Well, it is similar to Occam's Razor, but only applies to UFO videos --- and here is the BSC Test -- IF the UFO video is a daytime, over the top video like this one below (IE:too good to believe, generally flying right over the individual) - does it just `cut off' (instead of following the craft) at some point? And, does the daylight UFO have `any confirmation' via a second video source (as in this day and age - a real UFO wouldn't get far in daylight to attract OTHER videos from OTHER people).
So far in history - no is the answer as far as confirming videos of close-up craft of unknown origin.
And, sorry, this video does NOT meet the Cleaver test of common sense - as it simply suddenly moves into the video frame, (isn't it interesting that the person is filming something that resembles a UFO?) - and ENDS with NO conclusion (UFO in video does not do anything that would indicate an end to the video such as `taking off' or even `vanishing') to the UFO action. (Leaving the viewer going, why does it cut off here?)
BS is also calling it the Cleaver test not only because a meat cleaver is sharp, (like a razor) but, as a basis for whether Ward Cleaver would find the whole thing believable. (Clever wouldn't you say?)
Anyway, at here Barf Stew -- Barfsters, as you know, make up their own mind - so have at it. Is this the Best UFO Video of 2010 --- or --- chopped liver?
video hattip - http://www.anomalist.com/
Oh, here's a Cleaver Family link for extra laughs - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050032/quotes priceless stuff - go ahead, have a chuckle on Barf Stew. Barf Stew Entertains.
Barf Stew has been all over the TSA recently - here's yet another choice incident - Blond in Lingerie and Wheelchair Gets Extensive TSA Pat Down in Oklahoma - http://news.travel.aol.com/2010/12/02/blond-in-lingerie-and-wheelchair-gets-extensive-tsa-pat-down-in/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-w%7Cdl4%7Csec1_lnk3%7C187762 - yes, BS has the video too:
Paranormal, check. Politics, check. How about BS's sexy side beyond the Sexy Politics you just saw? Check. Such as the big ones on this young lass - http://i.imgur.com/Dk5AE.jpg or this hot blonde - http://i.imgur.com/zrf8U.jpg - Barf Stew Entertains.
And, Barf Stew loves research that upsets the applecart - such as this study - Researchers Up on Chocolate Milk, Down On Energy Drinks - the research includes this line:
Most important, she said, is for athletes to realize that milk — whether plain or sweetened — is as good and often better than many of the significantly more expensive products sold at nutrition stores. Many of the products marketed to athletes for energy and endurance are just souped-up versions of old-fashioned milk. Despite the many claims of supplements, it's hard to beat all-natural.
Stewable - http://articles.courant.com/2010-10-11/news/hc-energy-drinks-athletes-1011-20101010_1_chocolate-milk-muscle-milk
Finally, a bit more UFOwise -- first a new site I've come across from a guy in England I think -
http://aliendescendant.blogspot.com/ and finally a link to a very cool UFO video shot from an airplane - is it a UFO or is it a Chemtrail plane? - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2010/11/horseshoe-ufo-filmed-from-plane.html
Thanks for visiting Barf Stew Today - since it is the weekend - stay a bit longer and have a look around - or - bookmark http://barfstew.blogspot.com/ and return each weekend for more Entertainment Barf Stew Style.
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