Indeed, and while in college --- well, the pic speaks for itself:

And, sexy Sunday - (good label to search on this site) continues with Whole Lotta Woman .... and,..... an all-time favorite of many - Beer Drinkin Babes...... and finally for this set - Happy Mothers Day.
Oh, have you heard the latest BS? The worthless politicians want to take away Overtime and replace it with `whenever your boss wants to give you comp time'...... sounds peachy.
You want Real Heavy Politics?
Oh, did you say REAL HEAVY POLITICS like the impossible to detect 3-D Guns that are PRINTABLE and readily available already (you see now they are being banned). Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside I know.
Rock Beathing or life before oxygen. The BS.
Want more edgy yet political stuff? -- As you know, the USA is nearing parity in it's energy production - energy usage (in a sense) and now the new emerging issue is http://www.cnbc.com/id/100696261 - should we sell our Oil Reserve to fix the budget deficit?
Sexy Sunday continues - Public Pool Babes ..... Gorgeous ...... Skinny Legs And All.... the archive of The BS is full of this stuff - dig in for another serving anytime. wooopppsss, guess it is already monday.
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