We welcome you into this communication with us. We correspond with you in this way , yet we would say that there are many other interactive measures that we are taking with many in order to resume connections with those upon your planet. Your planet ... that not so long ago ... not as long as those of you upon it imagine at least ... was a thriving community of pleasure and abundant LOVE. Collect your thoughts for a moment and take yourselves back to a place where your rivers were pure crystal water , where your oceans were gleaming with life, ......We would like to express to you our thanks. We would care to add that we continue to evaluate all that is being done by you on your planet and the difference it is making even though you may not realise it in its fullness. But you are doing what you came to do. You are BEING who you are ... simply by breathing. And with each intake and outtake of that breath ... you are opening yourselves up to the New World ... to the New Way of Being ... for with each breath you are a step closer to what is to come.
We KNOW Blossom of your heart's feeling to greet us in your skies. It sometimes feels to you like an ongoing fairy story does it not?.....And yet we have never gone away and yes we understand what you are FEELING. That is why so much excitement builds as we draw ever closer to are reunion. It would be pointless would it not for us to be so close to you and then simply disappear? We are with you for a purpose. As we have said before , as we have promised, we will fulfil our mission and our mission is to bring you into the NEW WORLD . Once the connection is renewed with those upon your earth, once we reconnect and allow friendships to be rekindled, then shall we always be in your sights. These are times that we have all been waiting for.
And, not only that - much more at this link - http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/blossom23-07-10.html -- Seconds of this Barf Stew anyone?
More Barf Stew Written By Ms. Goodchild
Walking In The Light And The Love: The Wisdom Of White Cloud
The Spirit of White Cloud Book 2
Now, here's a stewworthy link that gotten very little exposer - Clean Magnesium Energy Cycle Hints at Fossil Fuel Freedom - http://inventorspot.com/articles/japan_magnesium_energy_cycle_5887
Oh, I found this cool site about ghosts - here's an example of the posts - this one about `calls from the dead' - http://beyonddeathsdoor.blogspot.com/2008/06/phone-calls-from-ghostly-realms.html Barf or Stew?
Now, the above link was from the blog - Beyond Deaths Door - BUT, this link covers nearly the same stuff and it's from Scientific American - http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=ghost-stories-visits-from-the-deceased - and how's this quote from this article: One study, by the researcher Agneta Grimby at the University of Goteborg, found that over 80 percent of elderly people experience hallucinations associated with their dead partner one month after bereavement, as if their perception had yet to catch up with the knowledge of their beloved’s passing. As a marker of how vivid such visions can seem, almost a third of the people reported that they spoke in response to their experiences. In other words, these weren’t just peripheral illusions: they could evoke the very essence of the deceased.
Super Sexy Picture - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rWs7PrG59ok/TBYsogZSJeI/AAAAAAAAAUo/mDUCnON3ByY/s1600/big-chested-bikini-cameltoe-girl.jpg - Barf Stew Entertains.
Double dose of Sexy for the weekend - http://images04.mundoanuncio.com/ui/2/26/65/l-1155982165-07.jpg
Now, you are aware that Barf Stew has been covering Time Travel this week -- AND - speaking with Bruceleeeowe too - the blogger at Weird Sciences.Net ------- indeed, this is his post today - Stewable, of course - http://weirdsciences.net/2010/07/23/video-the-time-traveller-real-time-machine-and-true-story-of-philadelphia-experiment/ Oh, I expect to interview Bruce soon. So stay tuned.
And, here is a very stewable link if you like to look at human skylines - Top 15 Skylines of The World - http://www.diserio.com/top15-skylines.html
Meanwhile, one of the fundamental forces of the universe is under attack - gravity - read about the Stew right here - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/13/science/13gravity.html is it possible that gravity doesn't exist?
Breaking Barf news - Pentagon workers tied to child porn - http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2010/07/23/pentagon_workers_tied_to_child_porn/ makes you feel all warm and fuzzy right?
Ready for some real weirdness? Beyond Barf and Stew?
I have over 200 posts as good as this - start at the beginning - http://barfstew.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&max-results=21
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