Indeed, Bruceleeeowe scores again right here - Wormhole Engineering - and adds to the Stew.
Digging Deeper Into The Stew:
Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines
Lorentzian Wormholes: From Einstein to Hawking (AIP Series in Computational and Applied Mathematical Physics)
The Unknown Universe: The Origin of the Universe, Quantum Gravity, Wormholes, and Other Things Science Still Can't Explain
Sexy Picture Time - Barf Stew Entertains.
Being part of the Rhine Center mailing list has advantages - for example - here's a link to their FREE magazine - - Stewable - has articles such as Anthropology and the Ontological Status of the Paranormal by Jack Hunter and more.
I don't think Barf Stew has mentioned Witchcraft much - so let's change that - Wiccan & WitchCraft Information Blog -
Continuing to skirt around with links on the edges of reality - here is an interesting overview of the MIB phenomena - Stewable 4 minute read.
Meanwhile - in Barf Stew Politics - We're in a Recession Because the Rich Are Raking in an Absurd Portion of the Wealth - spreading the barf around that the MSM doesn't like to mention -'re_in_a_recession_because_the_rich_are_raking_in_an_absurd_portion_of_the_wealth/
Here's one of the best `illusion' videos - and, yes - I CAN reverse the girls motion - can you?
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