How about a GREAT `intellectual' BS follow-up to the above - you know - telling you what people REALLY like? Seems that God Discussion (yes, I've been a guest on the show) has put together several bits of info as if they are correlated. (But, of course they aren't.) You see, you take one `survey' by Gallop that asks about how Religious you are --- then combine that `survey' with some analysis done by Newsfixnow of a PORNHUB study of it's own Pageviews. The 2012 Gallop study and the PORNHUB study both looked at their own data by `Metro Area' - the Gallop study had 300 in each market to make their statement about a metro areas religious percentage - and I assume the Pornhub data from late 2012- to April 2013 is from their own Google Analytics. (It is totally unsourced.)
God Discussion Hat-Tip
Ultimately, all of this is claimed to lead to statements like - the religious like Teen Porn and such. Despite nothing in the data being correlated at all.

Entertained yet?
Prom 1979 - Barry O.

The BS - Gives It To You.
Speaking of BS - did you hear the one the MSM was telling this week about TEENS not liking Facebook? ..... Yeah, THAT Facebook - the site that has a 94% Penetration With American Teens. What BS the MSM peddles.
And, what's the hottest thing in those `religious' states? (The BS) well it has to be the Build Your Own AK-47 Party - Legal And Untraceable ..... psssttt.. and I hear these folks have the downloads for the 3-D Guns that can be printed....... (MotherJones to be thanked for the above story.) Oh, more demographics at this story about AK-47 owners.
The BS..... on so many levels.
Tis The Season:

BTW, the guy who took the picture above said this was his first tornado chase. Is this the new background image for your PC?
Sunday Entertainment...... The BS
More BS news? USA Government Raids Bitcoin Exchange - one day before their 5th convention and the introduction of their `reverse' ATM machine. ..... 58% Want `Someone Caught Smoking Marijuana' To Be Punished In Some Manner ... especially when the questioned asked are totally slanted..... and.... as `Legalization Spreads' ... it's being found that the medical pot is Not Safe - Due To Pesticides!........

The BS - Entertained yet?
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IF you think The BS is good today - you should see the ARCHIVE! (Found in the sidebar.)
But, you are here to see that kind of Sexy Stuff, Right?
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