here's previous coverage on BS - - indeed if you look at the link closely you can see the INCREASING number of banks EACH TIME. All part of the new normal (which the MSM says you should be elated with) of the `jobless recovery' (for whom, and by what definition are recoveries jobless?). Barf Stew of the first order folks. 55 banks missed the payment a year ago - 123 this time around ---------------- makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, Right?
BS says you need some distraction after the inherent Barf of the first BS link today - so - how about the BS cuties: such as this GIF worth letting go a few times - or the close-up of this honey - Barf Stew Entertains.
Finally today - A link from NPR about what the NY Times did in 1931 - that being, asking what it will be like in 2011 -- cool read and very Stewable - Predictions For 2011 — From 1931 - -- BUT, what really grabbed BS's tush was this comment from below the link: (in response to the website asking readers what they thought it would be like in 2091)
James Eldridge (JamesAt17) wrote:
2091 will be quite without the hum of machinery or airplanes flying overhead. No sound of cars or people talking or someone's radio playing off in the distance. The sound of the children in the playground from the elementary school on the next block is not heard. No longer is there the sound of the newscaster from a TV turned up to loud telling those few left to hear a message that there will be no emergency services for those sickened by the last Chemtrail spraying that occurred in the early months of the year 2011.
There are no birds singing from the top of the telephone poles. The last birds to survive the deadly spraying where seagulls that fed wonderfully from the many dead of beast and human. The hundreds of deep underground military bases built from the trillions stolen from the people never had a chance to receive those who were believing themselves to be superior over those that were to be affected from the spraying.
You see. A mistake happened, as is only human, and the last Chemtrail spraying of the deadly chemicals that were to activate those chemicals already in the system of six plus billion human beings and every creature that walked the earth and had breathed was sprayed prematurely. They were not perfect creatures as they boosted themselves to be. Someone either on purpose or by error switched the Order Forms Assignment to those chemicals that were to start the worldwide epidemics and those chemicals were sprayed worldwide before anyone could discover the mistake.
The rapidness of inhalation to hour of death was less then 48 hours and all those once infected were incapacitated and unable to assist themselves. Elite, rich, middle class and just down right dirt poor, all died by the morning of the third day. None survived. What would have been called the year 2091 is to planet Earth 70 years of rest and silence. A speck of eternity not even to be considered. Those who once infected her bountiful soil she will not forget for deep in the oceans she is brewing another creature and she does not forget those who once where. But just what will become of this new mixture she has no worry about. This time being wiser, she is going to take a few billion more years before she allows this one to get up and walk on two feet.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 10:39:27 PM
Are things that nefarious? Does the government see what they are causing by NOT revealing what the H is going on with the spraying? ---------------- Remember, IMO, the spraying has largely if not totally been about stopping global warming in its tracks ------ as it has largely done since 1998. Certainly most folks would NOT find it as nefarious if THAT was the stated reason - don't you the Barfster think?
Feel free to comment - what do you think the world will be like in 2091?
BS loves science - especially about Bee's -
Kids' Bumblebee Study Creates Buzz in Science Journal - - Stewable.
Or, are you here for the UFO stuff? Like a video shot from a Russian Fighter Jet of a UFO? -- Very Stewable.
And, finally, it's time for Barf Stew to wish you a Merry Christmas and to celebrate the unique birth by bringing BS's first video of a unique birth (22 million views):
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