humans of all levels on the planet (or went into the mind of) - it would be pretty hard to change our overall `humanness or beliefs'. And, I, again just an opinion - find it hard to believe that 1000's of physical real aliens are in our skies. To me, Hundreds to Zero aliens in our skies - as a number count - makes the most sense.
All that said, if an aspect of `aliens' involves `multi-dimensionalism' (transversing outside of the time-cone - ie:coming thru portals) --- and IF `those type of aliens' were suddenly coming to Earth - in some real time fashion and coming as `advanced beings' --- yes, I'm literally thinking of some CNN type of `materialization' for interviews and such - THEN, I think that Joe is indeed correct about the possible influence of aliens on our culture.
So, ultimately, it may depend on `what type' of `alien' - hyper-dimensional or `regular' `tool around the galaxy craft type of aliens' - that matters.
If aliens, who wanted to interact with humans for control at the world news level are multi-dimensional; they will be viewed as nearly gods and could have significant influence. But, `simple phenomenological aliens' would need to have huge numbers to have a similar influence. I truly don't believe that if we suddenly on Earth `captured' an alien - or if one landed for a limited time to interact and answer the peoples questions - that it would be anything more than a one month media event and perhaps as short as a couple weeks (as I blogged about here before about purposeful alien disclosure by sitting crafts over major cities http://theheavystuff.com/?p=68)
"the media, by the second day - would be mixing in `how life goes on’. The media would be interviewing truckers and asking them why they are working still (and others like cops or nurses) - and the answer would be that `life goes on’.
THIS `Life Goes On’ - would nearly become a mantra within 72 hours.
Sure, some humans would immediately go into their church’s the first day or days. But, few would remain there - as the bonding outside the church would probably be as meaningful. The bonding as earthlings, as humans, living their life — would move into the forefront.
It would be an emotional bomb for perhaps two weeks - max. Most, if not nearly all folks would return to `their work’ - most without missing a day even. The adrenaline would be nearly out of our systems.
Normal, negative emotions would return. The government, would still `have enemies’ and would still need conventional weapons (and more). Hunger in the world will still go on with no new determination to help our fellow man or overcome the human politics. A new nobility will not be the new norm for world politics.
And, slowly, it would creep into all of our consciousnesses - nothing has really changed.
Now, granted, aliens walking around the planet and interacting is different than sitting in the skies to prove a point. But, again, I would maintain that fear of losing their grip on power is not the reason for hiding the presence of aliens from the worlds populous. And, I think the fear of the end of capitalism, (Joe's thoughts on the best system as of now, despite seemingly heading for disaster with overpopulation and diminishing resources), - is also NOT a reason that governments hide the truth.
Next, Joe gets into various `attributes' and characteristics that aliens might have and that those characteristics might have some appeal to humans - `hivelike' minds being one. And Joe may have been pulling our collective legs to say that humans in power may emulate ET's by being militarylike and squashing individual rights - but - to me - that is already the case. (I also don't believe `ethics' had anything to do with leaving the alien dead bodies at Roswell - as I think Joe was just pushing the envelope on that one.)
Then Mr. Capp hits an inside the park homer on his talk about the appearance of possible ET's and what if they were like the "beautiful; similar to the Nordics, as so often reported." and "How would we react to a species that could literally design it's member including their IQs.? Wouldn't some in our species want a child which has a great IQ and looks beautiful? ......."Suppose they had Robots or specially designed bioengineered helpers to do the hard work, and this left the majority of the population of the species to peruse art and science with their highly intelligent modified brains. What would happen if this was offered to the public, including a way to increase everyone's IQ?"..."If appearance could be modified into beauty only dreamt of, wouldn't there be a line of humans around the world waiting to be changed?"...."Let's take a look at the psychological makeup of these possible aliens. Would their emotional makeup be modified to feel a certain way, like say… good? Wouldn't a species, if they could, modify any negative feelings that may interfere with their pursuits… a type of technological happy pill? How many people would jump on that band wagon?"
Ok, I'll admit it -- Joe is right and all of my above opinions are probably nothing more than Barf Stew. IF indeed, the aliens are ONLY Nordic type, all thoughtful, all powerful (mind reading etc) - than appearance may overrule or undermine our government authorities. The illusion of `goodness/beauty/wisdom' is very strong to the human form. 1000 of these type beings could indeed challenge the world belief system.
I don't think that is the case however if they are 3.5 feet tall, or, look like a reptile.
Joe, then ends with his best point about this hypothetical alien "A world of one species united will challenge earth's nationalism in the public's eyes, especially when placed in contrast to another intelligent species success story. To which I will offer this final opinion on Joe's thought provoking post - Indeed, if a Godlike race of other worldly beings - with all the attributes mankind desires - including beauty, intelligence and emotional balance comes to Earth and announces itself - it would change the worldview and is reason the government may be hiding the ET presence.
But, if the human observations are even remotely correct - by all the tens of thousands of observers of anomalous events (like Joe and I) - then we would seem to know that the crafts and entities come in all shapes and sizes and descriptions. And, that the whole phenomena of high strangeness, and, UFO's and entities, has boundaries well beyond any concerted effort by a single ONE species trying to `raise up' humankind to another higher level.
No, to me, IMO, it's much more likely that the governments don't say more about the `Fortean Phenomena' because it is a HUGE array of `types of spaces' only one of which includes `E.T.'s' that are here for the betterment of mankind.
Indeed, even at the physical level of `beings and crafts' - it is more likely IMO that multiple species are following us and our development than one species. It is also, IMO, more likely that we are studied `in a scientific `hands-off' manner' than by alien anthropologists wishing to interact with us and convert us. (I am NOT talking about multi-dimensional beings here - they indeed - on a subjective level of space - may indeed wish to evolve humankind. In other posts on my blog The Heavy Stuff I've speculated about `types' of entities.)
Finally, Joe takes one parting shot at all of our minds by challenging our thoughts with `what if the aliens were atheist'? (And how that would affect official religion.) ---- To which I'd add these `what if' questions --- what if the E.T's said ONE particular religion was `right' -- or that there were TWO or MORE Gods?
I thank Joe for stimulating thoughts about the possible culture of aliens.
Please make sure to read Joe's full post http://ufomedia.blogspot.com/2010/01/politics-of-aliens.html
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